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句子大全 2023-11-24 02:37:01






What comes to a foreigner’s mind when speaking of China? Not martial arts(武术) or Peking opera, but traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).

Chinese Foreign Languages Publishing administration did a survey in 2015, asking 9500 foreigners in G20 countries about China’s national image. Half of them chose TCM.

TCM has a 3,000-year history in China. It is based on the Chinese philosophy(哲学) of yin and yang. It looks at humans and nature as a unity(统一). So to keep healthy, we should follow the laws of nature. For example, it is time to sleep at 11:00 pm, because yin power starts to recover by then. If you often stay up late, your body will lose balance and catch illness.

TCM and the Chinese philosophy about humans and nature have gone global in recent years. People in 183 countries and regions are now using TCM therapies(疗法), according to China’s first white paper on TCM.

You may have noticed the round, purple marks on the shoulders of US swimmer Michael Phelps at the Rio Olympics this summer. He was using the TCM cupping(拔火罐) therapy. It made headlines across the world.

One of the reasons behind the growing popularity of TCM is the increase of scientific research into it. Last year, Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize for discovering an anti-malaria drug(抗疟药). She used a plant long used in traditional medicine.

1. ______ foreigners chose TCM in G20 countries in 2015.

A 20

B 2015

C 4750

D 9500

2. People should go to sleep at ______ according TCM.

A 10:00 am

B 11:00 am

C 10:00 pm

D 11:00 pm

3. What does the underlined word “recover” mean in Chinese?

A 消失.

B 恢复.

C 增加.

D 减弱.

4. What made headlines across the world at the 2016 Rio Olympics?

A Tu Youyou was using western medicine.

B Michael Phelps was swimming.

C Michael Phelps was using TCM cupping.

D Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize for discovering an anti-malaria drug.



Natural herbal medicines have been a part of the medicine world for a long time, and different cultures have used them in various ways. Some people use them for therapeutic purposes while others use them for medicinal purposes.

The use of herbs is widely known to be safe because the ingredients are natural and therefore have very few side effects when they’re taken.

Nowadays, different doctors are advocating for the use of herbal medicine for the well-being and the health of the body.

Herbal medicines come in the form of tablets, capsules, teas, syrup, oils and also powders, and each of them has different ways in which it’s used to avail the body. The ingredients are taken from plant roots, stems or even leaves and then used naturally while they’re active.

The main purpose of natural herbal medicines is to help the body return to its normal state so that it can be restored wholly. Different herbs when taken will work differently in the body systems and therefore bring the desirable healing effects.

For instance, they can restore the body"s natural balance and health in cases where the body is sick or has low immunity. They work by making the immune system function well and also promote the well-being of the body before any illness sets in. They can make one better at remembering something as they improve blood circulation to the brain.

Additionally, natural herbal medicines can reduce anxiety, depression, exhaustion, stress, etc. as they help your nerves calm down.

Despite many advantages of natural herbal medicines, you should take something into account when you use them. For instance, don’t use them in cases where the conventional drugs are supposed to be used. It’s important to seek medical advice before taking any herbal drugs while taking the conventional drugs to avoid any adverse effects on the body.

Moreover, it’s also good to consult your doctor to get the correct dosage and also the exact type of drug for the particular disease you have.

1. What can be inferred about herbal medicines from the first paragraph?

A They are available in the globe.

B They are completely safe to take.

C They are popular in the world.

D They can treat almost all diseases.

2. What does the underlined word “avail” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A Change.

B Strengthen.

C Protect.

D Benefit.

3. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?

A To introduce how herbs are used.

B To list advantages of natural herbs.

C To show how herbs improve memory.

D To summarize what diseases herbs treat.

4. What writing method is used most often in the passage?

A Giving examples.

B Making comparisons.

C Providing data.

D Giving definitions.

5. What do you have to avoid when it comes to using herbal medicinesaccording to the passage?

A The wrong time in which you take them.

B Their reactions with the other medicines.

C The wrong way herbal medicines are prepared.

D Too small consumption of herbal medicines.



Acupuncture therapy has been used since several centuries ago. It’s practiced by plucking the needles into specific body points. Similarly, it’s a safe remedy to remove your illness or pain. It promotes overall wellness, and is being used for curing several health issues in all parts of the world.

Many individuals experience pain while the needle is stuck into the body. The first few sessions would be uncomfortable. But as you get used to the session, you’ll find nothing painful.

The best part about acupuncture treatment is that you might end up curing other related disorders while fighting a chronic condition. Actually, worsening of the symptoms temporarily is a sign that the treatment is proving effective.

However, there are side effects linked with acupuncture treatment. For example, the first few sessions might result into red skin due to needle insertion. Also, one might experience mild pain and bleeding when the needle is being removed from the body.

These are minor side effects, and one needn’t worry about them. Unfortunately, there are some severe problems that can erupt when the needles inserted into your body isn’t sterilized(杀菌) properly because they can invite harmful bacteria to enter your blood stream.

Worse still, acupuncture treatment can also damage some of your vital body organs if the treatment is performed by an untrained practitioner. For instance, your kidneys and lungs can be severely impacted if the needles are inserted incorrectly. It’s essential that you keep communicating with the practitioner if you experience any kind of discomfort while undergoing the treatment.

To avoid the side effects of acupuncture treatment, you need to take some precautions. For example, get yourself treated only from an experienced practitioner. Actually, occurrence of side effects is very rare when experienced hands treat your body.

And if you’re pregnant, then avoid needle plucking in your abdominal area. Also don’t feel anxious or nervous when you receive acupuncture treatment. After all, it’s actually very safe when performed on a correct basis.

1. Which topic about acupuncture is not mentioned in the first paragraph?

A Concept.

B Function.

C Popularity.

D Origin.

2. What does the author think of initial discomforts one feels caused by acupuncture?

A They are normal.

B They are rare.

C They are harmful.

D They are lasting.

3. What is the main factor that results in the severe problems of acupuncture?

A The size of the needle.

B The patient’s poor health.

C Incorrect needle plucking.

D The body’s sensitivity to the needle.

4. What should you do if you feel uncomfortable when treated with acupuncture?

A Get it stopped at once.

B Take some medicine.

C Try to tolerate your discomforts.

D Inform the doctor of your discomforts.

5. How many tips are given in the last paragraph?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.









3 .信的开头与结尾已经给出。

提示词:the novel coronavirus 新冠病毒






参考词汇:新冠肺炎 COVID-19;针灸 acupuncture;大流行病 pandemic

注意: 1.词数100左右;



Traditional Chinese medicine 中医

Traditional Chinese medicine, zhōng yì, is a therapy and a theory on how to stay healthy.Diagnosis in zhōng yì comes from various forms of observation, including visual,auditory, olfactory, tactile and questioning.The doctor observes a patient"s tongue, voice, inquires about the patient"s habits and medical history and feels the patient"s pulse to make a diagnosis.Therapies in zhōng yì, emphasise tactile stimulation.Doctors give massage.Tools for Gua Sha and cupping are easily found in daily life.Herbal medicines are selected from natural plants and are processed to cure different diseases.Zhōng yì prescribes to the belief that the human body has its own functioning system.People are healthy as long as their body system remains balanced.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸

Acupuncture, which is called zhen jiu in Chinese, is a medical treatment that originated in China.Zhen means "needles that pierce one"s body".Jiu means "moxibustion", a special treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.Plant leaves were once used to smoke certain parts of the human bodyTraditional Chinese medicine describes the energy flow within the human body as a network. It is called jīngluò.The major nodes on the network are called qi wei.or an acupuncture point.Traditional Chinese doctors believe that stimulating the qi wei can promote energy circulation and expel illness.For example, having zhen jiu on zu san li can promote digestion and having zhen jiu on nei guan is good for one"s heart.Chinese people have been using this medical treatment for thousands of years.The tiny needles reveal the mysteries of human body.



Dear Jack,

How is everything going with you? It is a long time since we met last time.Much to my regret, I"m wring to extend my deepest apology for not being able to keep my word to pay a visit to you this summer.

With the novel coronavirus strking the whole world,all the countries are experiencing a lockdown.

Undoubtedly, staying at home is the best policy for everybody. Having experienced the pandemic, I"ve learned that traditional Chinese medicine, as an indispensable part of Chinese culture, has remarkable effects in boosting immunity to resist rare diseases.

Compared to western medicine, it also enjoys a more reasonable price and has fewer side effects, as a consequence of which I"m determined to learn it after the national entrance examination, hoping to inherit this cultural treasure and carry forward it to the whole world in the future.

Terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused, I would appreciate it if you could accept my apology.

Looking forward to our next marvelous meeting.




Possible version

Hi Leslie,

Thank you for writing to me! Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years, and doctors use various practices together with herbal medicine to address health problems. For instance, acupuncture can be used to treat pain and improve overall wellness by inserting thin needles into our body. If you want to know more, there is more information available online.

In the most recent battle against COVID-19, TCM has proved its effectiveness in boosting people"s immune system, relieving disease symptoms and preventing mild symptoms from getting worse. Overall,it helped to reduce death rate and improved patients" chances of recovery.

Best wishes to your family and take care of yourself in the pandemic!


Li Hua
