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句子大全 2023-10-28 05:40:01

Conversations: Asking for and Giving Directions in English 会话:用英语问路和指路

Asking for and Giving Directions Conversations 1 问路和指路会话(一)

Jane: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the museum? 打扰一下!你能告诉我去博物馆的路吗?

Mike: It’s this way. Go straight ahead at the traffic lights. Turn right. Go along the street. Walk past the park, and keep going straight until you see the sign for the museum. 这边走。一直向前走到红绿灯处。向右转。沿着这条街走。走过公园,一直往前走,直到你看到博物馆的标志。

Jane: Great! Thanks for your help. 太好了!谢谢你的帮助。

Mike: You’re welcome. 不客气。

Asking for and Giving Directions Conversations 2问路和指路会话(二)

Kate: Excuse me! How do I get to the post office? 对不起!请问如何前往邮政局?

Mary: Sorry, I’m not from around here. 对不起,我不是本地人。

Kate: Do you know where the closest bank is? 你知道最近的银行在哪里吗?

Mary: If you cross the street, you’ll find a bank there! 如果你过马路,你会在那里找到一家银行。

Kate: Thank you.谢谢你。

Mary: Don’t mention it.别客气。

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 1 问路和指路——图1

Asking for and Giving Directions Conversations 3 问路和指路会话(三)

Emily: Excuse me, I’m afraid I can’t find a petrol station. Do you know where one is? 对不起,恐怕我找不到加油站了。你知道一个在哪儿吗?

Bill: There’s one near here. 这附近有一家。

Emily: How do I get there? 我怎么去那儿?

Bill: At the bus stop, take the first right and go straight on. It’s opposite the shopping mall. 在公共汽车站,在第一个路口向右拐,然后一直往前走。就在购物中心的对面。

Emily: Thank you so much!非常感谢!

Asking for and Giving Directions Conversations 4 问路和指路会话(四)

Rose: Excuse me! Is there a hospital near here? 打扰一下!这附近有医院吗?

Jack: Yes, there’s one near here. 是的,附近有一家。

Rose: How far is it to the hospital? 到医院有多远?

Jack: It’s not far, maybe about 200 yards. 不远,大约200码。

Rose: Could you please guide me? 你能帮我引路吗?

Jack: It’s that way. Go straight ahead. Take a right at the junction. This straight road will lead you to the hospital. 就在那边。往前直走。在十字路口向右拐。这条直路将把你引向医院。

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 2 问路和指路——图2

Asking for and Giving Directions Conversations 5 问路和指路会话(五)

Susan: Can you give me directions to the Thai restaurant? 你能告诉我去泰国餐馆怎么走吗?

Nicolas: Yes, sure. Do you know the supermarket? 是的,当然。你知道超市吗?

Susan: Yes. 是的。

Nicolas: When you get to the supermarket, take the second left. You’ll pass a cinema. The Thai restaurant is next to the cinema. 当你到超市时,在第二个路口左转。你会经过一家电影院。泰国餐馆在电影院旁边。

Susan: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

Nicolas: Go slow, there are many schools on the way. 慢慢来,路上有很多学校。

Susan: I really want to thank you for your help. 我真的很感谢你的帮助。

Nicolas: Not at all.一点也不。

Asking for and Giving Directions Conversations 6 问路和指路会话(六)

Alex: Pardon me, I’m lost. How do I get to the cafe? 对不起,我迷路了。请问如何前往咖啡厅?

Tom: I’m sorry, I don’t know. You could ask the bus driver. 对不起,我不知道。你可以问问公共汽车司机。

Alex: Thanks for your suggestion. 谢谢你的建议。

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 3 问路和指路——图3

Conversations 7 问路和指路会话(七)

Brenda: Can you tell me where the airport is? 你能告诉我机场在哪里吗?

Mark: Go straight ahead at the traffic lights. Turn right. Take this road. This straight road will lead you to the airport. It’ll be on your left. 在红绿灯那儿一直往前走。向右转。这条路。这条直路将带你到机场。它就在你的左边。

Brenda: Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

Mark: It’s nothing. 没什么。

Conversations 8 问路和指路会话(八)

Linda: Can you tell me how to get to the bookstore from here? 你能告诉我从这里到书店怎么走吗?

John: I’m sorry. I’m not from here so I don’t know my way around. But I know a library near here. 我很抱歉。我不是本地人,所以不认识路。但是我知道附近有个图书馆。

Linda: How far is it? 有多远?

John: It’s about a mile from here. 离这儿大约一英里。

Linda: Will you please tell me where library is? 你能告诉我图书馆在哪里吗?

John: Go straight and turn right after the petrol station. Take this road. Go past the car park and you’ll find the library. 直走,过了加油站右转。这条路。走过停车场,你就会找到图书馆。

Linda: Many thanks. 谢谢。

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 4 问路和指路——图4

Conversations 9 问路和指路会话(九)

Cindy: Sorry to bother you, but would you mind showing me the way to the train station? 对不起打扰你了,你能告诉我去火车站的路吗?

Martin: Certainly. Do you have a map? 当然。你有地图吗?

Cindy: Yes! 是啊!

Martin: Take the first left when you enter Steven Road. After you pass a restaurant on your left, take a right at the crossroad. Then you’ll see a hospital. It is behind the hospital. 当你进入斯蒂文路时,在第一个路口向左拐。当你经过左边的一家餐馆后,在十字路口向右拐。然后你会看到一家医院。它在医院后面。

Cindy: Sorry, but I don’t remember. Can you help me find it? 对不起,我不记得了。你能帮我找一下吗?

Martin: OK. Follow me. I’ll show you the way. 好的。跟我来。我带你去。

Conversations 10 问路和指路会话(十)

Lisa: Would you show me the way to the clothes shop? 你能告诉我去服装店的路吗?

Jimmy: When you get to Steve Street, take your next right. It’s on the corner, across from the cafe. 当你到史提夫街时,在下一个路口右转。在街角,咖啡馆对面。

Lisa: Thanks! I’ve just moved in, so I really don’t know my way around yet. 谢谢!我刚搬进来,还不太熟悉周围的环境。

Jimmy: Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don’t know where everything is! 哦,我知道你的感受。我们一年前搬到这里,但我仍然不知道所有的东西都在哪里!

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 5 问路和指路——图5

Conversations 11 问路和指路会话(十一)

Scarlet: Is this the right way to Brington Resort? 去布灵顿度假村走这条路对吗?

David: You’re going the wrong way. 你走错路了。

Scarlet: Please tell me how to get there. 请告诉我怎么去那儿。

David: I’ll give you directions. Not to worry. 我来给你指路。不要担心。

Scarlet: How far is it to the resort from here? 从这里到度假村有多远?

David: It’s pretty far from here. On the way here, did you see a school? 离这儿很远。在来这儿的路上,你看到一所学校了吗?

Scarlet: Yes, I saw a primary school. 是的,我看到了一所小学。

David: Turn right after the school. Take this road. You’ll pass a bakery on your left. It is behind the bakery. 放学后右转。这条路。你会经过左边的面包店。它在面包店后面。

Scarlet: Thank you so much. 非常感谢。

Conversations 12 问路和指路会话(十二)

Clara: Do you know how to get to the gallery? I’ve never been there before. 你知道怎么去美术馆吗?我以前从未去过那里。

Michael: Certainly. However, there might still be road repairs and diversions. You should be careful. 当然可以。不过,可能仍有修路和改道的工作。你应该小心。

Clara: Thanks for your warning. 谢谢你的提醒。

Michael: Go down this street for two blocks and turn left. Keep going straight ahead; you will see a park. Make a left turn when you see the park. Go down there. The gallery is between a pharmacy and a skyscraper. 沿着这条街走两个街区,然后左转。一直往前走;你会看到一个公园。当你看到公园时向左转。去那里。画廊在药房和摩天大楼之间。

Clara: Thank you again. Have a nice day. 再次谢谢你。祝你有美好的一天。

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 6 问路和指路——图6
