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双语丨 词素=语素(Morphemes)

句子大全 2023-11-23 07:46:01

Morphemes are the smallest meaningful units in the grammatical system of a language.

In a simpler way, we can define a morpheme as a minimal meaningful grammatical unit.



The three key words in the definition are worthy of our note: minimal, meaningful and grammatical.


By minimal, we mean “the smallest", i. e. a form larger than one meaningful unit can"t be regarded as a morpheme.


For example, the word blackboard is obviously made up of two meaningful parts:black and board.


Therefore, it consists of two morphemes:black and board, although traditionally,people thought of words like this as the smallest meaningful units simply because words are always separated from each other in the written language.

因此,它由两个词素组成:black and board,尽管传统上人们认为这样的单词是最小的有意义的单位,因为在书面语言中单词总是彼此分开的。

It"s the same case with disagree, which can be further divided into two parts: dis and agree, therefore, it is said to contain two morphemes.


By meaningful, we mean that a morpheme cannot be further divided without destroying its meaning.

所谓意义,我们是指一个词素 不能 在不能破坏其意义的情况下 进一步划分。

For example, captain is a single morpheme even though it appears to contain two parts: cap and tain.


The reason is that the meaning of the cap has no relation with the meaning of the word captain and moreover, tain is not a meaningful unit here


It"s the same case with manage, which seems to be composed of two meaningful parts: man and age.


But the meanings of man and age have no bearing on the meaning of the word manage.


The reason why we say that a morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammatical system rather than in the lexical system of a language is that if morphemes were defined to be the basic units in the lexical system,the linguistic forms like a ,the, and to could not be taken into consideration at the morphemic level.

为什么我们说 一个词素是在语法系统中最小的有意义的单位 而不是一种语言的词汇系统,原因是 如果词素被定义为是在词汇系统中的基本单位,语言形式像like,a,to,就不能考虑在词素层面上。

For example, the underlined words in the sentence I told theperson to come here for a visit have no lexical meaning.

例如,在句子I told the person to come here For a visit中,下划线的单词没有词汇意义。

However, they cannot be omitted if we want to produce a well-formed sentence.


Thus, they have definite grammatical functions or grammatical meanings.


Some other morphemes are not lexical items at all.


For instance, in the words books, faster, John"s and worked, the forms -s ,-er, -"s and -ed are all regarded as morphemes, because they have grammatical meanings (although they have no lexical meaning).

例如,在单词books, faster, John"s和worked中,形式-s, -er,-"s和-ed都被认为是词素,因为它们有语法意义(尽管它们没有词汇意义)。

Let" s clarify the definition with some more examples.


Consider the word international.


When we are using this word,we think of it as creating a single meaning, but if we want to, we can divide it into three clear morphemes,that is, three smallest meaningful grammatical units.


Inter- means "between";

nation is a complete word by itself,but here it is serving as the root of a larger word;

-al serves a grammatical function and turns a word such as "nation" from a noun into an adjective.

Inter- 意味着between;



The word tourists contains three morphemes: tour, -ist (meaning “a person who does something"), and -s (indicating plural).

单词tourists(旅游者)包含三个词素:tour, -ist(意思是“做某事的人”)和-s(表示复数)。
