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口语:It's on tip of tongue(话到嘴边却忘词了)

句子大全 2023-11-22 07:21:01

口语:It"s on the tip of my tongue(话到嘴边却记不起来了)

1) 如果我想表达“话到嘴边却想不起来了”,“咦,那个是怎么说来着?”时,我是不会非得死记硬背英语It"s on the tip of my tongue来表达不可的,因为我也不一定能瞬间记起这句英语表达。

我如果一时“忘词”,把It"s on the tip of my tongue忘了,我还会说英语:Well, I know what it is,but just can"t recall it right now/but it just does not come to me right now.

英语It"s on the tip of my tongue和英语Well, I know what it is,but just can"t recall it right now/but it just does not come to me right now意思是完全一样的。在我们的实际口语交流中,你说哪个都可以把你的这句意思表达出来。


It"s on the tip of my tongue是什么意思?

2) 中国人学习英语It"s on the tip of my tongue有至少两种语言:中文和英语。

1. 中文:话到嘴边却想不起来了,咦,那句话是怎么说来着,一下给忘了,脑袋一时短路了,等等。


2. 英语:当我们“用”英语学并学会英语It"s on the tip of my tongue时,不管“将来如何”,我们至少此刻就当场真正解决了英语“用”的问题了:你用的不是现在学的英语,是把你学过的英语用起来了。

3) 把下面学过或没学过的英语“用”起来去记和理解英语It"s (right) on the tip of my tongue:

1. Oh,I got you. If you say:It"s (right) on the tip of my tongue , you mean:I am almost able to recall or remember something I want to say.

2. Okay. I got you.If we say:It"s on the tip of my tongue, we mean we are sure that we know something, but somehow it doesn’t quite come to us.

3. If something that you want to say is on the tip of your tongue, you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very soon.

4) 轮到你英语遣词造句能力训练了:把下面的英语on tip of your tongue说成英语:

1. Her name is on the tip of my tongue. Just give me a minute, I"ll remember it.

2. I had the answer on the tip of my tongue, but couldn"t think of it in time.

3. I have his name right on the tip of my tongue.

只有彻底改掉见英语只会只能说中文来理解的“恶习”,经过这样的把英语学成英语的能力训练,将来要表达on the tip of my tongue时就算把这句英语忘了,我们还会说英语:Well, I know what it is,but just can"t recall it right now/but it just does not come to me right now来把我们想说的意思表达出来。
