
日记大全 > 句子大全

精选名人金句 经典入心(值得收藏)

句子大全 2023-10-02 07:47:01


I would rather let myself regret what I have done than regret that I have hesitated and stepped back again and again; I"d rather let myself regret a real life experience than think about the possibilities of things morbidly—— Bayatt


I have no doubt that time can tell the difference—— Thoreau


In the season of the car, if you want to get off ahead of time, please don"t wake me up, so I can sleep to the end, pretending not to know you have left—— Zhang Jiajia"s "passing by from all over the world"


From dawn to dusk, sunshine is better than all poems.——Haizi


The only lovely thing about the past is that it"s gone—— Wilde



There are many people who are inexplicably unlucky in the world. They are angry for their fate and live by turning anger into strength.——Keigo Higashino

你必须只有如外心丰富,天说能摆脱这些生便时他多的表面的相似。--翁朔 《致女事下书》

You have to be as rich as the outside, and heaven can get rid of these superficial similarities-- Weng Shuo"s a letter to women


To live is like opening a camera. When you are young, the negative is sensitive and undeveloped. It is stored all the time. As time goes by, it is developed one by one—— Wang Dingjun

人在极其无可奈何的时候,往往会生出这种比悲号更为沉痛的滑稽感。 -- 汪曾祺 《人间草木》

When people are extremely helpless, they often have a more painful sense of humor than the lament-- Wang Zengqi"s plants on earth

有时命运的戏谑就在于,你一直犹豫不决,等到终于下定决心,已经到了谢幕的时间。 --- 杨澜

Sometimes the joke of fate is that you have been hesitant until you finally make up your mind that it"s time to call the curtain.---Yang Lan

我感受到的压力都是来自于我自己不努力不积极而又不甘于现状的恐慌 。——德卡先生的信箱

The pressure I feel comes from the panic that I don"t work hard, I"m not active and I"m not willing to be in the status quo—— Mr. Deka"s mailbox


But we just like to look back and think that we should have become another person. Not necessarily better than now, not necessarily worse than now, but in short is a different person—— Liang Wendao

倾听每个人的意见,可是只对极少数人发表你的看法。接纳每一个人的批评,但保留自己的判断。 —— 莎士比亚

Listen to everyone, but express your opinion to only a few people. Accept everyone"s criticism, but reserve your own judgment—— Shakespeare

现在的状态就如同一直等不来的公交车,都等了这么久,再走路或搭出租车都会让人恼火。——山本文绪 《涡虫》

It"s just like a bus that can"t wait all the time. It"s very annoying to walk or take a taxi after waiting so long—— Scroll worm by Yamamoto Wenxu


The sky can be mended, the sea can be filled, and the south mountain can be moved. The sun and the moon are past, and cannot be pursued—— Zeng Guofan


