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句子大全 2023-11-08 02:21:02

一、因为值得,所以等待;因为深爱,所以追求;直到拥有,必定珍惜;你若不离,我定不弃。我要的不多,一杯清水,一片面包和一句我爱你。如果奢侈一点,我希望:水是你亲手倒的,面包是你给的。Because it is worth, so wait; because love, so pursue; until possession, will cherish; if you do not leave, I will not abandon. I don"t want much, a glass of water, a piece of bread and a sentence I love you. If you"re a bit extravagant, I hope: you poured the water yourself, and you gave the bread.

二、无论你活成什么样子,都会有人对你说三道四,让自己不断变强,就是最好的蔑视。你曾经对我无数次的说过我爱你,我天真的认为你对我是爱情,现在才发现我只是你青春期那个叛逆的借口。No matter what you live like, there will always be people who say things to you that make you stronger and stronger, which is the best scorn. You have told me countless times that I love you. I naively think you love me. Now I find that I am just the rebellious excuse of your adolescence.

三、这个世界其实很公平,你想要比别人强,你就必须去做别人不想做的事,你想要过更好的生活,你就必须去承受更多的困难,承受别人不能承受的压力,不吃拼搏的苦,就会吃生活的苦。真正的强者,不是没有眼泪,而是含着眼泪继续奔跑,不要让任何人偷走你的梦想,因为没有人会为你的人生买单。In fact, the world is fairer. If you want to be stronger than others, you must do what others don"t want to do. If you want to live a better life, you must bear more difficulties, stress that others can"t bear, and if you don"t suffer from hard work, you will suffer from the hardships of life.

The real strong man is not without tears, but running with tears. Don"t let anyone steal your dream, because no one will pay for your life.

四、我捡起它来,因为它很孤独。它的正面充满生机,却不知它的背后,会有多少风风雨雨。我想要它能听到,我的心跳,哪怕多微不足道。I picked it up because it was lonely. Its front is full of vitality, but I don"t know how many storms there will be behind it. I want it to hear, my heart beating, even if it"s insignificant.


is actually telling you that you will have a good life, don"t want to change anything, saltwater fish turn over or saltwater fish; the so-called positive energy is telling you that although so promising, you still have the hope of turning over into a delicious saltwater fish.

六、珍惜现在,走过了就不要后悔;看淡了,才有良好的心境,才有沉淀后的宁静,才有更多的包容和对生命的理解。有感觉才会有知觉,有知觉,才会对人事物有所觉知,人得有觉知,才配衬起世间之华美。cherishes the present and does not regret it when it passes by; only when it looks dim, can it have a good mood, a quiet after precipitation, and more tolerance and understanding of life. Only when there is feeling can there be perception.

Only when there is perception can there be perception of things. Only when people are aware can they match the beauty of the world.

七、像我这种懦弱的人不配恋爱,对一个人心动却不敢行动,被一个人感动却不能主动。像我这种自私的人不配结婚,对一个人动容却不会包容,被一个人纵容却不善形容。A cowardly person like me is unworthy of love, but dares not act on a person"s heart, but is moved by a person but can not take the initiative. Selfish people like me don"t deserve to get married. They can"t tolerate a person, but they can"t describe a person.

八、如果不是相互喜欢,你的痴情就是别人的负担,别去打扰那些已活在你记忆中的人,也许这才是最适合你们的距离。曾经,一路上有你相伴,在所有寒冷的日子里,你就是那吹拂在我心里的十里春风,盛开在我心里的十里桃花,让我久久不能忘怀!does not like each other, your infatuation is the burden of others. Don"t disturb those who have lived in your memory. Maybe this is the most suitable distance for you. Once, along the way with you, in all the cold days, you are the ten miles of spring wind blowing in my heart, blooming in my heart ten miles of peach blossoms, let me not forget for a long time!


Because of reluctance, so do not say; because not bear heart, so silent. Care about a person, do everything without desire; reluctant to hurt, let grievances alone taste. Some roads are destined to be one"s hard journey, because no one has the same heart; sometimes, it is impossible to explain at all, because the heart is difficult to understand.

It"s easy to put a person on your mouth, but difficult to put it in your heart.

十、我好想见你一面,我有一万个想见你的理由,却少了一种能见你的身份。有一种相见不能见的伤痛,这才是世界上最远的距离,死缠烂打的样子特别丑,所以我选择自己走。I really want to see you. I have 10,000 reasons for wanting to see you, but I lack an identity to see you. There is a kind of invisible pain, which is the furthest distance in the world, and the look of death is particularly ugly, so I choose to go by myself.

十一、你聪明会有人说你心机重,你努力会有人说你运气好,你天生乐观有人会说你虚情假意,有时候,你明明就是一杯白水,却被人硬生生逼成了满肚子憋屈的碳酸饮料。人一生遇见太多人,只要内心澄明,就永远不用讨好一个不懂你的人。You"re smart, someone says you"re smart, someone says you"re lucky, someone says you"re optimistic by nature, someone says you"re hypocritical. Sometimes, when you"re a glass of white water, you"re forced to drink carbonated drinks full of stomachs. People meet too many people in their lives. As long as they are clear-minded, they never need to please someone who doesn"t know you.
