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句子大全 2023-10-10 05:16:01

年少轻狂的我们 总是肆无忌惮的挥霍着对方的好,等到懂得了珍惜 学会了爱人,也错过了当初那个纯真的少年

Young and frivolous, we are always recklessly squandering each other"s good. When we learn to cherish and learn to love, we also miss the original innocent youth

人生中的每一段感情都应该被珍惜,每一个人都应该被善待 希望我们懂得早,也遗憾的少

Every relationship in life should be cherished, and everyone should be treated well. I hope we know how to be early, but also regret less


Wilde once said: "there are two kinds of tragedies in the world, one is to get, the other is not to get, not to pain, regret, to be found, but so on." not to be explained that there is no fate, do not force, to get, please cherish, if you do not cherish the regret after losing is more tragic


Our love can"t keep a heat all the time. When our heat decreases, love comes back to life. When it comes to plain, if we don"t love each other so much, or even get tired of seeing each other, please let go of each other. At least we can"t hurt each other


When two people take a love train together, the destination chosen by each person is different. The mood and mood of appreciating the scenery along the way will be totally different. So find a person who shares the same aspiration and interests. It"s better to be in a good mood and mood together


No matter how much you like someone, no matter how much you enjoy this relationship, since you accept the love of others, you also have to pay your own love, blindly take and greedy, doomed to be abandoned, doomed not to go too long


No matter when, remember that moving is not love. You can"t accept a person"s love because of a moment"s moving. It"s unfair for others to yourself. If you cause trouble for yourself, it may cause great harm to others


If you choose to love a person, please stay away from the ambiguity with others. Ambiguity can really make people feel wronged. It takes away the feelings between two people a little bit. For the sake of the person you like, it"s a responsibility, a responsibility and a kind of affirmation and respect for the person you love to give up the freedom between yourself and other heterosexuals
