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新概念(第四册第2课)课文逐句解析 记录我的英语思维炼成路径

句子大全 2023-10-12 05:09:01


有人会回答:英语和中文在使用上不一致的地方,称之为英语思维 。很好!不过,我这边关于英语思维的定义是来自英语名师“苏楠楠”,指英语中句子的固定语序:主谓宾方地时(方地时指方式、地点、时间等状语)。




举一个简单的例子:我明天到你家吃饭。(汉)我+将吃+在你家+明天(英语语序/英语思维)I will have dinner at your place tomorrow.(词)






Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends?Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race.Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world: (-- --they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds,if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.

Why疑问词+【, 】+插入语{you may wonder}+【, 】+(should,与后面的be一起构成 系语)+主语spiders+( be,如前述,系语 )+(our friends表语)+【?】Because 连词+they主语+ destroy 意为“消灭,做”谓语+(so many insects宾语)+【, 】+and 连词+insects 主语+include 谓语+(some of the greatest enemies of the human race宾语)Insects 主语+would make谓语,用了虚拟语气+ it宾语+ impossible 宾语补足语+(for us 状语)+(to live in the world)是前面it的同位语+【;】+they 主语+would devour意为“吞食”,做谓语,用了虚拟语气+( all our crops)宾语+ and 连词+kill 谓语,因为跟在“and”后面,kill前省略了助动词would+(our flocks and herds)宾语+【,】+条件状语从句{(if连词)+ it 主语+(were not) 系语,用了虚拟语气和否定+(for the protection)介词短语做表语+定语从句 ,修饰“the protection+”{ we定语从句中的主语 +get定语从句中的谓语+定语从句中的宾语就是前面的“the protection”+定语从句中的状语( from insect-eating animals)

We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders.Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them.

We 主语+owe意为“感激”,与后面的“to”一起构成谓语+( a lot )状语+to 如前述,与“owe”构成谓语+(the birds and beasts )宾语+{定语从句,修饰“the birds and beasts”(who 连词,在从句中充当主语+eat谓语+ insects宾语}+ but 连词,and和but,看到它们时要想到【并列引起省略】,具体到这里,but前是一个句子,那推断出but后面跟的也会是一个句子+all 主语+介词短语“of them put together kill”做后置定语,修饰主语“all”{of介词+ them,是介词的宾语!them 后面跟了一个后置定语(put together kill,意为加在一起杀死的),(put together kill)是省略了“to”的动词不定式短语做后置定语+此处省略了系语are(看插入的类似英语句子的的截图,来理解这种语法现象哈)+ (only状语,修饰are)+( a fraction )表语,此处是名词短语做表语+(of the number )后置定语,修饰“a fraction”+(destroyed by spiders)过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰“the number”

Moreover意为“此外”,是副词做状语,放在了句首+【, 】+(unlike some of the other insect eaters介词短语做状语)+【, 】+spiders 主语+(never 状语)+do 谓语+(the least harm )宾语+(to us or our belongings)介词短语做后置定语,修饰“harm”Spiders 主语+(are not )系语,用了否定语态+insects表语+【, 】+(as many people think)插入语, +(nor even nearly )一坨状语+related 意为“有关系的,有关联的,做”表语,这个表语前省略了主语“Spiders”和系语are+(to them,them指代insects昆虫)状语

One can tell the difference almost at a glance,for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six.How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf?One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in grass field in the south of England,

One 主语+(can tell )谓语+(the difference )宾语+(almost 状语)+(at a glance)状语+【,】+状语从句{(for连词,此处做“因为” 解)+a spider 主语+(always )状语+has 谓语+(eight legs)+ and 连词,看到and就要想到【and表并列常引起省略】+insect 主语+省略了谓语“has”+(never more than six)定语+省略了宾语“legs”疑问句,疑问词置于句首+{How many spiders )主语+are系语+ engaged意为“忙碌的”,做表语+( in this work )状语+(on our behalf)后置定语,修饰“work”(How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf?)的第2种解析:(are engaged in)做被动语态解,(this work)做宾语解,其它同第一种里的。(One authority )主语+(on spiders)后置定语,修饰“One authority” +made谓语+ a census 宾语+(of the spiders )后置定语,修饰“a census”+(in grass field in the south of England)后置定语,修饰“spiders”

and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre;that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch.Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects.It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill,

and 连词+he主语+ estimated 谓语+宾语从句{(that 连词)+(there were句型),There be 后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构+( more than 2,250,000)主语+( in one acre)地点状语+【;】+that 主语+is 系语+something 表语+(like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds )后置定语,修饰“something”+(on a football pitch)地点状语Spiders主语+ are 系语+busy表语+ (for at least half the year )状语+(in killing insects)伴随状语It形式主语+ is 系语+impossible 表语+(to make more than the wildest)动词不定式短语做真正的主语+( guess at how many they kill)动词不定式短语做“the wildest”的后置定语。

but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day.It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.

but 连词+they 主语+are系语+ (hungry creatures)表语+【, 】+(not content with)谓语,它的前面省略了主语“they”和谓语助动词do+ (only)前置定语+ (three meals a day)宾语It 主语+(has been estimated)谓语,用了先现在完成时和被动语态+宾语从句{( that )连词+(the weight of all the insects )从句主语+(destroyed by spiders)后置定语,修饰“the insects”+ (in Britain in one year )状语,修饰“destroyed”+(would be )系语+greater 表语+(than the total weight of all the human beings in the country)比较状语

让学习成为一种习惯!我是 边城飞燕, 欢迎关注我的英语达人之路。

03 本篇关键知识点:英语思维的定义就是英语是一种有固定语序的语言,这个固定语序是主谓宾+状。主语+谓语+宾语+各种修饰谓语的状语(其放置的位置有时不在宾语后,而是跑到句首或其它地方了),这就是英语的固定语序,或称英语思维。然后,充当主语或宾语的“名词”会自带各种形式的定语:前置定语、后置定语或定语从句。不能归入主谓宾、定语或状语的,称之为补语。(另主系表是主谓宾的特殊形式)。看到一个英语句子,先找主谓宾,再找状定补;说、写英语,先处理中文,把语序改成英语语序:主谓宾+状(方式、目的、伴随、时间、地点、条件/如果、让步/尽管、原因、结果、比较/than、as),再翻译英文单词代入之。

