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句子大全 2023-11-30 05:23:01

MONACO—Walking back controversial statements about the Covid-19 crisis after a harsh backlash, Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic clarified his anti-vaccine comments Tuesday by insisting he has always clearly supported having sponsors. “Look, I know some people took what I said out of context, but I am 100% supportive of being in commercials, and I would never do anything to jeopardize that,” said Djokovic in a press statement, going on to state that he would never want to give the public the false impression that he was someone who could not sell Seiko watches. “I think everyone who knows me recognizes that I’ve been very sympathetic to the brands, products, and services that pay large sums of money for me to endorse. It would be completely reckless for me to damage my relationship with Lacoste, and I hope they know that. Why would I want to make a public health disaster like coronavirus worse when that only limits my earning potential?” Djokovic ended the press release by inviting his fans to ask him whatever they wanted about the European migrant crisis or the Yugoslav wars of the ’90s.

摩纳哥ー塞尔维亚网球明星诺瓦克德约科维奇(novak djokovic)在遭到强烈反对后,收回了有关新型冠状病毒肺炎危机的有争议言论。他在周二澄清了自己反对疫苗的言论,坚称自己一直明确支。 “听着,我知道有些人断章取义,但我100% 支持拍广告,我绝不会做任何危及这一点的事情,”德约科维奇在一份新闻声明中说,他接着表示,他绝不想给公众留下他不能卖精工手表的错误印象。 “我想每个认识我的人都知道,我一直非常同情那些花大价钱让我代言的品牌、产品和服务。 破坏我和 lacoste 的关系是完全不计后果的,我希望他们知道这一点。 我为什么要让冠状病毒这样的公共卫生灾难变得更糟,这只会限制我的收入潜力? ” 在新闻发布会的最后,德约科维奇邀请他的粉丝们问他关于欧洲移民危机和90年代南斯拉夫战争的任何问题。
