
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-10-15 07:50:02


第 I卷(共40分) I.单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳选项。(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

1.(1分)﹣﹣﹣We"ll have ______ eight﹣day holiday.But I don"t know where to go.

﹣﹣﹣How about Paris?()

A./ B.a C.an D.the

2.(1分)This story is_________ simple English. My little sister can read it.()

A.for B.in C.with D.by

3.(1分)﹣﹣﹣How delicious the fish is!When you"re free,can you show me the cooking _______ you used?

﹣﹣﹣ _________________()

A.level;You are welcome.

B.standard;My pleasure.

C.method;With pleasure.

D.way;I"m glad.

4.(1分)Jack is dishonest.He always _____________ some excuses for doing something wrong.()

A.makes up B.sets up C.takes up D.stays up

5.(1分)__________ people like shopping online,and about five sixths of them __________ adults.()

A.The number of;is B.A number of;are

C.A number of;is D.The number of;are

6.(1分)Students who often ask questions during or after class can get more knowledge than ______ who seldom ask.()

A.this B.that C.these D.those

7.(1分)We are going to graduate from our school soon,but we"ll ________ it forever.()

A.be thankful to B.keep away from

C.fall in love with D.be friends with

8.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I am late.

﹣﹣﹣It doesn"t matter.The meeting ___________ just several minutes ago.()

A.was on B.started

C.has been on D.had started

9.(1分)Mr.White was about to lock the car door ________ he realized he ___________the key in the car.()

A.after;would leave B.until;left

C.while;had left D.when;had left

10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Did you have a good time in Qingdao?

﹣﹣﹣Yes,come and look.My photos will show you _______ .()

A.how did we go there

B.where we will go

C.when did we meet

D.what the trip was like

II. 完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本题10小题,每小题10分,共10分)

11.(10分)If you were asked to recite (背诵)lines of poetry (诗歌)that have the Chinese (1) "hua"﹣﹣﹣which means "flower"﹣﹣﹣how many could you recite?

He Liran,13,had to take on this challenge on a TV show aired by Shandong TV.He, (2) with over 100 other students.The competitors took turns reciting lines of poetry that used the word "hua",with He Liran (3) to each one.

One competitor used the line (诗句) "As if the vernal breeze had come back overnight;Adorning thousands of pear trees with blossoms white ( 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开)(4) one night of wind and showers;How many are the fallen flowers ."

In the end,He Liran won,reciting more than 60 out of the 127 lines that were recited in the competition.

Her lifelong love of reading helped her win.Her father started reading to her when she was just 4 years old.She has (5) a bookworm ever since.

She is especially interested in ancient poetry. "The beautiful lines refresh my thinking and inspire me a lot.For example,I love Su Shi"s poems.His optimistic (乐观的)attitudes impress me

Though busy (6) schoolwork,she spares time to study at least one poem each day.She thinks ancient poetry is still important,even in (7) times.

Once,I walked along a small path in a forest.The scenery(风景)was the same as (8) is described in the line "松间沙路竟无泥",which comes from one of Su Shi"s poems.At that moment,the lines from his poem (9) came to my mind and I realized that poems can be part of our (10) lives," she said.

III阅读理解阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳选项。A篇为判断正(A)误(B),B, C篇为选择题,D 篇为六选五补全短文。(本题20小题,每小题5分,共20分)


Some kids come up with great ideas of making money at a young age.Here are two of them.

(1)Luke is 13 years old .

(2)Matthew and Luke are friends .

(3)Luke"s business brings Luke much fun .

(4)As for Troy"s business,he has to walk around the neighborhood.

(5)Troy makes up to $20.00 a month.

13.(5分)A Long﹣March rocket took off under clear skies from Hainan Island on July 23.China launched (发射)its first Mars mission probe (航天航空器)successfully.

A great cheer went up in the control room when the rocket was flying normally about 45 minutes later.The Mars mission probe named Tianwen﹣1 has entered the scheduled(预订的)orbit without any mistakes,and finally it will enter Mars" orbit around the sun.

Liu Tongjie,spokesman for the mission,said that the launch was "a key step of China marching toward farther deep space".He said that China isn"t competing with other countries explore the universe.

"It"s amazing that another nation has launched a probe for Mars," said Katarina Miljkovic,a scientist at Curtin University in Australia. " It"s more like this marathon (马拉松)

The name Tianwen﹣1 comes from the poem Tianwen,meaning " questions to heaven",written by Qu Yuan (about 340 BC﹣278 BC),Qu Yuan raised questions about the sky,stars

Like the other Mars mission probes,China"s spacecraft will take seven months to reach the red planet.Tianwen﹣1 will look for underground water and signs of possible ancient life .

(1)The great cheer in the control room meant .

A.the Long March﹣5 rocket took off

B.the Mars mission probe entered its scheduled orbit

C.the probe reached the red planet finally

D.the spokesman for the mission came in

(2)According to Liu Tongjie,China"s space purpose is .

A.to compete with the US

B.to look for underground water on Mars

C.to learn about the space peacefully

D.to find signs of possible ancient life on Mars

(3)What does Katarina think of China"s Mars mission ?

A.It is a space marathon.

B.It is a very difficult mission.

C.The US has done it eight times.

D.It should be widely admired.

(4)What is the fifth paragraph mainly about ?

A.What the poem Tianwen means.

B.One of the greatest poets of ancient China.

C.How Qu Yuan raised questions about the sky.

D.Why the Mars mission probe is named Tianwen﹣1.

(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Tianwen﹣1 will get into Mars" orbit to travel around the sun.

B.It will take Tianwen﹣1 seven months to reach Mars.

C.Both Australia and Russia have launched probes for Mars.

D.The launch was a must for China to study the space further.

14.(5分)Sahana flopped (沉重地躺下)onto the floor. "I"ll never be as good as you,Grandma."

Sahana"s grandma had been doing yoga (瑜伽)for more than 50 years.Now at the age of 70,she could still do poses (姿势)

"You need to be patient," said Grandma.

Like many schools in India,Sahana"s school was holding a yoga competition.Everyone"s family would be there.Sahana wanted to make her grandma proud,so she continued practicing.Thirty minutes later

"It"s hard," Sahana said."How did you get to be so strong?"

Grandma smiled, "Patience."

Sahana practiced every day.She kept her grandma"s words in mind.

The day of the yoga competition arrived.On the bus,Sahana had a butterfly in her stomach. "What if I can"t hold any poses?" When the bus stopped at school,she walked in slowly.Her heart beat quickly.

Soon the competition began.Sahana did "triangle pose", "camel pose", "bridge pose", "Patience."

"Your last pose is the wheel," said their teacher.Sahana lay on her back.She took a deep breath and placed her hands on the floor behind her.She pushed as hard as she could to raise her stomach. "A few more seconds," Sahana told herself.

"Thank you,children," said their teacher.It was the end of the competition.The audience (观众)

Sahana looked for her grandma and found she was walking over to her with a big smile.

(1)What do we know about Sahana"s grandma?

A.She was 50 years old.

B.She was good at doing yoga.

C.She used to work in Sahana"s school.

D.She started practicing yoga 20 years ago.

(2)On the competition day,Sahana went to school .


B.by car

C.with her parents

D.earlier than usual

(3)Which of the following shows the last pose Sahana did in the competition?





(4)How might Sahana"s grandma feel at the end of the story?





(5)What does the story mainly want to tell us?

A.Yoga is good exercise.

B.Family traditions are important.

C.We should learn to relax in competitions.

D.We should be patient in order to do things well.

15.(5分)There are a number of animals that glow (发光)in some way﹣﹣﹣including several kinds of insects and fish.Some kinds of mushrooms (蘑菇)glow,scientists are working to change that.

Now,researchers at a Russian company called Planta,working with the scientists from the United Kingdom and Austria have come up with a new method of creating glowing plants. (1)

Though mushrooms and plants grow very differently,the scientists focused on an acid (酸)that is found in both plants and mushrooms. (2) In this way,the scientists were able to create plants that could make their own fluorescein(荧光素)using this acid.

The glow came from all parts of the plants﹣﹣﹣leaves,roots,and flowers.The scientists reported that the greenish light was about 10 times brighter than the light in earlier glowing plants. (3) .But the glow wasn"t bad for the health of the plants.

The researchers believe that glowing plants could help scientists learn more about the way plants work.They point out that the glow wasn"t unchanging,but seemed to change. (4)

(5) They think many people may want glowing plants for their beauty.The scientists have already shown that several common flowers,such as periwinkles,petunias

第 II卷(共50分) IV综合填空(10分)阅读下面短文,根据上下文,汉语提示及首字母,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内词语的正确形式。

16.(10分)Have you ever picked strawberries (1) (you)?The sweet fruit looks nice,but light pressure can make them out of (2) (形状),so you have to be very careful when picking them.Nowadays,there are many young people who are just (3) strawberries.They easily break down when they face difficulties.There is a name for them—strawberry kids.

Why are many children so easy to break down?Many students are (4) only child in their family.Their parents do almost everything for them in their life.They hardly ever get criticized (被批评)at home and always feel good about themselves.If these students are criticized strictly by teachers,they will feel upset and begin (5) (doubt)their own abilities.

And many schools care more about (6) (student)grades instead of developing their personality.As a result,students get satisfying grades (7)w they are not mentally(精神上地)strong enough.

Young people should learn how to make themselves mentally strong.An expert said, "Whenever you are in trouble,don"t ask for help too quickly.You should try to deal with problems (8) (one)by yourself. (9) (take)an active part in sports and social activities.That can help you become much stronger mentally. "

Growing up is not just a happy process.Pains also go along.The most important thing is to face the pains (10) (brave)and learn from them.


17.(8分)When Wang Haiyan was young,her favorite toys weren"t Barbie dolls.Instead,she started learning to make shadow puppets from her father at 13.Now 43

Shadow puppetry is a form of theater that uses puppets made from leather(皮)or paper,accompanied by music and singing.Invented during the Western Han Dynasty,passing down culture and customs over thousands of years.

Shadow puppetry is all about creating the puppets and performing with them.Wang"s hometown of Hua County,Shanxi is known as the birthplace of the folk art.

Puppet﹣makers must follow 24 steps to make the puppets,including washing the leather,carving(雕刻),according to Wang.Carving is the most difficult part.

"We have a special carving technique(技巧)﹣﹣moving the leather under the knife,"Wang said.You have to hold the knife still in your right hand and only move the leather in your left hand.

It took Wang three years to master this skill.She used a brick(砖块)to make her left hand strong while practicing.It takes about 3,000 carves to make a shadow puppet. "The complicated(复杂的)," she said.

But Wang has used some new ways to do so.In 2016,she made shadow puppets based on some cartoon series and gave a livestreaming performance(直播).She used colors like blue and purple that are hardly seen in shadow puppetry and added more sticks to the puppets to make the performance livelier.

(1)Translate the underlined words Shadow puppetry into Chinese.(1分)

(2)When and where was shadow puppetry invented? (2分)

(3)How long did it take Wang to master the carving technique?(1分)

(4)According to Wang,why is it difficult to hand down shadow puppetry? (2分)

(5)What is the last paragraph about? (No more than ten words)(2分)

It"s about the new ways

阅读下面短文,完成1至5小题。(共 7分)

18.(7分)Do you often put off doing something that you should be doing?It"s called procrastination(拖延症).Most of the tasks that you procrastinate on aren"t actually difficult to do﹣you have the skills to complete them﹣you just don"t want to start them for one reason or another.

2﹣Minute Rule is a method of dealing with the problem and the goal is to make it easier for you to get started on the things you should be doing. It includes two parts.Part One comes from David Allen"s book,Getting Things Done.

It"s surprising how many things we put off that we could get done in two minutes or less,for example,cleaning up your desk and sending an email.If a task takes less than two minutes to complete,then follow the rule and do it right now.

Can all of your goals be achieved in less than two minutes? Of course not.But every goal can be started in two minutes or less.And that"s the purpose behind the rule"s second part.Once you start doing something,it"s easier to continue doing it.

The most important part of any new habit is getting started﹣﹣﹣not just the first time,but each time.I love the 2﹣Minute Rule because it accepts the idea that all good things happen once you get started.

Want to study better?Just pick up your books (2﹣Minute Rule)and begin reading or learning,and soon you will memorize the knowledge that seems difficult to learn.

Want to become a better writer?Just write one sentence (2﹣﹣Minute Rule)and you"ll probably find yourself writing for an hour.

Want to make reading a habit?Just read the first page of a new book (2﹣﹣Minute Rule)and before you know it,you have read the first ten pages.

Use next 120 seconds to get one thing done.Go!

(1)According to the passage,what is procrastination?

(2)What does It in Paragraph 2 refer to?

(3)将划线句Can all of your goals be achieved in less than two minutes?翻译成汉语。

(4)参照示例,列举2﹣Minute Rule能帮助我们做的事情。

①studying better


2﹣Minute Rule is a method people use 1) problems.It includes two parts.If we can do something in two minutes,we should do it right now.If it takes 2) two minutes to finish something,we should get started at 3) .Because once you start doing something,you will continue doing it more 4) and all good things will happen.

VI .翻译下面的句子(10分)

19.(2分)我妹妹每天练习弹钢琴一直到晚上九点。(until / till )

20.(2分)那家旅馆在医院的对面。(across from)

21.(2分)父母和老师总是教我们要关心别人。(care about )

22.(2分)成千上万的志愿者参加了这次活动。(thousands of )



24.(15分)请你以谚语"Practice makes perfect"为题,写一篇英语文章。








Practice Makes Perfect

As we all know,practice is very important to our success.






3.解析:level水平;standard标准;way方式 are ;My ;With ;I"m glad我很高兴,故用method表示方法,故回答With 。


4.解析:makes up 编造 up 设立 up 开始学着做;stays 。根据语境"杰克不诚实。"可知,因此"makes up"符合语境。


5.解析:根据选项可知,a number of...表示许多,the number of...表示……的数量;再根据题干中的 sixths them可知,谓语动词应用复数形式,可知应用a number of five them可知,综合判断可知。




7.解析:A.be thankful ;B.keep from 远离 in with 爱上 friends 。根据语境"我们不久就要从我们学校毕业了。"可知,但是还是永远感激学校的培养 thankful 。


8.解析:根据题干 "The meeting just minutes ,此题考查动词的时态,一般过去时,一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时 minutes ,几分钟前,应用一般过去时。


9.解析:由题干可知,考查固定句式be about to ,这时……;再看选项:A项过去将来时;C项过去完成时;再分析语境可知,再准备锁门,所以落下钥匙left是发生在过去的过去。


10.解析:根据题干 "My photos show _________."和选项可知,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除 you a good in ?可知你在青岛玩的开心吗,所以答句也要选择一般过去时,D项旅途怎么样,意思也一致。




(3)B,考查动词 "hua"挑战者依次背诵一句含花的诗句,A重复,C喊,故选B。


(5)C,考查动词,B变,D生长 lifelong of helped win.Her started to when was 4 years 。她4岁时父亲就开始给她读书。故选C。


(7)C,考查形容词,B未来的,D目前 thinks poetry still ,even (7)times应该是她认为即使在现代,故选C。






(2)A.根据"With a friend,Matthew,Luke catches yabbies with three nets with some meat in them in different rivers."Luke和他的朋友,用三张网在不同的河流里捕到一些小龙虾。故答案为A。

(3)A.根据"Good Thing: " We have lots of fun," says Luke.我们有很多乐趣。故答案为A。

(4)B.根据"I like riding my bike around the neighborhood.And each week I get $6.25.我喜欢在附近骑自行车。每周我能得到6.25美元,他得在附近走走是错误的。故答案为B。

(5)B.根据"I like riding my bike around the neighborhood.And each week I get $7.25.我喜欢在附近骑自行车。每周我能得到6.25美元。一周6.25美元。故答案为B。

13.解析:(1)B.细节理解题。根据 A great cheer went up in the control room when the rocket was flying normally about 45 minutes later.The Mars mission probe named Tianwen﹣1 has entered the scheduled(预订的)orbit without any mistakes,火箭正常飞行时。名为"天问一号"的火星任务探测器已没有任何错误地进入预定轨道。因此可知控制室里的欢呼意味着火星探测器进入预定轨道

(2)C.细节理解题。根据 He said that China isn"t competing with other countries,中国不是在与其他国家竞争。故选C.

(3)D.细节理解题。根据 ," said Katarina Miljkovic,这真是太神奇了 对于中国的火星任务感到非常赞赏

(4)D.段落大意题。通读全段 The name Tianwen﹣1 comes from the poem Tianwen,written by Qu Yuan (about 340 BC﹣278 BC)。可知第五段主要介绍了为什么火星任务探测器被命名为天问一号

(5)C.细节判断题。根据Landing on Mars is very difficult.Only the US has successfully done it eight times since 1976.可知登陆火星是非常困难的,只有美国成功地做到了7次,故选C.

14.解析:(1)B.细节理解题。根据Sahana"s grandma had been doing yoga (瑜伽)for more than 50 years.Now at the age of 70,已经练了50多年了,还能摆姿势就像用她的手站立。因此可知萨哈纳的奶奶擅长做瑜伽

(2)A.细节理解题。根据"What if I can"t hold any poses,she walked in slowly.Her heart beat quickly."如果我不能保持任何姿势呢,她慢慢地走了进来。可知比赛那天。故选A.

(3)C.推理判断题。根据Sahana lay on her back.She took a deep breath and placed her hands on the floor behind her.She pushed as hard as she could to raise her stomach.可知萨哈纳仰面躺着,双手放在身后的地板上,以抬高她的肚子,选项C符合题意

(4)B.推理判断题。根据 "Thank you," said their teacher.It was the end of the competition.The audience (观众)cheered wildly.Sahana looked for her grandma and found she was walking over to her with a big smile.可知"谢谢你们,"他们的老师说。观众们(观众)疯狂地欢呼,发现她正带着灿烂的笑容走向她,故选B.

(5)D.推理判断题。根据 ," Sahana said."How did you get to be so strong, "Patience."她的胳膊感到又软又痛;She heard her grandma"s voice in her head。她听到奶奶在她头上说的"耐心"的声音," Sahana told herself."再坚持几秒钟。可知萨哈纳正是听从了奶奶要有耐心的建议,所以这个故事主要想告诉我们为了把事情做好。故选D.


(1)E.根据"Austria have come up with a new method of creating glowing plants.奥地利发明了一种制造发光植物的新方法。"可知说的是发光植物,应说这些植物只要活着就会发光。

(2)C.根据前句"Though mushrooms and plants grow very differently,the scientists focused on an acid (酸)that is found in both plants and mushrooms.虽然蘑菇和植物的生长方式非常不同。"可知说的是发光蘑菇,应说他们将发光蘑菇DNA的某些部分添加到普通烟草植物中。

(3)A.根据前句"The scientists reported that the greenish light was about 10 times brighter than the light in earlier glowing plants.科学家们报告说,这种绿色的光比早期发光植物的光亮10倍左右,结合选项,用普通相机就能轻松记录下来。

(4)F.根据前句"They point out that the glow wasn"t unchanging,but seemed to change.他们指出,而是似乎在改变,结合选项。故选F。

(5)D.根据后句"They think many people may want glowing plants for their beauty.他们认为许多人可能想要发光的植物来美化自己。"可知说的是用途,应说但研究人员认为这些植物不仅仅用于科学研究。





(5)to doubt.考查不定式。begin to do sth为固定搭配,因此填to doubt。



(8)first.考查序数词。根据"Whenever are trouble ask help quickly."可知当有困难时,而应该先自己解决,意为"首先"。



17.解析:(1)皮影戏。词义猜测题,将划线单词 。根据文章第二段第一句话Shadow puppetry is a form of theater that uses puppets made form leather or paper,它使用皮革或纸张制成的木偶。结合和文章的配图,Shadow puppetry的意思为皮影戏。

(2)It was invented during the Western Han Dynasty in Hua County,Shanxi.细节理解题,皮影戏是在什么时候?根据文章第二段第二句话Invented during the Western Han Dynasty......在西汉时期发明 hometown of Hua County。可知。故答案为It was invented during the Western Han Dynastyin Hua ,Shanxi.

(3)Three years.细节理解题。题干意思为?根据文章倒数第二段第一句话It took Wang three years to master this skill.王花了三年时间掌握了这项技能,他花了3年掌握这门技术

(4)Because of the complicated steps.细节理解题。题干意思为根据王所说?根据The complicated steps make it hard to hand down the folk art.复杂的步骤使这种民间艺术难以传承

(5)...to hand down the folk art.段落大意题。根据 But Wang has used some new ways to do so.但是王用了一些新方式去做它。可知。故答案为...hand down the folk art.

18.解析:(1)You often put off doing something that you should be doing.细节理解题。根据Do you often put off doing something that you should be doing,你经常推迟做你应该做的事情吗。所以根据这篇文章拖延是你经常推迟做你应该做的事情

(2)2﹣Minute Rule .细节理解题。根据 2﹣Minute Rule is a method of dealing with the problem and the goal is to make it easier for you to get started on the things you should be doing.可知,目的是让你更容易开始做你应该做的事情。故答案为2﹣Minute Rule .

(3)你所有的目标能在两分钟内实现吗?英译汉题?可知;can be achieved 译为能实现;分析句子是情态动词can的一般疑问句?

(4)②becoming a better writer;③making reading a habit.细节理解题?Just write one sentence (2﹣﹣Minute Rule)and you"ll probably find yourself writing for an hour.Want to make reading a habit,you have read the first ten pages.可知?只要写一句话(2分钟规则)。想让阅读成为一种习惯吗,在你知道之前。所以参照示例。②成为一个更好的作家③养成阅读习惯;③making reading a habit.

(5)to solve;less than;quickly .词语填空题 problems.It includes two parts.If we can do something in two minutes,we should get started at 7)once.Because once you start doing something,2分钟法则是人们用来解决问题的方法。如果我们能在两分钟内做点什么。如果完成一件事不到两分钟。因为一旦你开始做某件事,所有的好事都会发生 解决;at once立刻;more quickly 更快;less than;quickly。

19.解析:my sister我的妹妹;practice doing sth.练习做某事;until nine in the evening一直到晚上九点,主语是第三人称单数。

故答案是My sister practices playing the piano every day until nine in the evening.

20.解析:the hotel那家旅馆;across ;根据句意可知句子是主系表结构的一般现在时。

故答案是The hotel is across from the hospital.

21.解析:parents and teachers 父母和老师;always总是;us ;care ;根据句意用一般现在时,谓语动词用原形。

故答案是Parents and teachers always teach us to care about others.

22.解析:thousands of volunteers成千上万的志愿者;take part in the activity参加这次活动。

故答案是Thousands of volunteers took part in the activity.

23.解析:根据题干,可知考查:learn English well学好英语;share Chinese stories with the world与世界分享中国故事。

故答案为Learn English well so that we can share Chinese stories with the world.


Practice Makes

The famous saying "Practice makes perfect" is widely accepted today.It means if we practice unfamiliar things again and again,we"ll be able to perform it perfectly.【高分句型一】

The practice of learning English is a good example.We are not living in an English speaking country.So,in order to learn it well,such as reading English books,or communicating with foreigners.【高分句型二】You can"t master English just by sitting at your desk.

As another example,if we want to be skilled in using the computer,just because they play with it everyday.On the contrary,we will still feel confused when using computers.Judging from the evidence offered.
