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治愈文字说说 爱是自然的宝贝(是快乐的宝库)

句子大全 2023-11-25 07:28:01

因为实际上假装比真爱更完美,所以很多女人都被骗了。 ——巴尔扎克

Because pretending is actually more perfect than true love, so many women are deceived. -- Balzac

只要男女真心相爱,即使不能团结成为家人,也还是甜蜜的。 ——丁尼生

As long as men and women really love each other, even if they can not unite as a family, it is still sweet. - Tennyson

爱是自己找路。 ——英国

Love is finding your way. - the UK

什么是爱? 爱是自然的宝贝,是快乐的宝库,是最大的快乐,是永不厌倦的祝福。 ——查普顿

What is love? Love is nature"s treasure, her treasure house of joy, her greatest joy, her unwearied blessing. - check

爱让所有人都成为雄辩家这句话是绝对正确的。 ——日志绿色

It is absolutely true that love makes all men eloquent. -- Log green

一个人真的爱对方的时候,甚至不认为自己爱对方。 ——狄太人

When a person really loves each other, he doesn"t even think he loves each other. - DE too

学会爱别人,懂得爱,学会成为幸福的人——这是尊重自己,是学习人类的美德。 ——马卡连科

Learn to love others, know how to love, learn to be a happy person -- this is to respect yourself, is to learn human virtue. -- Makalenko

突然的爱需要最长的时间。 ——拉布吕耶尔

Sudden love takes the longest time. -- La Bruyere

毕竟,爱就是那个人的自我价值反映在别人身上。 ——爱献生

After all, love is when that person"s self-worth is reflected in others. - love with life

从人的表面效果判断,爱与其说是友谊,不如说更像仇恨。 ——拉罗什富科

Judging by its superficial effects, love is more like hatred than friendship. -- La Rochefoucauld

在纯粹的爱情中,一定流露着对所爱的人的劳动和职业的尊重。 邓颖超

In pure love, there must be respect for the labor and occupation of the beloved. Deng Yingchao

最美,最痛苦的是爱情! 最高贵最卑贱的是结婚和家庭。 ——斯大林格勒

The most beautiful, the most painful is love! The noblest and meanest are marriage and family. -- Stalingrad

舞蹈音乐和心爱的孩子。 ——约戴维斯

Dance music and beloved children. -- John Davis

如果我们生活的所有目的只有我们个人的幸福,我们个人的幸福只有一种爱情,那么生活将会是一片荒芜冢破碎内心的真实黑暗荒原,可怕的地狱。 ——贝林斯基

If the sole purpose of our lives were our personal happiness, our personal happiness had only one kind of love, then life would be a desolate dark wasteland of broken hearts, a terrible hell. -- Belinsky

爱不过是疯狂。 ——莎士比亚

Love is nothing but madness. -- William Shakespeare

感谢这是债务; 谁都可以展示自己的债务,但爱情——不是钱。 ——火格涅夫

-- Be thankful that it is a debt; Anyone can show his debt, but love -- not money. -- Zorgnev

虽然爱奉献了一切,但依然富有。 ——菲贝利

Love gives all, but love is still rich. - Mr Bailey

当爱情占上风时,新闻成为爱情真理和美德的传达手段。 ——维科珀

When love prevails, the news becomes the means of conveying truth and virtue of love. - vico pearl

如果带走爱,我们的地球将成为坟墓。 ——法国

If we take away love, our earth will be a tomb. France
