
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-10-14 05:31:01

1、我考虑的地方不比你少 ,我知道我们有很多不合适 ,可是我还是选择握紧你的手, 可你为什么非要证明给我看, 我们走不下去。

I think about as much as you do. I know we have many incongruities, but I still choose to hold your hand tightly. But why do you have to prove to me that we can"t go on.

2、这段感情我们都不是好演员 ,我藏不住爱你 ,你演不出热情。

We are not good actors in this relationship. I can"t hide my love for you. You can"t show enthusiasm.

3、突然想到刚认识你的时候, 你说话很温柔 ,看得出我的难过 ,会耐心哄我 ,会向我撒娇 ,充满甜的味道 ,现在是怎么了

It suddenly occurred to me that when I first met you, you spoke very softly, and I could see my sadness. I would patiently coax me into thinking that I was spoiled and full of sweet taste. What is going on now?

4、沉默就是答案 ,躲闪就是答案, 不再主动就是答案 ,其实你早就该明白的。

Silence is the answer. Dodging is the answer. No longer taking the initiative is the answer. In fact, you should have known for a long time.

5、只要我足够冷漠 ,最后难过的那位绝对不会是我。

As long as I am cold enough, the one who finally feels sad will definitely not be me.


If there are too many people around you, I will leave by myself.

7、谋生又谋爱 ,你说我们怎么这么贪。

Making a living and trying to love you say why we are so greedy.

8、有时候 ,如果和很重要的人发消息 ,他一直没有回我 ,我就删了那个对话框 总感觉看到那个对话框 ,就好像看见了自己的卑微和讨好。

Sometimes if I send a message to a very important person and he never returns to me, I delete the dialog box and always feel that seeing the dialog box is like seeing my humble and ingratiating self.

9、遗憾的是我没有在你爱我的时候爱你 ,而你也在我爱你的时候放弃了我。

Unfortunately, I didn"t love you when you loved me, and you gave me up when I loved you.


What I love is beyond my reach.What I hate is what I live on.


