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超级无敌的沙雕搞笑句 欢喜不断(令人大笑不止)

句子大全 2023-11-13 02:11:01

一,真挚的友谊来自源源不断的问候 大家晚上好 祝大家 游戏总是输 恋爱总是哭 永远单身

Sincere friendship comes from a steady stream of greetings, good evening everyone, wish everyone games always lose love, always cry, always single

二,可是光是可爱还是不够 我必须要成为把他打进医院的暴躁女生。

But cute isn"t enough. I have to be the cranky girl who put him in the hospital.


Today"s me, you love to ignore, tomorrow"s me, I still come to you, you are so embarrassed, I like you more!

四,现在的男孩子真爱干净 我一找他们聊天他们就去洗澡 洗三天的那种

Boys these days are so clean. When I talk to them, they take a shower for three days

五,去找一个能把你逗笑的人吧 我不行 我只能把你美哭

Go find someone who can make you laugh. I can"t. I can only make you cry

六,小时候我们都很快乐 因为那个时候我们的丑和穷还明显

When we were young, we were all very happy because our ugliness and poverty were still obvious at that time


Boyfriend is so fun, it will definitely delay wow, playing games! It"s a good thing I don"t have a boyfriend


I love being angry so much, I should be in love with a fire extinguisher


If the person is fat in place, reading a book seriously is like ordering

十,今天的我你爱理不理 明天的我浪漫升级

Today"s me you ignore tomorrow"s me romantic upgrade


Kindness can have a sharp edge, rejection is just maturity

十二,晚上好 列表美女们天气热注意防晒喝水记得按时吃饭少熬夜 男的:随便

Good evening list of beautiful women, the weather is hot, pay attention to sunscreen, drink water, remember to eat on time, stay up late, male: casual

十三,要是我QQ上面有帅哥就好了 我可以他喝奶茶 可惜没有

If only I had a handsome guy on my QQ. I could. He drinks milk tea, but he doesn"t

十四,告诉大家一个小妙招把我笑死了 替换成我笑了 这样就不用死了

Tell everyone a little trick to laugh me to death instead of me laughing so I don"t have to die

十五,别人穿工装你说她好酷有个性 我穿工装你问我在哪个4s店干修理!

Others wear tooling, you say she is so cool and has a personality, I wear tooling, you ask me which 4S shop to repair!


wild is very powerful can be called the wild king, the mage is very powerful can be called the French king, I am very powerful, you can call my father?

十七,第一次看见你时 一阵风吹过 神明在我耳边说了四个字:人狗殊途

The first time I saw you, a gust of wind blew through the gods and said four words in my ear: people and dogs have different ways

十八,近墨者黑近朱者赤 以后大家尽量远离我 我不想你们也变漂亮

I don"t want you to be beautiful, too

十九,不错 列表也有脱单秀恩爱的 我也没什么好送的 就送你们离开我的列表吧。

Nice list. There"s a stand-up show, too. I don"t have anything to send. Just get you off my list.

二十,我的梦想是 住在食家庄 日日食全食美 夜夜喋喋不休

My dream is to live in a restaurant and talk about the total solar eclipse night and night

二十一,有些歌听前奏就爱上了 有些人看第一眼就喜欢上了 有些作业打开第一页就不想做了

Some songs fall in love with the prelude. Some people like it at first glance. Some homework opens the first page and doesn"t want to do it


The story of a beautiful encounter in spring takes place outside the door


No resistance to boys who still show signs of life

二十四,我没回你消息正常 你见过哪个女神不忙的

I haven"t heard back from you. It"s normal. Which goddess have you seen who"s not busy
