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初中英语这样学太简单了 一个小时能学会一个单元的词汇(语法)

句子大全 2023-12-17 07:30:01

初 中 英 语 速 成 同学们好,欢迎来到海哥英语,我是你们的海哥老师。在一个小时内掌握初中英语一整个单 元的所有词汇和语法,一般人觉得不可思议。但是只要你来到海哥英语,就完全有可能!我们用一篇小短文就让你学会该单元的所有词汇(连词成文),用几个句子就让你弄懂该单元的所有语法(观察语法)!让你拥有一打十的超级快感。下面我们以人教版初中七年级上册第二单元为例来展示。 Unit 2一、连词成句(蓝色加粗部分为本单元生词)第1句1. dad / / n. 爸爸2. mom / / n.(=mum)妈妈3. of / / prep. 属于(某人或某物);关于(某人或某物)4. girl / / n. 女孩5. grandpa / / n.(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷

6. grandma / / n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥7. daughter / / n. 女儿【连词成句】I"m a school girl, the second daughter of my dad and mom, and the second granddaughter of my grandpa and grandma. 我是一个在校女生,爸爸妈妈的第二个女儿,也是爷爷奶奶的第二个孙女。 第2句1. dog / / n. 狗2. have / / v. 经受;经历;有【连词成句】I have a pet dog and I often have a good time with it. 我有一只宠物狗, 我常常和它玩得开心。 第3句1. those / / pron. 那些2. these / / pron. 这些【连词成句】Oh, these are my toys and those are my dog"s toys. 噢,这些是我的玩 具,那些是我小狗的玩具。 第4句1. family / / n. 家;家庭2. well / / interj. 嗯;好吧 adv. 好;令人满意的3. photo / / n. 照片4. picture / / n. 照片;图画5. here / / adv.(用以介绍某人或某物)这就是;在这里【连词成句】Well, I like taking photos, and here is a picture of my family. 我喜欢拍 照,这是一张我家的全家福照片。 第5句day / / n. 一天;一日;白天

【连词成句】I took it on a fine day. 我在一个晴天拍的。第6句1. grandmother / / n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥2. grandfather / / n.(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷3. grandparent / / n. 祖父(母);外祖父(母)【连词成句】My grandparents, that is, my grandfather and grandmother, are sitting in the middle. 我的祖父母,也就是我的爷爷奶奶,坐在中间。 第7句1. who / / pron. 谁;什么人2. next / / adj. & n. 下一个(的);接下来(的)3. mother / / n. 母亲;妈妈4. father / / n. 父亲;爸爸5. parent / / n. 父(母)亲6. they / / pron. 他(她、它)们【连词成句】Who are sitting next to my grandparents? They are my parents — my father and mother. 谁坐在我祖父母旁边?他们是我的父母亲——爸爸和妈妈。 第8句1. uncle / / n. 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父2. aunt / / n. 婶婶;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母【连词成句】My uncle and aunt are next to my parents. 我叔叔和婶婶坐在我父母亲旁 边。 第9句1. sister / / n. 姐;妹2. brother / / n. 兄;弟

3. son / / n. 儿子4. cousin / / n. 堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊、妹)【连词成句】My uncle"s son, that is, my cousin, is standing behind with my brother and sister. 我叔叔的儿子,也就是我的堂弟,和我的哥哥姐姐站在后面。 二、连句成文(蓝色加粗部分为本单元生词)A Photo of My FamilyI’m a school girl, the second daughter of my dad and mom, and the secondgranddaughter of my grandpa and grandma. I have a pet dog and I often have agood time with it. Oh, these are my toys and those are my dog’s toys. Well, I like taking photos, and here is a picture of my family. I took it on a fine day. My grandparents, that is, my grandfather and grandmother, are sitting in the middle.Who are sitting next to my grandparents? They are my parents — my father and mother.My uncle and aunt are next to my parents. My uncle’s son, that is, my cousin, isstanding behind with my brother and sister. 中文翻译, 我的一张全家福我是一个在校女生,爸爸妈妈的第二个女儿,也是爷爷奶奶的第二个孙女。我有一只宠物 狗,我常常和它玩得开心。噢,这些是我的玩具,那些是我小狗的玩具。 我喜欢拍照,这是一张我家的全家福照片。我在一个晴天拍的。我的祖父母,也就是我的爷 爷奶奶,坐在中间。谁坐在我祖父母旁边?他们是我的父母亲——爸爸和妈妈。我叔叔和婶婶坐在我父母亲旁边。我叔叔的儿子,也就是我的堂弟,和我的哥哥姐姐站在后面。 二、词组成篇(蓝色加粗部分为本单元词组)Have a good day!(表示祝愿)过得愉快!三、单元语法(蓝色加粗部分体现本单元语法)A. 指示代词1. This is a dog, and that is a cat. 这是一只狗,那是一只猫。2. These are photos, and those are pictures. 这些是照片,那些是图片。B. who开头的疑问句

1. Who wants to go? 谁想去?2. Who are you? 你是谁?以上就是本单元的所有内容,同学们,你们觉得高效不高效?欢迎大家评论交流。PAGE
