
日记大全 > 句子大全

故作伤感的爱情短句 满是委屈(值得分享)

句子大全 2023-11-25 06:27:01


If confession is a kind of harm, I choose lies; If lies are also a kind of harm, I choose silence; After all, I can"t escape the eternal language. I remember that I once loved and once satisfied.


I just won"t let myself go. I won"t force myself to cling now.


Everyone has many dreams in his life. If one of them bothers you all the time, the rest is just action.


Life is like this. If you want to have it but you can"t get it, you may give up on yourself. If you really lose, you must become stronger. Let bygones be bygones, you can"t undo the past. Let"s be strong. Losing one person, or at least others, won"t make us feel lonely!


Enjoy every moment and cherish every day, because time always slips away before you realize it.


If you don"t go to extremes, you will always be defeated. You should actively seek the wisdom of life.


No matter how ordinary life is, it"s a mixture of sadness and joy, and there is laughter. God doesn"t care too much about anyone. No one keeps laughing and no one keeps crying. After crying, we know that it is not easy to laugh. When we laugh again, we know how hard it is to cry. If wailing can cure heart injury, let it vent, stand up after crying, and bravely go your own way. Don"t take crying as an affectation and an act. Sometimes, not crying is also a choice. After all, you have to chase after crying and not crying.


Everyone is willing to follow blindly, as if the safest thing in the world is to let himself disappear into the "majority".


The only unchanging truth in this world is change, and any advantage is temporary. When you occupy this advantage, you must strive for initiative and then occupy the next advantage, which requires forward-looking determination and wisdom!


I am always so angry, which is called low EQ. I have never understood or trusted people who live and work smoothly. I only believe in a person"s instinctive reaction at the first moment, because this is the real inner thoughts.
