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句子大全 2023-10-25 04:38:01

我想尝试再谈恋爱,但他们找我聊天 像朋友一样我怎么聊都行,只要叫的亲密一些 ,我就开始反感 ,还觉得他们很虚伪 ,后来我故意把天聊死,听不懂任何暗示, 看任何人都失去兴趣 ,这是怎么了…

I want to try to fall in love again, but they talk to me like friends. I can talk as much as I want. If they are closer, I start to resent them. I think they are very hypocritical. Later, I killed the chat on purpose. I can"t understand any hint. I can"t see anyone"s interest. What"s wrong?

我大概只在他身边自卑过, 温顺像没有骨架的雏菊 很久以后你在别人眼里是高冷的 ,你才知道你只给一个人低。

I"ve probably only humbled myself around him. I"m like a daisy without a skeleton. After a long time, you"re cold in other people"s eyes. You know that you only give low to one person.

凡是在虚构中张扬的 ,都是在现实中缺失的。

What is publicized in fiction is missing in reality.

敏感的人都特别懂事, 只要稍微给点暗示就能读懂背后的意思, 所以从来不会让别人为难 ,只会为难自己。

Sensitive people are very sensible. They can read the meaning of the back with a little hint, so they will never let others embarrass them. They will only embarrass themselves.


All the late care and warmth will become meaningless in the missed time.

你处处顾及别人,可谁又真心待你,你就是好得不够纯粹,坏的不够彻底 所以你才这么痛苦。

You are considerate of others everywhere, but who treats you sincerely? You are just that the good is not pure enough, the bad is not thorough enough, so you are so miserable.


I don"t care about other people"s past, in large part, because I have my own. I know all about it, but I can"t regret it.


I"m afraid of being left behind. So I"m very alert. If I find anyone around you can replace me, I will go first. I don"t want to be left behind. That kind of person is pitiful. And I don"t want to be pitiful.

其实也没有很难过, 只是在想起来的时候还是忍不住叹气, 可能是我运气不够好 ,在感情的路上总是会出现这样的差错和坎坷。

In fact, I"m not very sad. I just can"t help sighing when I think about it. Maybe I"m not lucky enough. There are always such mistakes and frustrations on the way of feeling。

我所有的自负都来自我的自卑,所有的英雄气概都来自于我内心的软弱,所有的振振有词都因为心中满是怀疑。我假装无情,其实是痛恨自己的深情。我以为人生的意义在于四处游荡流亡,其实只是掩饰至今没有找到愿意驻足的地方。 ——伊塔洛·卡尔维诺的《看不见的城市》

All my conceit comes from my inferiority, all my heroism comes from my inner weakness, and all my words are full of doubt. I pretended to be ruthless, but in fact I hated my deep feelings. I think the meaning of life lies in wandering around and exile, but in fact, I just cover up that I haven"t found a place willing to stop so far.——Italo Calvino"s invisible city


