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句子大全 2023-12-12 07:01:01


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PREPOSITIONS【译】介词【单词】PREPOSITIONS 原型:preposition [prep-uh-"zish-uhn][prep"zn] n. 介词

A preposition is a word placed before a substantive to show its relation to some other word in the sentence.【译】介词是一个放在一个实体词(或名词性短语)前面的词,用来表示它(指实体词)与句子中其他某个词的关系。【单词】preposition 名词 [prep-uh-"zish-uhn][prep"zn] n. 介词【单词】substantive ["suhb-stuhn-tiv][sb"stntv] n. 作名词用的词或词组,本文中我们将统一用“实体词”来代替,注意也可以是名词性的从句等【单词】relation 名词 [ri-"ley-shuhn][r"len] n. 关系;联系【单词】sentence 名词 ["sen-tns]["sentns] n. 句子

The substantive which follows a preposition is called its object.【译】介词后面的实体词叫做宾语。【单词】follows 原型:follow 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) ["fol-oh]["fl] v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着;遵循;沿着【单词】object 名词 ["ob-jikt, -jekt]["bdkt] n. 物体;目标;对象;宾语

A preposition is said to govern its object.【译】介词是用来确定其宾语的。【固定用法】be said to (do ……) 据说;例句:He is said to have been the richest man in Hong Kong. 据说他以前是香港最有钱的人。【单词】govern 动词原形 ["guhv-ern]["ɡvn] v. 统治;支配;管理;规定;控制

In "The surface of the water glistened," of makes it clear that surface belongs with water.【译】在"The surface of the water glistened,"(水面闪闪发光)这句话里,明确地说明了要描述的表面是“水的”表面。【单词】surface ["sur-fis]["sfs] n. 表面;外表;平面【单词】glistened 原型:glisten 动词过去式 ["glis-uhn]["ɡlsn] v. 闪光;闪耀【单词】belongs 原型:belong [bih-"lawng, -"long][b"l] vi. 应归入;属于

In "Tom is on the river," on shows Philip"s position with respect to the river.【译】在"Tom is on the river,"(腓力在河上)这句话中,“on”展示了汤姆对河流来说的位置关系。【单词】river 名词 ["riv-er]["rv] n. 河;江;河流;水道【单词】respect [ri-"spekt][r"spekt] n. 尊敬;敬重;关系;方面

In, or near, or beyond would have indicated a different relation.【译】“in”,“near”,或“beyond”,都会表示不同的关系。【单词】indicated 原型:indicate 动词过去分词 ["in-di-keyt]["ndket] v. 指示;象征;显示;暗示,预示 v. 表明;指明

Water is the object of the preposition of, and river is the object of the preposition on.【译】上面的例句中,“water”是介词“of”的宾语,“river”是介词“on”的宾语。

A preposition often has more than one object.【译】介词经常有不止一个宾语。(例如下面的两句话)【短语】more than 比……(更)多,例句:More than two employees have been concerned in this affair. 这件事情牵涉到两个以上的职员。

iceberg above water

Over hill and dale he ran.【译】他翻山越岭。【单词】hill [hil][hl] n. 小山;丘陵;山冈;斜坡【单词】dale [deyl][del] n. 山谷

He was filled with shame and despair.【译】他感到羞耻和绝望。【单词】filled 原型:fill 动词过去分词 [fil][fl] vt. 装满;弥漫;填充;担任【单词】shame 名词 [sheym][em] n. 羞愧;耻辱【单词】despair 名词 [dih-"spair][d"spe] n. 绝望;失望


a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in "the man on the platform," "she arrived after dinner," "what did you do it for?".【译】介词是一个通常在名词或代词前面,明确表示与分句中另一个词或成分的关系的词,如“the man on the platform,”(其中的on)、“she arrived after dinner,”(其中的after)、“what did you do it for?”(其中的for)。【单词】preceding 原型:precede [pri-"seed][pr"sid] vt. 在 …… 之前;先于 vi. 在前面;领先【单词】noun 名词 [noun][nan] n. 名词【单词】pronoun 名词 ["proh-noun]["prnan] n. 代词【单词】expressing 原型:express [ik-"spres][k"spres] vt. 表达;表示【单词】element ["el-uh-muhnt]["elmnt] n. 要素;元素【单词】clause 名词 [klawz][klz] n. 条款;[语]从句【单词】platform 名词 ["plat-fawrm]["pltfm] n. 月台;讲台;平台;站台【单词】arrived 原型:arrive 动词过去式 [uh-"rahyv]["rav] vi. 到达;到来;成功

a function word that typically combines with a noun phrase to form a phrase which usually expresses a modification or predication【译】介词是一种功能词,一般与名词短语结合形成一个通常表示修饰或谓语的短语【单词】function ["fuhngk-shuhn]["fkn] n. 职务;功能;函数【单词】typically 副词 ["tip-i-kuhl]["tpkli] adv. 典型地;代表性地;通常,一般;不出所料地【单词】combines 原型:combine [kuhm-"bahyn][km"ban] v. 联合;使结合;结合【单词】phrase 名词 [freyz][frez] n. 短语;习语;措辞【单词】modification [mod-uh-fi-"key-shuhn][mdf"ken] n. 修改;修正;修饰【单词】predication ["pred-i-ki-shuhn][pred"ken] n. 声明;断定;述谓

