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2021冀教八英语下册Lesson 22(Travel on the Internet教学设计)

句子大全 2023-10-03 03:15:02

Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet 教学设计 【教学目标】1. Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text. 2.Let the students learn about places of interest in different countries and learn more about the role of the Internet in our lives. 【教学重难点】重点 : 掌握 本课相关 词汇 ,短语和句型 . 难点: 了解各国的名胜,并能进一步了解网络在我们生活中的作用。 【课时安排】 1课时 【 授 课时 间 】 2021 年 ( )月 ( )日星期 ( ) 【 教学过程 】 一、导入环节( 2分钟) (一) 导入新课,板书课题 导入语: Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn : Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet (二) 出示学习目标 过渡语 :First ,let ’sread the learning goals together. 1.我要 掌握 单词和短语: cancer, blessing, pyramid ,--- grow up, all over the world --- 2.通过学习 了解各国的名胜,并能进一步了解网络在我们生活中的作用。 过渡语 :Ibelieve everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ?Let ’sbegin . 二、先学环节 ( 15 分钟) 过渡语 :First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step. (一) 出示 自学指导 1.熟记单词, 完成 自学检测 2.读课文,完成 Let ’sdo it (二)自学检测 反馈 I. 背 写本课生词(英语、词性、汉语意思) ( 1) ____________________ ( 2) _____________________ ( 3) __________________ ( 4) ____________________ ( 5) _____________________ ( 6) __________________ Ⅱ .读课文,找出本课短语并翻译: 1.pass on 传递;前进 2.change the world 改变世界 3.keep on 继续 4.by hand 用手;手工 5.printing press 印刷机 6. no matter 无论、不管 III.Please use proper words to fill them. 1.Their dreams will (实现 )in the future. 2.He (收到 )the latest letter from his brother last year. 3.He can always make me (大笑 ). 4.I want to be ateacher when I (长大 ). 5.You can post pictures (在微博 ). 【 Keys 】 1.come true 2.received 3.laugh 4.grow up 5.on the blog (三) 质疑问难 过渡语 :After learning ,do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands. 请你把自学过程中的问题提出来,然后在班内解决。 --------

科目:英语 年级: 八年级 教学设计:王新强 时间: 2021-04-2 编号: 22 Students asthe main body, teachers asthe leading, training asthe main line 学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线 2 三 、后教环节 ( 15 分钟 )过渡语 :Next ,let ’slearn and discuss some important language points. 学法指导:先独立思考合作探究当中的问题,然后注意结合例句,小组讨论本 课语法知识点,不理解的提交班内解决。探究 一 :Listening (Listen to the tape with your book closed and fill in the blanks. ) 1.Jane ’sgrandma ’s made her very sad. 2.Many people posted pictures of Grandma visiting all over the world. 3.By using the Internet,Jane ’sgrandma ’sdream came . 【 Keys 】 1.illness 2.places 3.true 探究 二 :Reading 1.Read the text and answer the following questions. (1)What ’sJane ’sgrandma ’sdream? (2)What did Jane want people online to do? (3)How did Jane ’sgrandma like the pictures? 2.Read the text again and fill in the blanks. (1)They also sent their blessings and with every picture. (2)She was even at the Sydney Opera House in . (3)Jane with her grandma. (4) Jane her grandma would ever forget that day. 【 Keys 】 1.(1)Travelling around the world. (2)She asked people ifthey could help her grandma see the world through pictures. (3)Wonderful. 2.(1)warm wishes (2)Australia (3)grew up (4)Neither,nor 探究 三 :Language points 1.grow up 是不及物动词词组 ,意思是 “长大 ”。 grow 作不及物动词 ,意思是 “发育 ,成长 ”,过 去式为 grew, 过去分词为 grown 。 He wants to be an artist when he grows up .他长大后想当 一名艺术家。【拓展】 (1)grow up 还可以表示 “逐步发展 ”。 Friendship has grown up between us. 我们之间的友谊早已建立。 (2)grow up 还能够用在口语之中 ,意思是 “不要幼 稚 ”。 Grow up ,please! 请不要耍小孩子脾气 ! 2.【辨析】 another,other,the other (1)another 三者或者三者以上的另一 …… 。They built another house. 他们又建了一所房子 。 (2)other 其他的 ,另外的。 He doesn ’twant to compare with other boys. 他不想和别的男孩做 比较 。(3)the other 两者中的另一 …… 。Ihave two sweaters.One isblack, the other isbrown. 我有两件毛衣。一件是黑色的 ,另一件是棕色的。 3.come true 意思是 “实现 ”。 Ithink her dream will come true in the future. 我认为她的梦想 在将来会实现的。【拓展】 和 come 有关的词组 : (1)come in 进来 。 Please come in! 请进 !

科目:英语 年级: 八年级 教学设计:王新强 时间: 2021-04-2 编号: 22 Students asthe main body, teachers asthe leading, training asthe main line 学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线 3 (2)come on 加油 。 Come on,boys! 小伙子们 ,加油 ! (3)come about 发生 。 What came about yesterday? 昨天发生了什么 ? (4)come along 进展 。 The meeting iscoming along well. 会议进展得很好。 (5)come off 离开 。 He came off. 他走了。 (6)come at 扑向 。 That thief came at him with aknife. 那个小偷拿把刀向他扑去。 (7)come down 下降 。 The temperature will come down tomorrow. 明天气温会下降。 (8)come from 来自 。 He comes from China. 他来自中国。 四、训练环节( 13 分钟) I.Find the following sentences in text. 1.简在她奶奶身边长大。 Jane grew up with her grandma. 2.她的奶奶患上了一种很严重的癌症。 Her grandma had aterrible type of cancer. 3.她问大家是否能够帮助奶奶通过图片看世界。She asked people ifthey could help her grandma see the world through pictures. 4.在最后一张图片里,她正站在英国的大本钟前面。In the last one , she was standing in front of Big Ben in England. 5.你使我的梦想变成了现实。 You have made my dream come true. 6.简不会忘记那一天,她的奶奶也不会。Neither Jane nor her grandma would ever forget that day. Ⅱ .翻译下列 句子 1.简是在奶奶的陪伴下长大的。 (grow up) 2.一天 ,简收到了一些坏消息。 (receive) 3.你已经使我的梦想实现了。 (come true) 4.无论是简还是她的奶奶永远不会忘记那一天。 (neither …nor …) 5.许多人跟了她的微博。 (follow) 【 Keys 】 1.Jane grew up with her grandma. 2.One day,Jane received some bad news. 3.You have made my dream come true. 4.Neither Jane nor her grandma would ever forget that day. 5.Many people followed her blog. 课堂总结: OK ! Let ’smake asummary. Let students show :What have you learned in this class? Think about the difficulties in this lesson. 附:板书设计 Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet 1.grow up 是不及物动词词组 ,意思是 “长大 ” 2.【辨析】 another,other,the other 3.come true 意思是 “实现 ” 【教学反思】
