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20句可爱鬼必备的搞怪沙雕句 可可爱爱(奇奇怪怪)

句子大全 2023-12-02 02:26:02

一,都是第一次做人 凭什么我是个美女

It"s all first-time. Why am I a beauty

二,只要我这句话写得够长就会有笨蛋跟着读 .

As long as I write this sentence long enough, some idiot will read it.

三,你说你想要谈恋爱 可是你早上要睡觉 下午要吃鸡 晚上巅峰赛 凌晨打排位 你拿什么谈恋爱 拿你那被禁赛的十五分钟吗?

You said that you want to fall in love, but you have to go to bed in the morning and eat chicken in the afternoon. At the peak of the evening, you are ranked in the early hours of the morning. What do you take to fall in love with your 15 minutes of suspension?

四,今天被帅哥摸头了 然后他用磁性的声音 在我耳边说 吹头加五块

Handsome guy touched his head today, and then he said in my ear in a magnetic voice, blow your head and add five bucks

五,你不对我好 就别怪隔壁老王 楼下小黄 邻居小杨朋友小李对我好

If you are not good to me, don"t blame the next door Lao Wang downstairs Xiao Huang neighbor Xiao Yang friend Xiao Li is good to me

六,八个字总结我现在的状态 胖的专心致志 穷的心灵祥和

Eight words sum up my current state of fat concentration and poor peace of mind

七,不开门的理发店和你好像 理发店不理发 你不理我

The barber shop that doesn"t open the door and you don"t seem to have a haircut. You don"t care about me

八,逃避问题不是解决问题 除非你跑的足够快

Running away from a problem is not a solution unless you run fast enough

九,如果我爱你非要加个期限 我希望是两分钟 如果没回复我撤回

If I love you, I have to add a deadline. I hope it"s two minutes. If I don"t get back to you, I withdraw it


Everyone else"s kids have boyfriends to lie down with, and I"m still being chased by someone else"s boyfriend in king"s Canyon.


The way to make the story perfect is to write the ending yourself


You don"t have to pretend to be cold. I didn"t mean to keep pestering. For the last time, lend me ten dollars.


When is the epidemic over? I"ve changed eight people I want to see.

十四,这个周末想跟男朋友去看电影 请问有什么好的男朋友推荐一下

I want to go to the movies with my boyfriend this weekend. What good boyfriend do you recommend


After checking balances, my hanging heart finally stopped beating.

十六,刚刚点外卖的时候 突然想起来自己100斤 我猛的打了自已一耳光 点外卖的时候怎么可以分心呢

When I just ordered a takeaway, I suddenly remembered that I was 100 pounds. How could I be distracted when I slammed my own slap in the face

十七,已经十几个小时没发朋友圈了 不难看出来我是一个沉默寡言 内向腼腆成熟稳重的女孩子吧

I haven"t sent a Circle of Friends in over ten hours. It"s not hard to see that I"m a quiet, shy, mature, steady girl


Want to dye pink hair, is the scalp more painful when drifting, or is it more painful to be beaten after being discovered by my dad


Did I learn how to weld, and it"ll make your eyes light up

二十,医生给我开了药 我把药带回家 在我吃药的时候 发现有一颗药掉在地上了一直响 于是我看了一下 原来是好想出去丸

The doctor prescribed medicine for me, and I took it home, and while I was taking it, I found that one of the pills had fallen to the ground and kept ringing, so I looked at it and thought I was going out to take the pill
