
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-10-30 06:53:01


表达“很,非常”,不一定只有 very/extremely :


He is very very very gentle and soft to her.他对她很温柔。He is all gentleness to her.他对她很温柔。抽象名词+itself=very+形容词

He is very/extremely modest towards his elders.对待长辈,他极度谦虚。To his superiors, he is humility itself.对待长辈,他极度谦虚。注意:这原是表示某种性质到了极点的一种说法,有“非常,只管,一味,尽”之意,有时甚至可以译为“...的化身”,“...的具体化”。

表示程度时,特别是表达“略有,少许,全无,毫无”意思时,用something of,nothing of, much of, little of

He is something of a philosopher.他略有哲学家的风范。She is nothing of a musician.他全然不像个音乐家。He is very much of a poet.他很有诗人气派。She is little of a scholar.她无学者风度。

注意:something of与something like有比较大的不同点。something like表示数量或性质上略同,如It shaped something like a cigar.(指形状略似雪茄。)


如,He has seen something of life.不宜翻译为“他看过了一些人生。”换做“他略具阅历。”更好。

又如,He is something of a scholar.“他宛如学者。”不如“他略具学识。”


It was a great mountain of a wave.那是一个像山一样高的大浪。That fool of a Tom did it.这是汤姆那个笨蛋做的。She was an angel of a wife.她是天仙一般的妻子。He was a fine figure of a young man.他是一个风度翩翩的公子。The child is a treasure of a son.那是一个宝贝儿子。He lives in a palace of a house.他住在一座宫殿似的大屋子。表达“像...那样的”,用“名词+of+sb"s +名词’”

It was beyond expectation for a man of your taste.遇到一位像你这样有品味的人,真是出乎意料。He is a man of your experience.他是一个像你一样经验丰富的人。You are a lady of her wisdom.你是一个像她那样贤惠的淑女。用名词替代形容词,用of+抽象名词

It was of great importance.(of importance=important)of no use=useless 无用a man of courage=a courageous man 勇敢的人a lady of virtue=a virtuous lady 贤德的女人a man of business 商人a man of few words 寡言的人a man of his word 言行一致a man of parts 多才多艺强烈限定的时候,用“that+先行词+关系代词”

He lost that picture which he had got with much trouble.他把费了很大劲才得来的画丢了。The root is that part of vegetable which least impresses the eye.根是植物最不引人注目的部分。Those rich men are great who do not think themselves great because they are rich.并不以为他们有钱的人在算伟大。one thing...another ;the one...the other

Saying is one thing,doing another.说的是一回事,做的是另一回事。It is one thing to know and another to teach.知道是一回事,教是另一回事。They have two daughters;one is a singer,the other an actress.他们有两个女儿,一个是歌手,另一个是演员。It is one thing to own a library;it is another to use it wisely.(藏书是一回事,能否善于利用又是另一回事。)注意:another和the other后是不需要再写一遍谓语。

