
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-11-01 03:32:01

动词接doing sth的常用句型

①感官动词+doing sth


/sound/observe/listen doing/notice/consider

(1)Look forward to doing sth期盼做某事.

(2)see/I saw a girl dancing

(3)hear/I hear you cleaning your room.我听见你正在打扫房间

(4)feel /fell somebody doing sth

(5)watch/watch sb doing sth

(6)smell/ smell sb doing sth闻到某人正在做某事

(7)sound/sound of sb doing sth/sounds somewhat boring 听起来有点无聊

(8)observe/observe sb doing something

(9)listen/ listen to sb doing something

(10)notice /notice sb doing something

(11)consider doing something


(1)keep/Keep sth doing

(2)make/To make doing business easy.让天下没有难做的生意!

(3)leave/leave sb./sth doing/

he left the light in the office burning the whole night.

they left us waiting there.他们让我们在这等待

(4)get/get sth doing /get sb doing something

Can you get the clock going again?你能让这钟重新走起来吗?

(5)keep /keep donig sth坚持做某事

(6)help/can not help doing sth 情不自禁做某事Can not help doing STH. 禁不住要干某事。

(7)have somebody doing/Mum had me doing the housework yeaterday.昨天妈妈让我一直做家务.

③.高中英语 动词 +doing +sth

escape doing sth逃脱做某事

advise doing sth建议做某事

discuss doing sth讨论做某事

delay doing sth推迟做某事

dislike doing sth讨厌做某事

forbid doing sth禁止做某事

permit doing sth允许做某事

prohibit doing sth禁止做某事

understand doing sth理解做某事

put off doing sth推迟做某事

allow doing sth允许做某事

avoid doing sth避免做某事

excuse doing sth借口做某事

fancy doing sth设想做某事

pardon doing sth原谅做某事

prevent doing sth阻值做某事

risk doing sth冒险做某事

give up doing sth放弃做某事

admit doing sth承认做某事

report doing sth报告做某事

appreciate doing sth感激做某事

explain doing sth 解释做某事

resist doing sth拒绝做某事

recall doing sth想起做某事

mind doing sth介意做某事

enjoy doing sth享受做某事

practise doing sth练习做某事

report doing sth报告做某事

deny doing sth 否认做某事

mention doing sth提及做某事

stand doing sth忍受做某事

imagine doing sth 想象做某事

suggest doing sth建议做某事

finish doing sth结束做某事

miss doing sth错过做某事


(1)stop doing something/stop playing the game停止玩游戏

(2)take turns doing sth轮流做某事

(3)remain doing sth/ remain standing at bus station仍然站在公交站旁

(4)go fishing go swimming

(5)Run the risk of doing sth冒……的危险;冒险做某事

(6)be doing sth /I am going to super market我打算去超市

(7)/stay doing something继续做某事

(8)like doing sth喜欢做某事

(9)try doing sth尝试做某事
