
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-10-25 03:40:01



1.Her hair is longer than_____.

A. I B. me C. my D. mine

2. The weather of Guangzhou is warmer than____.

A. Beijing B. of Beijing C. that of Beijing D. those of Beijing

3.Living in the countryside is more interesting than _____in city.

A. live B. to live C. living D. lives


1.He is taller than any other student in his class.

或把any other student 改为the other students 或改为the others或改为anybody else,但不能把other去掉,说成He is taller than any student in his class. 因为他班里的任何学生就包括他本身在内。

2. Shanghai is larger than any city in China 就不对,但Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan 就对。

三、比较级前面可加much/far/a lot/a little/a bit/even/still以及名词短语修饰,叫程度状语。

Watching game shows is far more enjoyable than watching sports news.


1.It’s easier to say than to do.(两个主语之比)

2. I like her better than you.(有可能是两个主语之比,也有可能是两个宾语之比) 可译为:我比你更喜欢她。或译为:我喜欢她胜过喜欢你。 但是,I like her better than you do.则是两个主语之比。所以,在这种情况下,为了避免意义混淆,you 后的动词do不能省略。

3.She likes apples better than oranges.(两个宾语之比)她喜欢苹果胜过喜欢橙子。

4.There are more students in our class than in theirs.(两个状语之比)


1.She looks younger than she is. 她看起来比实际年龄要年轻。

2. The boy is much taller this year than he was last year.

3.They are more friendly than you think.

4.It was a lot better than I hoped.

5.That may be more dangerous than you can imagine.


He is the tallest boy in his class.=He is taller than any other boy in his class.

=No boy is taller than he (或him)in his class.


It is hot in July,but it is even hotter in August.This watch is too expensive.Can you show me a cheaper one?八、使用这种比较结构时,还要注意形容词可作表语、定语、宾语补足语,副词作状语。

1. He picked more apples than me yesterday.(形容词作定语)

2.Her hair is shorter than mine.(形容词作表语)

3.She has shorter hair than I. (形容词作定语)

4.The invention of solfwares made it a lot easier for us to use computers.(形容词作宾语补足语)

5.He drives more carefully than me. (副词作状语)
