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Types of Adjectives: Definition and Examples | English Grammar 形容词的类型:定义和例子| 英语语法

Types of adjectives that English students must know. 英语学生必须知道的形容词类型。

Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. In general, two main types of adjectives are: 形容词修饰名词和代词。 一般来说,两种主要形容词是:

Descriptive adjectives describe quality of the noun. 描述性形容词描述名词的质量。While, Limiting adjectives limit the noun being described. 而限制形容词限制了所描述的名词。

Descriptive Adjectives – Types of Adjectives 描述性形容词 - 形容词的类型

What is a descriptive adjective in English? 什么是英文描述性形容词?

Generally, a descriptive adjective is probably what you think of when you hear the word “adjective.” Descriptive adjectivesdescribe nouns and pronouns. 一般来说,当你听到“形容词”这个词时,你可能会想到一个描述性的形容词。描述性的形容词描述了名词和代词。

In fact, descriptive adjectivescan be attributive adjectives or predicate adjectives. 事实上,描述性形容词可以是定语形容词或谓词形容词。

Attributive adjectives 定语形容词

Adjectiveswhich appear directly beside the noun, most commonly before, are called attributive, because they attribute a quality to the noun they modify. And, more than one adjective can modify the same noun. 直接出现在名词旁边的形容词(最常见的是在名词前面)称为定语,因为它们赋予被修饰的名词一种性质。而且,不止一个形容词可以修饰同一个名词。

Examples: 例子:

The flowers have a nice smell. (“Nice” is an attributive adjective, as it is placed).这些花闻起来很香。(“Nice”是一个定语形容词)。

The chatter made the room noisy. (This is an instance in which the attributive adjective appears directly behind the noun. “Noisy” is describing the “room.”) 吵闹声使房间里很嘈杂。(这个例子中,定语形容词直接出现在名词后面。“吵闹”指的是“房间”。

Predicate Adjectives 谓词形容词

Adjectiveswhich appear after a linking verb are predicative adjectives, because they form part of the predicate. Hence, they modify the subject of the sentence or clause (a clause is a portion of a sentence which contains a subject and a predicate). 在连接动词后出现的形容词是谓语形容词,因为它们构成谓语的一部分。因此,他们修改句子或从句的主语(从句是包含主语和谓语的句子的一部分)。

Examples: 例子:

The pickles are salty. (noun: pickle, linking verb: are, adjective: salty (describing the noun”pickles”)) 泡菜咸。 (名词:pickle,连接动词:are,形容词:salty(描述名词“泡菜”))

Tornadoes appear menacing. (noun: tornadoes, linking verb: appear, adjective: menacing (describing the noun “tornadoes”)) 龙卷风似乎很危险。 (名词:tornadoes,连接动词:出现,形容词:威胁(描述名词“龙卷风”))

Limiting adjectives – Types of Adjectives 限制形容词 - 形容词的类型

Limiting adjectives do as their name suggests, they limit the noun being described. Generally, there are nine types of limiting adjectives as follows: 限制形容词如其名称所示,它们限制所描述的名词。 一般来说,有九种类型的限制形容词如下:

Definite & Indefinite Articles 定冠词和不定冠词Possessive Adjectives 所有格形容词Demonstrative Adjectives 示范形容词Indefinite Adjectives 不定的形容词Interrogative Adjectives 疑问形容词Cardinal Adjectives 红衣主教的形容词Ordinal Adjectives 序数形容词Proper Adjectives 适当的形容词Nouns used as Adjectives 名词用作形容词

Definite & Indefinite Articles 定冠词和不定冠词

There is only one definite article, the. When used before a noun, it specifies a particular noun as opposed to any one. 只有一个定冠词。当用在名词前时,它指定了一个特定的名词而不是任何一个名词。

Examples: 例子:

The cat (a specific, identifiable cat) 猫(一种特定的、可识别的猫)

The cottages (specific, identifiable cottages) 村舍(具体的、可识别的村舍)

There are two indefinite articles, a and an. These are used with a noun when a specific noun is not being pointed at. 不定冠词有两个,a和an。当一个特定的名词没有被指向的时候,这些词可以和一个名词一起使用。

Examples: 例子:

A lion (any lion) 狮子(任何狮子)

An ant (any ant) 蚂蚁(任何蚂蚁)

Possessive Adjectives 所有格形容词

The possessive adjectives my, your, his, her, its, our, and their modify nouns by showing possession or ownership. 形容词my, your, his, her, its, our, and their修饰名词,表示占有或所有权。

Examples: 例子:

I forgot my key at home. 我把钥匙忘在家里了。

What is your phone number? 你的电话号码是多少?

The bookstore sold his favorite book. 书店卖他最喜欢的书。

After many years, they returned to their homeland. 多年以后,他们回到了他们的祖国。

We’ll make our decision and contact the people involved. 我们会做出决定并联系相关人员。

The cat chased its ball down the stairs and into the backyard. 猫追着球跑下楼梯,进了后院。

Demonstrative Adjectives 示范形容词

What are demonstrative adjectives in English? 什么是英语示范形容词?

The demonstrative adjectives “this,” “these,” “that,” “those,” and “what” are identical to the demonstrative pronouns, but are used as adjectives to modify nouns or noun phrases. 示范性形容词“this”,“this”,“that”,“that”和“what”与指示代词相同,但用作形容词来修饰名词或名词短语。

Examples: 例子:

That dog is so adorable. 那只狗太可爱了。

He lives in this house. 他住在这所房子里。

My friend preferred those plates. 我的朋友更喜欢那些盘子。

These books are too expensive. 这些书太贵了。

The relationship between a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun is similar to the relationship between a possessive adjective and a possessive pronoun, or to that between a interrogative adjective and an interrogative pronoun. 示范性形容词和指示性代词之间的关系类似于占有性形容词和所有格代词之间的关系,或者与疑问形容词和疑问代词之间的关系相似。

Interrogative Adjectives 疑问形容词

What is an interrogative adjective in English? 什么是英语疑问形容词?

An interrogative adjective (“which” or “what”) is like an interrogative pronoun, except that it modifies a noun or noun phrase rather than standing on its own (see also demonstrative adjectives and possessive adjectives). 疑问句形容词(“which”或“what”)类似于疑问句代词,只是它修饰一个名词或名词短语而不是独立存在(参见指示性形容词和所有格形容词)。

Examples: 例子:

Which method is likely to produce the best results? 哪种方法可能产生最佳效果?

What subject did you enjoy most? 你最喜欢什么科目?

Indefinite Adjectives 无限形容词

What is an indefinite adjective in English? 什么是英语的不定形容词?

An indefinite adjective is similar to an indefinite pronoun, except that it modifies a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. 不定形容词类似于不定代词,除了它修饰名词,代词或名词短语。

Examples: 例子:

Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing. 许多人继续忽视日光浴的危险警告。

The examiners can pitch on any student to answer questions. 审查员可以让任何学生回答问题。

There were a few people sitting at the back of the hall. 有几个人坐在大厅的后面。

All children should be taught to swim. 应该教所有的孩子游泳。

Cardinal Adjectives 红衣主教形容词

Adjectives that modify the noun by numbering it (stating how many) are cardinal adjectives. 通过对名词进行编号来修改名词的形容词(说明有多少)是主要形容词。

Examples: 例子:

Five pens 五支钢笔

Six tables 六张桌子

Ordinal Adjectives 序数形容词

An ordinal adjective indicates the position of a noun in a series. 数形容词表示名词在一系列中的位置。

Examples: 例子:

The first date 第一次约会

The third month 第三个月

Proper Adjectives 适当的形容词

Adjectives derived from proper names are called proper adjectives. They are easily recognizable in that they are always capitalized. 源自专有名称的形容词称为适当的形容词。 它们很容易识别,因为它们总是大写的。

Examples: 例子:

Japanese food 日本食品

Russian opera 俄罗斯歌剧

Nouns used as Adjectives 名词用作形容词

Sometimes nouns can be used as adjectives to define or describe another noun. 有时名词可以用作形容词来定义或描述另一个名词。

Examples: 例子:

The computer exhibition 电脑展

A history teacher 历史老师
