
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-10-25 03:14:01

1.快乐是你给的,悲伤也是你给的。Happiness is what you give, and sadness is what you give.

2.没有你的每一天都是多愁善感,郁郁寡欢,患得患失。Every day without you is sentimental, unhappy, and suffering.

3.幸好朋友圈没有访问记录,否则你一定会以为我是个变态。 Fortunately, there is no access record in the circle of friends, otherwise you will think that I am a pervert.

4.醒醒吧,哪那么容易就遇到真爱。Wake up, it’s so easy to meet true love.

5.回忆再美也只是曾经,故事再丰富也是过去。 Memories are only once again, and the story is rich again.

6.明明曾经那么好,突然就陌生了。Obviously so good, suddenly strange.

7.喜欢喝酒是假的,喜欢你才是真的。Like to drink is fake, like you is true.

8.认识我的人都知道我热情开朗,但是离开你之后,我总是沉默寡言。People who know me know that I am warm and cheerful, but after leaving you, I am always silent.

9.心情不好的时候,笑得比哭还难看。 When you are in a bad mood, laughing is more ugly than crying.

10.你给的伤痛太多,我承受不了了。You give too much pain, I can"t take it anymore.

11.你看到的洒脱,都是心碎之后的无可奈何。The free and easy you see is all helpless after the heartbreak.

12.会失去的人不是对的人,对的人你不会失去他。The person who will lose is not the right person, the right person you will not lose him.

13.您拨打的用户已恋爱,请稍后再哭。The user you dialed is already in love, please cry later.

14.很怕能带给我快乐的人,怕他会突然消失。I am afraid that I will bring me happy people, afraid that he will suddenly disappear.

15.没有你的夜晚,我只能自己熬过每一个黑漆漆的夜晚。Without your night, I can only walk through every black lacquered night.
