
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-10-31 04:09:01


例句一:原始句型Mr. Smith came in just at the moment.

全倒装型Just at the moment in came Mr. Smith .

例句二:原始句I didn’t go to bed until my homework was done last night.

半倒装Not until my homework was done did I go to bed last night.

位移Until my homework was done I didn’t go to bed.

强调句 It’s not until my homework was done that I went to bed.(显然强调句型也属于位移)。


一、 全倒装标志(全倒装指“主+谓结构”整个倒置)【7种】:


“As far as I know , Tom will come in a few minutes,” said Mr. Smith.“据我所知,汤姆一会儿就回来,”史密斯先生说道。


Long live our motherland.祖国万岁!

Long live the Communist Party.共产党万岁!


Present at the meeting were our headmaster and many other teachers.出席会议的有我们的校长以及其他好多老师。

Among the presents are pencils, pens, rubbers, toys and so on.各种礼品包括铅、钢笔、橡皮、洋娃娃等等。


Such would be our home in the future.我们未来的家就像这样。

Such is what I have been longing for for years.这就是我多少年来一直盼望的事情。

5,There be句型(包括There live, There exist, There stand, There lie等):例如:

There stands a tall tree in the mountain.那座山上有一棵大树。

There lies a small river between the two hills.两座小山之间有一条小河。

6, 提问“纯系动词”的表语所构成的特殊疑问句:例如:

What’s your name ?

How old are you ?

Who is your brother ?

What’s the population in China ?

Whose school-bag is this ?


Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门?

Who is crying? 谁在哭?

7,表示方位和地点的副词及介词短语开头的句子( Here, There, In, Out, Up, Down, Away, In the front of, In front of, In the distance, To the north, To the north of等)。例如:

Here is a letter for you.有你一封信呢。

There rings the bell.铃响了。

In came a foreigner and out went the old lady.出去一个老太,进来一个老外。

Down fell a soldier but again up stood thousands of others .一个战士倒下了千万个战士又站起来了。

To the east of the two hills lies a modern beautiful city — Dangtu.两山以东,坐落着一个美丽的现代化城市——当涂。

值得注意的是:在此类句型中,如果主语是代词,则只能使用位移的方法,而不是倒装。如:Here you are.给你。

Here we are.我们终于到了。

In front of me she was at the moment.当时她就在我前面。



She is Professor Li’ neighbor , so am I. 她是李教授的邻居,我也是。

注意比较和区别So do I; So I do; I do so :

My father likes music;so do I.我爸爸喜欢音乐,我也一样。(半倒装句型)

“As far as I know, you love traveling very much.” “So I do”.“据我所知,你特别喜欢旅行”。“是的,我的确很喜欢”。(位移句型)

My teacher hopes that I write an English composition every day andI do so.老师希望我每天写一篇英语作文,我就按老师说的去做。(陈述句句型)


May God bless you!愿上帝保佑你。

May you succeed!祝你成功。

3,Were, Had, Should开头表示虚拟条件句,即相当于if引导的条件状语从句:例如:

Should it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to next Wednesday.如果明天下雨,我们只好将参观活动推迟到下个星期三。= If it should rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to next Wednesday.


Will you please fetch some water ?你去帮我打点水来好吗?

Did the young man with a baby in his arms take drugs ?怀里抱着个孩子的那小伙子吸过毒吗?

In which country did you live before you moved to our city?你在搬到我们城市之前在哪个国家住过?

When do you get up when you are not busy, for example on Saturday or Sunday ?你不忙的时候,如星期六和星期天,一般什么时候起床?

注意:Who is playing the piano in the next room?谁在隔壁弹钢琴?(提问主语,陈述句词序。)


Only in this way can the experts and professors make it clear.只有用这种方法专家和教授们才能把事情搞清楚。


So stingy is she that none of us likes her.她太小气,没人喜欢她。

So attentively does Bill study that all the students in our class envy him.比尔学习特认真,我们班所有同学都羡慕。


How has the bread I bought yesterday in the supermarket gone ?我昨天在超市买的面包怎么啦?

What does his nose look like ?他的鼻子长什么样?

8,含有否定意义的副词或介词短语置于句首:例如,Not, No, Nor , Neither ,Never, Hardly, Scarcely, Little, Barely, Seldom, At no time, By no means,In no case, Not a bit等。例如:

Not until I woke up after I had had a good sleep did my daughter go to bed last night.昨晚直到我香香地睡了一觉醒来我女儿才上床睡觉。

I can’t swim, nor can he.我不会游泳,他也不会。

Never have my mother and I seen such a thing before.以前我和妈妈从来没见到过这种事。

Barely did my uncle escape with his life.我叔叔好不容易才逃出了性命。

Seldom is my son late for school.我儿子上学几乎不迟到。

In no case should you touch it.无论如何你都不能碰它。


1,强调句型:It’s at six o’clock that she gets up.她起床时间是6点。

It’s in America that she did learn how to drive a car.她在美国学会开车。

It’s English that I am worried about at present.眼下我所着急的就是英语.



How times fly!

What a nice girl she is !

How nice the girl is !


Busy as she is, she is always sparing some time for me. 虽然她很忙,但她总是挤时间陪我。

Try as I could , I decided to give the chance to others.尽管我可以再试,但我还是决定将这次机会让给他人。

4,So it is with…句型(…也一样):例如:

Marx was born in Germany, and his native language was German. So it is with Engels.马克思出生于德国,他的本族语是德语,这个情况恩格斯也一样。

5,Rather than开头的部分句型:例如:

Rather than that, I’d sooner die.我宁死也不愿做那种事。

Rather than John do it, I’d prefer to do the job myself.与其让越翰去做,我宁可自己动手。

Rather than she should feel lonely, her friends arranged to take her with them on the trip.她的朋友宁可安排带她去旅游,也不愿让她感到孤独。


Where he lives is not known to us.他住哪儿没人知道。(主语从句)

I don’t know where he lives.我不知道他住哪儿。(宾语从句)

What matters most is where he lives.关键问题是他住哪儿(表语从句)

I have no idea where he lives. 我不知道他住哪儿(同位语从句)

I found him in the place where he lives.“我是在他现在所住的地方找到他的”。(定语从句)

I found him where he lives. “我是在他现在所住的地方找到他的”。(地点状语从句)

注意比较和区别:When and where are you going to build a modern teaching building?你们打算什么时候在什么地方造一栋现代化教学楼呢?(特殊疑问句结构)

When and where they are going to build a modern teaching building is not clear.他们准备什么时候在什么地方造现代化教学楼还不大清楚。(从句结构)



句子结构为"现在分词 +be的各种形式+主语+......"。


Sitting at her desk in deep concentration was my sister Flora. 坐在书桌旁沉思的是我妹妹芙罗拉。

Also traveling around the sun are a number of comets.同时绕着太阳运行的还有许多彗星。
