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高中必修4 Unit(1单词及短语汇总)

句子大全 2023-12-06 05:30:01

高中必修4 Unit 1单词及短语汇总

1. by chance 偶然,意外地

I met Mr. Liu on the street by chance last year.


by any chance万一,碰巧,或许

give sb. a chance给某人一次机会

half a chance 一点点机会

leave things to chance听天由命,听其自然

take one’s chance


2. come across

1)come across=come upon 偶遇,碰到

We’ve just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages.



3. explain vt 解释,说明

Can you explain why you were late?

The lawyer explained the new law to us.

explainable adj 可解说的

explanation n. 说明,解释,讲解

What is your explanation for being late?


explain sth to sb. 向某人解释某事

explain +that从句 “解释…”

explain +wh-从句 “解释…”

3. care for 照料,喜欢

1)宾语是人或动物时,可表示“喜欢,爱(=like,love );照料(=look after,)可用于肯定否定或疑问句。

He cares for her deeply. 他深深地爱着她。

The cared for the child day and night.


2)宾语是物时,表示”喜欢(like),愿意”,只用于否定句或疑问句,且常与would连用,也可接sb to be.

care about 关心,计较,在乎

take care of 照看,照料

take care ...that...小心做,当心做…

take care to do sth小心做

in the care of sb.由某人负责,由某人看管

We shouldn’t care about our clothes.


They left the child in the care of a friend.


Take care not to drink too much.


4. Intend for 是为某人而准备的,打算使某人成为...

I intended (=explain +that meant) that for you.

The flowers were intended for you.

He was intended for a teacher.


be intended to (do) 意思是使,是用来

be intended to be规定为,确定为

it is intended that 企图,意图是

注意:Intend, mean, design, propose


Mary intends to take short rests every two hours.

2) mean常常可以和intend互换使用,但不强调决心达到某一目的。

He always meant to go back one day, but not to stay.




I proposed to speak for an hour.我想讲一小时。

5. second to 次于,亚于,不如

second to none =the best ‘最好的,首屈一指的,比谁都好”

As a football player, John is second to none.


in a second立刻 not for a second决不,毫不

split second 一刹那 wait a second 稍等一会儿

second best 仅次于最好的

6.consideration n.

1) 深思,熟虑

Please give the problem your careful consideration.


2) 理由,考虑的事物,因素

The most important consideration in this xase is time.


be under consideration在考虑中

give one’s careful consideration 加以慎重考虑

in consideration of 考虑到,由于

on no consideration 决不

out of consideration for 出于对…的考虑,体谅

under no consideration 不假思索,轻率


1)consider vt认为,以为

consider sb (sth) +adj/n.

consider sb (sth) +to be

consider sb (sth) +as...认为…是…

consider that从句

2)consider vt考虑


consider+doing sth

consider+ 疑问词+to do sth

3) consider...as ...把 … 当作

= think of...as... / regard...as.../look on...as.../ take...as... /treat...as...

I consider what he said (as) reasonable.


9 deliver vt

1) 投递,传送,运送

deliver sth to sb.投递/传送某物给某人

2) 发表,讲,宣布

deliver a speech 发表演说

3) 助产,接生

deliver a baby接生孩子

4) 解救,解脱,释放

Deliver sb from danger救某人脱险

5) 生小孩(只有被动语态)

be delivered of a child = give birth to a child

The doctor delivered her baby. 医生为她接生。

She was delivered of a healthy baby.


We deliver newspapers every day.


He delivered a speech. 他发表了演说。

He delivered himself of his opinion.





2 首先我要说明一下游戏规则。

3 医生解释说救护车马上就到。

4 本书是为初学者编写的。

5 计划本月将要生产。

6 他是我们班最好的学生。

7 我正在考虑出国

8 我们认为这不是司机的过错。

9 我认为这是极大的荣幸。

10 老师说对学生的要求他会适当予以考虑的。

11 刘明被认为是做这项工作最合适的人选。

12 昨天他在会上发表了演讲。

13 小明拒绝发表自己的意见。


答案1 I met one of my Junior schoolmates by chance yesterday when we are having a sports meeting.

2 First of all, let me explain the rules of the game.

3 The doctor explained that the ambulance would be coming soon.

4 The book is intended for beginners.

5 It is intended that production will start at the end of this month.

6 As a student, he is second to none in our class.

=He is better than other students in our class.

=He is the best student in our class.

7 I am considering going abroad.

8 We consider that the driver is not to blame.

9 I consider it a great honor.

10 The teacher said that he would take into consideration the request of the students.

11 Liu Ming is considered to be the best person for the job.

12He delivered a speech at the meeting yesterday.

13 Xiao Ming refused to deliver himself of an opinion.

14 We must deliver them from difficulties.

二 单选

1Last night I ____ my old classmate on my way home.

A came over B. came up

C came across D came over

2He doesn’t care ____ the cold weather.

A of B. for C to D about

3 -How about going to the movies?

--I don’t _____ movies.

A care much for B. care much C. care D. care about

4 His life was devoted to caring _____ the sick and needy.

A of B. about C with D. for

5 He ____ how the machine is used.

A explained us B. explained to us

A. Explained us to D. explained on us

6 The listening test is ____ to show your ability at listening for specific information.

A operated B. referred C intended D requested

7 In this sports meeting, swimming is ____ second ____ importance only to track and field events.

A the, to B. /, to C the ,in D./ ,in

8 The students____ Miss Li ____ the best one in teaching.

A consider, as B. considering ,being

C consider, into D. considering , to be

答案:1C 昨晚我在回家的路上遇到了我的老同学。

2 D care about 3 A care for 4 B care for

5 B explain to sb

6 C 这个听力测验就是要检验你听细节信息的能力。

7 D second...only to sb./sth “在…方面仅次于某人/某物”,in“在方面,关于...”,in importance在重要性方面。

8A consider ...as ...认为…是…

三 从intend, mean, design, propose中选择合适的词语填空

1)I don’t ____ staying long.

2)Did you ____ this, or did it just happen itself?

答案:1)intend 2)design
