
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-12-09 03:59:01



I am a Chinese boy from Class 4, Grade 9, Harbin Hope Middle School. I am lively, kind and helpful.


①考查哈尔滨希望中学九年级四班的表达:Class 4, Grade 9, Harbin Hope Middle School.(地点从小到大排列)

②考查形容词表达:lively(活泼的), kind(善良的) and helpful(乐于助人的)



Look! Zhang Mingming _______ playground.

2) 从十岁起,刘英就参与了保护动物的活动。(play)

Liu Ying _______ animals since she was ten.

3) 到去年年底,那位渴求知识的青年教师已出国深造两年了。(who)

By the end of last year, the young teacher _______ for further study for two years.

4) 他如此外向,以至于他交的朋友比我多。(that)

He was _______ than I did.

5) 夏天到了,应该要求岸边所有救生人员齐心协力防止孩子们独自下河游泳。(require)

Summer is coming. All the life-guards on the bank should _______ in the river.


1) is flying a kite

2) has played a part in protecting/has played a role in protecting

3) who was thirsty for knowledge had been abroad/who was thirsty to learn knowledge had been abroad/who was thirsty for knowledge had been in the foreign country

4) so outgoing that he made more friends

5) be required to pull together to stop kids from swimming alone/be required to work together to stop kids from swimming alone/be required to pull together to prevent children from swimming alone/be required to pull together to stop kids from swimming by themselves/be required to pull together to stop kids from swimming on their own


1) 放风筝的英文表达为“fly a kite”。根据上文 Look! 及句意可知,句子描述的是正在发生的事情,因此应用现在进行时。且主语是第三人称单数,因此应用 is。故正确答案为 is flying a kite。

2) 参与的英文表达为“playe a part in”或“play a role in”,句中是从十岁起,是过去发生的事情对现在造成了影响,所以要用现在完成时。故正确答案为 has played a part in protecting/has played a role in protecting。

3) 渴求知识的英文表达为“be thirsty for knowledge”或“be thirsty to learn knowledge”。出国的英文表达为 be abroad 或 be in the foreign country。根据句意,需要用 who 引导的定语从句修饰 the young teacher。根据句中 By the end of last year 可知,句子应使用过去完成时。故正确答案为 who was thirsty for knowledge had been abroad/who was thirsty to learn knowledge had been abroad/who was thirsty for knowledge had been in the foreign country。

4) 外向的英文表达为“outgoing”。交朋友的英文表达为“make friends”,根据句意及句中 than 可知,应用 more 修饰 friends,意为“更多的”。so ... that ... 是固定搭配,意为“如此……以至于……”。故正确答案为 so outgoing that he made more friends。

5) require sb. to do sth. 是固定搭配,意为“要求某人做某事”,又 the life-guards 和 require 之间是被动关系,故应使用 require 的被动形式。齐心协力的英文表达是“pull together”或“work together”。防止某人做某事的英文表达为“stop sb. from doing sth.”或“prevent sb. from doing sth.”。独自的英文表达为“alone”或“by oneself”或“on one"s own”。故正确答案为 be required to pull together to stop kids from swimming alone/be required to work together to stop kids from swimming alone/be required to pull together to prevent children from swimming alone/be required to pull together to stop kids from swimming by themselves/be required to pull together to stop kids from swimming on their own。



The famous writer says ________________________.


he has (already) finished creating the fifth science fiction novel


分析句子结构,空格处应该为宾语从句。题干中主句是一般现在时,结合语境,从句用现在完成时,其结构为 have/has done。“他” 英文表达为 he,主语是第三人称单数,故助动词用 has,表示“已经完成”用 has (already) finished。“完成做某事”为固定短语 finish doing sth.。“创作”的英文表达为 create。“第五部科幻小说”的英文表达为 the fifth science fiction novel。

故正确答案为 he has (already) finished creating the fifth science fiction novel。


将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语, 注意使用适当的形式。

1) Kevin"s birthday is coming. His parents are planning to make _______ for him.(一顿大餐)

2) Many children use internet to get useful information and to relax in their _______.(空闲时间)

3) Sally is my best friend. We often help _______ with schoolwork.(相互)

4) Life isn"t about _______ the storm to pass. It"s about learning to dance in the rain.(等候)

5) The _______ is a bridge of cultures between China and many other countries.(丝绸之路)


1) a big meal/dinner

2) free/spare time

3) each other

4) waiting for

5) Silk Road


1) 凯文的生日就要到了。他的父母计划为他做一顿大餐。

2) 许多孩子利用互联网获取有用的信息,并在空闲时间放松。

3) 莎莉是我最好的朋友。我们经常互相帮助,学习功课。

4) 生活不是等待暴风雨过去。而是学会在雨中跳舞。

5) 丝绸之路是中国与其他国家文化交流的桥梁。


1) 本题主要考查动词词组。make a big meal/dinner for sb. 意为“为某人做一顿大餐”。故正确答案为 a big meal/dinner。

2) 本题主要考查固定短语。“空闲时间”的英文表达为 free time 或 spare time。故正确答案为 free/spare time。

3) 本题主要考查固定短语。“相互”的英文表达为 each other。故正确答案为 each other。

4) 本题主要考查动词词组。“等候”动词为 wait,wait 后接表示所等的人、物的名词或代词时,应与介词 for 连用。又因为此空在介词 about 后面作宾语,故要使用动名词形式。故正确答案为 waiting for。

5) 本题主要考查固定短语。“丝绸之路”的英文表达为 Silk Road。故正确答案为 Silk Road。



1. 吸烟会让他的病情加重,除非他立即戒烟。

Smoking will make his illness worse _______.

2. 叫他们按时上交作业,不要再上网了。

Tell them _______ their homework on time and not to surf the Internet _______.

3. 多好的消息啊!所有驾驶员5月1号起不允许酒后驾驶了。

_______ news! All drivers are _______ to drive after drinking from May 1st.

4. 在考试中关注细节,我们取得好成绩并非难事。

It"s not difficult for us _______ in the test _______ paying attention to the details.

5. 中国在世界的政治、经济舞台上正扮演着越来越重要的角色。

Now China _______ on the world"s political and economic stage.


1. unless he gives up smoking at once/unless he gives up smoking right away/unless he gives up smoking immediately

2. to hand in;any more

3. What good;not allowed/not permitted

4. to make good grades/to get good grades/to make good marks/to get good marks;after

5. is playing more and more important roles


1. 根据题干可知,空格处应填“除非他立即戒烟”。unless 意为“除非”,give up smoking 意为“戒烟”,at once/right away/immediately 意为“立即”。句子中主语 he 为第三人称单数,故谓语动词保持主谓一致。故正确答案为“unless he gives up smoking at once/unless he gives up smoking right away/unless he gives up smoking immediately”。

2. 第一个空,hand in 意为“上交”,而 tell sb. to do sth. 意为“告诉某人做某事”,故 hand in 应该使用动词不定式。第二个空,not...any more 意为“不再”,因此 any more 符合题意。故正确答案为“to hand in” “any more”。

3. 第一个空,感叹句固定句式为“What + a/an + 可数名词/名词性短语(+ 主谓)”,“What + 不可数名词/名词性短语”或“How + 形容词(+ 主谓)”。news 为不可数名词,因此符合 what 引导的感叹句结构,what good news 意为“多好的消息啊”。第二个空,allow 和 permit 均意为“允许”,酒后驾驶不被允许,因此使用被动语态,be not allowed/permitted 表示“不被允许”。故正确答案为“What good” “not allowed/not permitted”。

4. 第一个空,make/get good grades/marks 意为“取得好成绩”,It"s adj. for sb. to do sth. 意为“做某事对某人来说…”,因此动词要用动词不定式形式。第二个空,after 意为“在…之后”,其后的动词要用动名词形式。故正确答案为“to make good grades/to get good grades/to make good marks/to get good marks” “after”。

5. play … roles 意为“扮演着……的角色”,more and more 用于修饰形容词 important,表示“越来越……”。且结合句意,时态应该为现在进行时。故正确答案为 is playing more and more important roles。

