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句子大全 2023-11-11 04:22:01

喜欢一个人,在表白的时候只会说“ I like you/ I love you”? 这么没诚意,怎么脱单呀。今天跟我一起来学习一些跟爱情有关的英语表达吧。告白level 蹭蹭蹭 up起来~


Be into somebody = 喜欢某人

He’s just not that into you. 他其实没有那么喜欢你。(一部电影的名字,推荐大家看看)

If a guy is into you, he’ll make it happen. 如果一个男生喜欢你的话,他会追你的

Be attracted to somebody = 被某人吸引了

I’m attract to you. 我被你吸引了

Be smitten (over someone) = 非常喜欢某人,一说就脸红

Look at you,I’m sure you are smitten over him. 看看你,我很确定你很喜欢他

I first met him at a party and from that evening on, I was smitten. 我第一在派对上遇见他,我就小鹿乱撞

Have a crush on someone = 迷恋,迷上某人

I think Tony may have a crush on you. 我认为汤尼老师迷上你了。(以后剪发可以免费了)

You’re falling for someone / falling in love with someone= 你对某人陷进去了,为之倾心

The moment I met you, I’ve been falling for you. 从遇见你那刻起我就爱上你了

Love at first sight = 一见钟情

It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later. 我们一见钟情,他6周后向我求婚

Be infatuated with someone = 对某人痴情,为爱冲昏头脑

You are defending him because you’ve become infatuated with him! 你护着他是因为你被他冲昏头脑了


Be dating = 在交往,是男女朋友了

We are dating. 我们在一起了

They’ve been dating for 3 months. 他们交往三个月了

Be seeing each other = 交往中

We’re seeing each other. 我们在交往

Official = 官方的,公开公布的

They’re official . 他们官宣了

Be in a relationship = 处于一段感情中

We’re in a relationship. 我们在恋爱

move in together= 同居

We’d been seeing each other for a year when he suggested we should move in together.


Be engaged= 订婚了

He proposed and we’re engaged now. 他求婚了,现在我们订婚了。

Get married = 结婚

We want to get married and start a family, but it takes much money. 我们也想结婚生子,可是那得花钱


Friendzone = 被归类为朋友了,发好人卡

I got friendzoned, we won’t be together. 我们只是朋友关系,不可能在一起的

Rebound = 利用你来疗伤, 备胎

she’s just using you to get over her ex-boyfriend. You’re just a rebound. 她利用你来疗情伤,你是疗伤药


cheat on someone = 劈腿某人

He/she cheated on me. 他/她出轨了

Two-time = 一脚踏两船

He was two-timing me the whole time we were together. 我们在一起的时候他一直劈腿

Get divorced = 离婚

Children always suffer when their parents get divorced. 父母离婚总会让孩子很受苦


