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句子大全 2023-11-19 04:34:01







1) 会说:The kids always talk/chat in class吗?

2) Yahoo the kids always talk/chat in class

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原版英语:Why do kids talk in class and disrespect teachers so much?

Hello everyone, I"m in Michigan and I"m in the 7th grade. I do not understand why kids always talk so much in class and disrespect teachers so much?

No matter what kind of punishment we get, my fellow students just keep blabbering on and on and on and oooonnnnn. What kind of **** is going on in their


1. Okay.I got you.(求证):The kids always talk/chat in class是对的

2. Okay.Got it. You do say:always talk too much in class,or just keep blabbering on in class.

原版英语:What do you do if your child is talking in class too much? Help her focus, pay attention, and learn in class with these gentle and effective tips.


Okay.Got you. I"ll say:Talk too much in class

原版英语:How to Avoid Talking in Class

Some students have a very hard time remembering to stay quiet while in class. If you’re a talkative, outgoing kid who has run into this issue, fear not. There are plenty of simple tricks you can use to help you stay quiet, and out of trouble. By changing your habits - like sitting next to quiet students - and asking for help, you can learn how to stop talking in class.

It’s also helpful to pick a seat closer to the front of the classroom. Close proximity to the teacher will make it harder for you to chit chat as the teacher will likely remind you to quiet down.


1. Okay.I got you.I can say:The kid talks too much in class,or The kid can not stay quiet in class,or The kid chits chat a lot in class.

2. To talk a lot in class means To chat a lot in class

3. To chat a lot in class means can not stay quiet in class or to chit chat a lot in class

