
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-09-30 06:16:01

Hey guys, this week I wanted to do things a little different and talk business! When I think of business in America, I think of people dressed up in a suits saying words and phrases I don’t understand. Maybe some people out there can relate to the same way I feel, and maybe there are some can not. If you do, then today we are going talk about some business Jargon.


Jargon words are special words or expressions that are used by a particular group that can be difficult for others to understand. I studied business and found it useful to me to learn these words, but I also realized that these words have become very popular in the way most regular Americans speak today.


1. “Ducks in a Row” 打理地井井有条

The meaning behind this expression, is to make sure that everything in your life is going as planned and is all in order. I don’t exactly know why and most people don’t really know either why they used ducks for this saying, but it has caught on ever since.



A) Hey Bob, it seems like you have got all your ducks in a row. You’ve got a job, a car, a house and all you need is a wife and kids.

A)Bob, 看起来你生活一切都很赞哦,你有体面的工作,有车有房。接下来就差结婚生子了。

B) Yeah Bill, it sure does seem like things are all lined up pretty well.

B)是的,Bill, 目前一切都看起来都比较圆满。

2. “Think outside the box” 跳出固有思维模式

This saying is a little bit older, and maybe not used that much anymore because

everyone wants to try to think outside the box these days. When I was in high school I even had a shirt that had a person trapped inside a box trying to make fun of this expression by saying, “I would think outside the box if they only let me out of it.” Now that I think about it, maybe that shirt had a deeper meaning that I could understand at that time. This phrase only suggests people to be more creative in business, but honestly you can use it in any profession.

这个表达有一点历史了,可能并不被经常使用因为如今人们都希望更创意性表达。 我读高中时,有一件衬衫,衬衫上面画着一个困在盒子里面的人,他说:如果先让我离开这个盒子,我肯定会“在盒子外思考”。我现在再想起这句话的时候,才明白它其实有更深的含义,只是当时的自己并不明白。这个表达本义是鼓励商业人士更有创造性一点,但其实现在我们可以把它用在任何领域。


A) Hey guys we need ideas for the Halloween party coming up this week.

A) 老铁们,咱们需要为下一周的万圣节筹集创意了。

B) How about a ghost poster, red juice for blood and jack-o-lanterns filling the whole entire room.

B)嗯……, 张贴魔鬼海报,把红色果汁弄成血的样子以及把整个房间用空心南瓜灯装饰起来怎样?

A) Everyone who has celebrated Halloween before will be expecting all those things to be there…come on! I need you guys to think out side the box!


3. “Take it to the next level” 再接再厉

This expression can be used in all different sorts of situations. This only means to make something better. Bring it to the next level up. You can use this for basketball, cooking, dancing, business, etc. Literally, you can use this in anything you are trying to make better, which is all things because we are always trying to get better in the things we do.



A) I love the food that you made for the president of the university, but I am going to need you to take it to the next level.

A) 我很喜欢你为校长做的食物,但是我需要你做得更好一点。

B) Why?


A) Because next week you will be making food for the president of the United States!

A) 因为下周你要给总统做吃的。



4. “Out of pocket” 赔钱的;白花钱的

The last one on the list is I think the best expression for explaining what it means. I don’t believe there is any expression better than this one and more commonly used by this one. Universities use this expression when students in America have to use their own money to pay the college loans. It basically means that you will have to take money “out of pocket” to pay for the expenses that are coming. If you use this phrase, your English communication will be taken to the next level!



A) Hello Sir, I am sorry to tell you that you have no more financial aid (loaned money for school) to help you pay for you school.

A) 对不起,同学。目前学校不能给你提供助学贷款。

B) So how else will I be able to pay?

B) 那还有其它我可以付款的方式吗?

A) I am afraid that you might have to pay out of pocket or ask family to help.

A) 你可能得自己承担这笔费用,或者找家里要钱

B) I guess I have to get a job now.

B) 那我还是先找一份工作

Hey guys, so those are some expressions to use. Practice them with friends and family. These are definitely phrases that you want to know. That’s all for now. Talk to you guys next time!

