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句子大全 2023-10-01 04:44:01

一、喜欢的人得不到,得到的不珍惜,在一起的怀疑,失去的怀念,怀念的想相见,相见的恨晚,终其一生,满是遗憾。每一个深陷感情的人,都有很多故事,但我们都要学会自我调节,勇敢面对。或许人都是这样,总是等到失去之后才懂得珍惜。Those who like can"t get it, get it without cherishing it, doubt together, miss lost, miss meeting, hate meeting late, all their lives, full of regret. Every person who is deeply in love has many stories, but we should learn to adjust ourselves and face them bravely. Perhaps people are like this, always wait until they lose before they know how to cherish. & lt; br/>

二、有些伤口,无论过多久,依然一碰就痛;有些人,不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼。如果你觉得现在的你很辛苦,不妨可以回头看看,你都已经在不知不觉中熬过了很多苦难,所以眼前的不算什么。Some wounds, no matter how long they last, still hurt at the first touch; some people, no matter how long they last, still hurt at the thought. If you think you"re working hard now, you might as well look back. You"ve all gone through a lot of hardships unconsciously, so the present is nothing.

三、是不是总一边惊觉时间太快,一边把日子过得漫不经心?人生没有如果,早知道相逢不易,当初就该倍加珍惜;早知青春易逝,当初就该拼尽全力。当你愿意行动起来,接下来的每一天都会造就一个更好的自己。Are you always frightened that time is too fast and careless? If there is no such thing in life, we should cherish it as early as we know it"s not easy to meet. If we know that youth is perishable, we should try our best at the beginning. When you are willing to act, every day that follows will make you a better person. & lt; br /& gt;

四、努力把日子填满,别让孤单把你包围,请善待珍惜自己,给自己一个坚强的理由,生活中没有什么过去不去的坎。没有经济上的独立,就缺少自尊;没有思考上的独立,就缺少自主;没有人格上的独立,就缺少自信。Try to fill the day, don"t let loneliness surround you, please be kind to cherish yourself, give yourself a strong reason, there is no obstacle in life that the past can not go. Without economic independence, there will be a lack of self-esteem; without thinking independence, there will be a lack of autonomy; without personality independence, there will be a lack of self-confidence.

五、 清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,大怒时睡觉,独处时思考;做一个幸福的人,读书,旅行,努力工作,关心身体和心情。有时,那些以为相伴永远的,却只是相伴不远。有时,那些以为可以走一阵子的,却只走了一辈子。Do things when you are awake, read when you are confused, sleep when you are angry, think when you are alone; be a happy person, read, travel, work hard, care about your body and mood. Sometimes, those who think that accompany forever, but only accompany not far away. Sometimes, those who think they can walk for a while, but only for a lifetime.

六、 后来我不再逢人就掏心窝,我开始计较起付出和回报是不是成正比,在意那个人值不值得,在很多人眼里我变得很成熟也很自私,好消息是我学会了爱自己,坏消息是我很难再去爱别人。Later, when I stopped caring for people, I began to wonder whether the pay was proportional to the return. I cared about whether that person was worth it. In many people"s eyes, I became mature and selfish. The good news was that I learned to love myself. The bad news was that it was hard for me to love others again. & lt; br/>

七、我喜欢跟你腻在一起的感觉,并不是在一起会一直有聊不完的话题,而是在一起,就算不说话也不会感到尴尬。你的美丽,像是寒冬里的满天星辰,光芒万丈,却凉意难抵。像是远山处的遍地野花,香飘万里,却遥不可及。关于喜欢你,我丢弃白天的阳光,和成长的小草,只为了养成习惯。我迫不及待,开始慌忙寻找,一边坚持一边老去。也许你在天上放光明,也许你在地上献香气,也许你早已为人妻。我会牢牢记住你,我的心系、我的知己。I like the feeling of being bored with you, not that there will always be endless topics together, but that together, even if I don"t speak, I won"t feel embarrassed. Your beauty is like the stars all over the sky in the cold winter, shining brightly, but cold. It"s like wild flowers all over the mountains, fragrant and flowing for thousands of miles, but out of reach. As for liking you, I abandon the sunshine of the day and the growing grass just to form a habit. I couldn"t wait and began to look for it in a hurry. I kept on growing old. Maybe you shine brightly in the sky, maybe you offer perfume on the earth, maybe you have already become a wife. I will remember you, my heart, my confidant.

八、爱情里,当两人都向外挑剔对方的不足,注意力都放在对方如何不对的时候,心中就只有怨气甚至是恨。每个人都在一段爱情的关系里教会对方如何来对待自己。你需要愉悦,也能正确表达需要,那么也许你就能得到愉悦。In love, when both of them criticize each other"s shortcomings and focus on how the other is wrong, there is only resentment or even hatred in their hearts. Everyone teaches each other how to treat themselves in a love relationship. You need pleasure, and you can express it correctly, so maybe you can get pleasure.

九、一个后悔,让人生多少的失落,成了一个人的斑斓,错过一个人的奇迹,是人生的偶然,也是时间差的断送。你现在的努力,辛苦,压力,承受的一切,都是为了攒够能力和本钱,去做自己更喜欢的事,去为自己争取选择的权利。A regret, let the loss of life, become a person"s gorgeous, miss a person"s miracle, is the accidental life, but also the ruin of time difference. All your efforts, hard work, pressure and endurance are aimed at saving enough ability and capital, doing what you like better, and striving for the right to choose for yourself.

十、那些离散的岁月,重回身边。那些暗淡的韶光,缠绕心田。曾经消亡的过去在麦田里被重新丰收。向着太阳愤怒拔节生长的怨恨,同样的茁壮生长。那些来路不明的仇恨,那些模糊不清的爱恋,全部苏醒在这个迟迟不肯到来却终于到来的夏日。Those discrete years, back to the side. Those dim shadows, winding the heart. The past that once died was reaped in the wheat fields. Growing resentment toward the sun, the same thrives. Those unknown hatred, those vague love, all wake up in this late but finally arrived summer.

十一、天光散尽,浮云沉默着往来,带来季风回归的讯息。而多年前是谁默默地亲吻着他的脸。那些风中被吹破的灯笼,泛黄的白纸糊不起黑暗中需要的光明。谁能借我一双锐利的眼睛,照亮前方黑暗而漫长的路。谁能借我翅膀,谁能带我翱翔。The sky is gone, clouds are silent, bringing the message of the return of the monsoon. And who kissed his face silently years ago? The blown lanterns in the wind, the yellowing white paper can not paste the light needed in the darkness. Who can lend me a pair of sharp eyes to illuminate the dark and long road ahead? Who can lend me wings, who can take me flying.

十二、从现在起,静心经营自己,珍惜每一分钟,每道黎明的曙光都化为理想的鞭策。从现在起,等一阵春风,我在冬日里种下的抑郁与苦痛,来年都满载着爱与希望回归。From now on, be quiet about yourself, cherish every minute, every dawn is turned into an ideal spur. From now on, waiting for a spring breeze, the depression and pain I planted in winter, the coming year will be full of love and hope to return.

十三、我会历经俗世的洗礼,苟活于红尘之地,任这具瘦弱的躯壳饱受沧桑,疲惫不堪,遍布疮痂。愿其心火不灭,终有一日它定能划破暗沉苍穹,驰骋于彼岸的大海上。大雁归宿的那颗星辰,洒下了斑驳星辉,破败的厄舍府土地上便生满了鲜花,那里就是我的家。我会在门口插上一束深蓝色蔷薇,指引所有孤独的灵魂。I will go through the baptism of the secular world, live in the bottom of the world, let this thin body suffer from vicissitudes of life, exhausted, all over the scab. May its heart never die, and one day it will be able to break through the dark sky and gallop across the sea on the other side. The star where the geese are going to live sprinkles mottled stars. Flowers grow on the dilapidated land of Asher House, which is my home. I will plant a bunch of dark blue roses in the doorway to guide all lonely souls.

十四、很多时候,你很努力的去做事,别人却是抱着怀疑的目光。这个世界上,没有完美的回声,只有你自己知道,尽力做事,尽心做人。不在意别人的说辞,只能让脚下的步子更稳重。Most of the time, you work hard, but others are suspicious. In this world, there is no perfect echo, only you know, do your best, and be a man with all your heart. Don"t care what others say, can only make the footsteps more stable.

十五、时间真的是这个世界上最好的跨度,让惨痛变得苍白,让执着的人选择离开,然后历经沧桑人来人往,你会明白,万般皆是命,半点不由人。不要过于珍惜你自己的羽毛,因为羽毛是不存在的。毕竟在岁月的洗礼中,许多事物都可以被忽略。Time is really the best span in the world, making the pain pale, letting the persistent people choose to leave, and then through the vicissitudes of human contact, you will understand that everything is fate, not from people at all. Don"t cherish your own feathers too much, because feathers don"t exist. After all, in the baptism of years, many things can be ignored.

十六、只要生命还在,请你相信每天的太阳都是新的。与其花时间应付以后不理想的生活,不如花时间造就你想要的生活。脑海中定格的是那一幕早已相识的情景,你给了我灵魂上的安抚,我平静的心中像是一片静湖,没有波澜。我又是在一瞬间平静了情绪,我也没有流泪,却是有一种哭泣在心中无声的绽放。As long as life is still there, please believe that every day the sun is new. Instead of spending time dealing with an unsatisfactory life in the future, take time to make the life you want. The fixed frame in my mind is the scene that I have known for a long time. You give me the comfort of my soul. My calm heart is like a quiet lake without waves. I calmed down in an instant. I didn"t cry, but there was a kind of silent blooming of crying in my heart.
