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小众惊艳句子‖我就站在这里 看着他爱别人(一点办法也没有)

句子大全 2023-10-10 05:43:01


People only know that the postcode of Wenyuan street, Nanhui District, Shanghai is 5201314, but few people know that this place has been demolished and Nanhui has become Pudong New Area, just like I love you in the past.


The boy who didn"t want to talk to me once asked me carefully if I could be his girlfriend.


The human feeling is, suddenly like, suddenly will not like. Will like again, will not like again. These are the emotional uncontrollable parts, no one can pretend, there is nothing to admit.

4.怎么说呢 不是不爱了 也不是不恨了 遗憾和不甘都还存在着 只不过就是算了吧 没有意义了 。

How to say? It"s not that you don"t love or hate. Regret and unwillingness still exist, but just forget it. It"s meaningless.

5.我就站在这里 看着他爱别人 一点办法也没有。

I just stand here and watch him love others. There"s nothing I can do.

6.后来想想 很多时候说“对不起”也不一定是做错了什么 就是觉得很抱歉 是我搞砸了 把我和你都放在了难过的境地。

Later, I think that many times saying "I"m sorry" doesn"t necessarily mean something wrong. I feel sorry that I messed up and put you and me in a sad situation.

7.“过了这个红绿灯路口 我要拐弯了”我的意思是 我感受不到你的爱 我该走了。

"I"m going to turn after this traffic light." I mean, I can"t feel your love. It"s time for me to go.

8.直到现在为止 我从未遇见过真正治愈我的人 我总是在追寻被爱的道路上磕磕绊绊 消耗着自己。

Until now, I"ve never met anyone who really healed me. I"ve always been stumbling and consuming myself in the pursuit of being loved.


是安全感 是你发自内心地喜欢 而不是新鲜感


The premise that really gets me involved is openness. It"s the sense of security that you like from the bottom of your heart, not the freshness. I love you when you are hot.

