
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-12-08 05:21:01

因为我不知道下一辈子还是否能遇见你;所以我今生才会 那么努力把最好的给你!

Because I don"t know if I can meet you in the next life, so I will try my best to give you the best in this life!


There are a lot of things in the world that you don"t take with you in life or death. All you can take away is yourself and your temper.

如果当时吻你 当时抱你也许结局难讲,我那么多遗憾 那么多期盼、你知道吗?

If I kiss you at that time and hold you at that time, maybe the ending is hard to say, I have so many regrets and so many expectations, do you know?


"I stumble to you, and you can"t leave alone. We said together, "no matter what, we went through the storm together."

“我爱你 是多么清楚 多么坚固的信仰、我爱你 是多么温暖 多么勇敢的力量。我不管心多伤 不管爱多慌 不管别人怎么想。爱是一种信仰、把我 带到你的身旁”

"I love you so clearly, so strong in faith, so warm and so brave in strength. I don"t care how hurt my heart is, no matter how flustered my love is, no matter what other people think. Love is a faith that brings me to you

“假如能把我喜欢的人 写在风里、是不是这个世界到处 都是你”

"If I can write the person I like in the wind, is this world full of you?"

“你是否还会想到我就像我 偶尔夜晚还是会哭的;那时 满心欢喜 以为你就是结局;才把所有都给你”

"Will you still think of me, just like I sometimes cry at night; when I was full of joy, I thought you were the end; then I gave you everything"

“后来遇见他 陪我春秋冬夏、愈合我的伤疤 大概我会一直幸福吧;你身边的她 是否像我一样、能让你快乐吗“

"Later I met him to accompany me in spring and autumn, winter and summer, and heal my scars. Maybe I will be happy all the time. Can she around you make you happy like me“


"You are the wind I can"t touch, the dream I can"t wake up, the paradise I can"t find, the pain I can"t cure, the cigarette I can"t light, the hand I can"t loosen, the so and so I can"t forget. You are the wind I can"t find, the red I can"t cry, the winter I can"t take care of, the laughter I can"t help, the wine I can"t drink, the wound I can"t heal."
