
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-11-21 05:00:01

Unit 1

1.怎么了What’s the matter; What’s wrong; What’s the trouble

2.太多too much; too many

3.足够的水enough water

4.嗓子痛have a sore throat

5.量体温take one’s temperature

6.躺下lie down

7.热茶加蜂蜜hot tea with honey

8.看牙医see a dentist

9.发烧have a fever

10.休息一下take a break; have a rest

11.沿着go along

12.在路边上on the side of the road

13.挨着next to

14.下车get off

15.不得不have to

16.等待wait for

17.令某人惊讶的是to one’s surprise

18.同意做某事agree to do

19.帮助某人做某事help sb do

20.幸亏thanks to

21.及时in time

22.立刻;马上right away

23.陷入麻烦get into trouble

24.摔倒fall down

25.穿上put on

26.告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth

27.伤到某人自己hurt oneself

28.对……感兴趣be interested in

29.习惯于be used to doing

30.冒险take risks

31.独自by oneself; on one’s own

32.用尽run out of

33.准备做某事be ready to do

34.切断cut off

35.为了so that

36.做决定make a decision


38.继续做某事keep on doing

39.与……一样the same as

40介意做某事mind doing

41.期待某人做某事expect sb to do

Unit 2

1.打扫干净clean up

2.希望做某事hope to do

3.振奋起来cheer up

4.分发give out; hand out

5.提出;想出come up with

6.计划做某事make a plan to do

7.要求某人做某事ask sb to do

8.过去常常used to do

9.关心care for

10.放弃give up

11.在4岁的时候at the age of 4

12.决定做某事decide to do

13.试用try out

14.实现come true

15.与此同时at the same time

16.生病的孩子们sick children

17.与某人说话talk to sb

18.讲故事tell a story

19.忙于做某事be busy doing;be busy with

20.张贴put up

21.推迟put off

22.打电话;召集call up

23.在某人空闲的时候at one’s free time

24.做某事的方法the way to do

25.为无家可归的人集资raise money for homeless people

26.停止做某事stop doing

27.捐赠give away

28.与……长得像take after

29.不再not…any more

30.与……相似be similar to

31.修理fix up

32.为……而感谢thanks for

33.建立set up

34.我的一个朋友a friend of mine

35.对……感到兴奋be excited about

36.能够be able to

37.立刻at once

Unit 3

1.刷碗do the dishes

2.叠衣服fold the clothes

3.扫地sweep the floor

4.整理床铺make the bed

5.扔垃圾take out the rubbish

6.没问题no problem

7.致力于;从事于work on

8.至少at least

9.完成做某事finish doing

10.生某人的气be angry with

11.在……的前面in front of

12.带某人出去走走take sb for a walk

13.一直all the time

14.和你一样累as tired as you are

15.我也是me too; so am/do I

16.与朋友出去逛逛hang out with friends

17.把某物递给某人pass sb sth

18.努力做某事try to do

19.在某方面帮助某人help sb with sth

20.让某人做某事make sb do; let sb do

21.浪费时间a waste of time

22.花费时间在某方面spend time on sth

23.为了in order to;

24.对于某人来说做某事没有必要There is no need for sb to do sth

25.介意做某事mind doing

26.取决于depend on

27.照顾look after; take care of

28.结果as a result

29.同意agree with

Unit 4.

1.为什么不why not do; why don’t you do

2.允许某人做某事allow sb to do

3.与……打架fight with sb

4.给某人写信write a letter to sb; write to sb

5.擅长be good at

6.谈论talk about

7.通过电话on the telephone

8.浏览look through

9.生某人的气be angry with sb

10.告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth

11.解决;计算出work out

12.与某人相处get along with sb

13.拒绝做某事refuse to do

14.提供帮助offer to help

15.与……交流communicate with sb

16.抄某人的作业copy one’s homework

17.与某人竞争compete with sb


19.与某人相比较compare with sb

20.你认为……怎么样What do you think of… ; How do you like…

Unit 5.

1.在暴风雨的时候at the time of the storm

2.开始做某事begin to do

3.发出声响go off

4.洗热水澡take a hot shower

5.看见某人正在做某事see sb doing

6.错过公车miss the bus

7.接电话pick up

8.确保make sure

9.入睡fall asleep

10.醒来wake up

11.逐渐消失die down

12.起初at first

13.记着做过某事remember doing

14.例如for example

15.在美国历史上in American history

16.记着去做某事remember to do

17.被杀be killed

18.50多岁over 50

19.在收音机里听到这个消息hear the news on the radio

20.意味着mean doing

21.打算做某事mean to do

22.看向窗外look out the window

23.乱七八糟in a mess

24.落在地上的树fallen trees

25.互相each other; one another

Unit 6.

1.努力做某事try to do

2.致力于做某事work on doing

3.一……就as soon as

4.完成做某事finish doing

5.继续做某事continue to do

6.被愚公感动了be moved by Yu Gong

7.带走take away

8.做某事的方法the way to do

9.解决问题solve the problem

10.坚持做keep doing

11.放弃give up

12.同意某人agree with sb

13.代替instead of

14.第一次for the first time

15.主人公main character

16.事实上in fact

17.看起来像look like

18.把……变成turn into

19.出版come out

20.对……感兴趣be interested in

21.帮助弱者help the weak

22.爱上fall in love with

23.结婚get married

24.停止做某事stop doing

25.停下来去做stop to do

26.把尾巴藏起来hide the tail

27.全世界all over the world

28.从前once upon a time

29.计划做某事make a plan to do

30.安静点be quiet

31.听见某人正在做某事hear sb doing

32.起床get up

33.出去go out

34.几片面包pieces of bread

35.带领;引导lead to

36.由……制成be made of

37.迷路be lost

38.足够勇敢brave enough

39.尝试做某事try doing

40.没关系;不要紧 never mind

Unit 7.

1.平方千米square kilometer

2.最古老的国家之一one of the oldest countries in the world

3.随便做某事feel free to do sth

4.古代的帝王ancient emperors

5.正如你所见as you can see

6.据我所知as far as I know; as far as I am concerned

7.人造的物体man-made objects

8.中国的西南部southwestern part of China

9.在众多山之中of all the mountains

10.挑战自我challenge oneself

11.面对困难in the face of difficulties

12.实现梦想achieve one’s dream

13.放弃give up

14.努力做某事try to do

15.自然的力量the force of nature

16.第一个登上山顶的人the first to reach the mountain

17.重100公斤weigh 100 kilograms

18.一个……另一个one…the other

19.为……准备prepare for

20.每隔两年every two years

21.死于die from

22.花费时间做某事spend time doing sth

23.砍到cut down

24.开始做某事start to do

25.濒危动物endangered animals

26.派送send to

27.保护动物的重要性the importance of saving animals

28.将会有there will be

29.居住live in

30.未来in the future

31.植树plant trees

Unit 8

1.你读过……吗Have you read…

2.充满财宝的岛an island full of treasure

3.完成做某事finish doing

4.长大grow up

5.至少at least

6.赶快hurry up

7.在两周内in two weeks

8.来过这have been here

9.一个……另一个one…the other

10.带着我的枪出去go out with my gun

11.帮助某人做某事help sb do

12.到达arrive at/ in;

13.在大海的中间in the middle of the sea

14.喝的东西something to drink

15.认为think about ·

16.多于100本不同的书more than 100 different books

17.对……感兴趣be interested in

18.等不及做某事can’t wait to do

19.你认为……怎么样What do you think of

20.过去常常used to do

21.在国外学习study aboard

22.自从ever since

23.乡村音乐country music

24.……的故乡be the home of

25.属于belong to

26.互相each other; one another

27.找出find out

28.介绍introduce to

Unit 9

1.去过have been to

2.我也不me neither; neither am/do I

3.搭建;张贴put up

4.坐地铁by subway; take a subway

5.……的发展the development of

6.激励某人做某事encourage sb to do

7.茶具tea set

8.坐船兜风take a ride on a boat

9.数以千计的thousands of

10.一方面……另一方面one the one hand… one the other hand

11.说英语的国家English-speaking countries

12.一整年all year round

13.远离far from

14.多次many times

15.娱乐场amusement park

16.以如此快的速度进步progress in such a rapid way

17.到达arrive at/in

18.四分之三的人口three quarters of population

19.听说hear of

20上次last time

Unit 10

1.多长时间how long

2.捐赠give away

3.有需要的人people in need

4.几个月a couple of months

5.似乎;好像seem to do

6.初中Junior high school

7.不再no longer ;not… any more

8.老实说to be honest

9.小学primary school

10.寻找search for; look for

11.二十世纪中期mid-20th century

12在某人看来in one’s opinion ; according to sb

13.学校的对面opposite the school

14.……的象征the symbol of
