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句子大全 2023-12-18 07:34:02


【例题】作为学生,除了在教室里,我们度过时间最久的地方就是自己的书房了。也许你虽然天天在此学习,却从未仔细注意过它的面貌。下面请以“My Study”为题,为我们介绍一下你的书房。完成习作,字数200字左右。








如:on; above; over; beneath; below; under; in the heart/the middle/the centre of; at the back (rear)/the side/the bottom of; at/on the top of, at the foot of; at the entrance to; at the edge/the base/border of; close to; near; next to; opposite, across等。


This is a happy pond. With green lands and trees as friends that surround, rains and water from the hills as the food, she never feels the thirst.


My Study

Opening the door, you are inside my study where I spent most of my leisure time. In the centre is an old brown oak writing desk with a table light shedding soothing light in the night. By the table I got myself a comfortable armchair as the basis of inspiration. When I sit in it, against my back is a wall of bookcase containing all the treasures I picked from the flea market and the book stores. On the left side of the wall hangs the poster of the film “A River Runs through It”. I just like the theme and feeling and color hidden in the magic picture. Also against the right side is a small coach I may catch a breath when I am tired.

Now I may close my door and say bye for now, for the reading hour begins.


“教室是你的阵地!”在众多教师的“经典语录”里,想必这句一定排名靠前。作为学生,你也一定对教室这个熟悉的地方倾注了情感。请以“My Classroom”为题,为我们介绍你的教室,字数200左右。


a. When I entered the classroom the first charms that catches my eye is . Then you walk to the , there is /lies . After that, you may turn to , and you can see .

b. The most prominent facility in my classroom is the electronic white board, which . Then on the left of it is . While to its right, we can see . Opposite the white board is . And also we can .


is like to me. It/they






第一,所选择的景物需要具有代表性。虽然在文字上描写类的作品是以修饰和形容为主的,但实际上这些都是作者主观意见的表达。所以选择写什么,从哪个角度来写,都必须立足于文章想要传递的“情感”。比如同样是介绍Railway Station,如果作者意要说明It"s a place of sorrow in departing and delight in reunion的话,the coming and leaving of the train; the layout and crowdedness of platform等就是恰当的描写对象。但若我们把重点落实于the development of economy and living standard的话,就不妨选择the dramatic change of the capacity of passengers, the fastness of the vehicles and the fascinating inter-decoration of the station等等。



形容类的:marvelous, thrilling, magnificent, breathtaking, delicate, brilliant, fantastic, picturesque, an escape from the bustling, a new perspective


School, is a mini-world large(17) to hold all the bitter sweetness and bright gratefulness. On leaving my senior high, I cast a last look at the pretty and dear campus(18) and every inch of memory comes flooding back.

Every morning, I am greeted with the vigorous fountain at the gate, a rainbow-like structure crossing over the pond, which is meant to show us the beauty of colorful life over the hard work.

It offers us more. During the noon-break, I sit by its rhythmic beat of spring. When winter hits, among all the stillness and boredom, it adds a brilliant motion to life and work.

Then everything comes backs to life. I see the boulevard lined with greenness and the sunlight filtering through the branches. I see the woods where cherry blossom shines the path in between.

And I see the teachers and friends smiling at me by the fountain, on the road, at the path. They are the real scenery in that 3 years of my school life. With that beauty, we dream, and chase the dream of rainbow.






A dreamed wonderland for me is a place where I can rest my feet and soul, broaden my heart and view and enjoy the passage of clouds. I finally find the spot in my high school.

Two blocks of wide chairs and tables were lined into sections with passages in between. The quietness and discipline draw you onto them and once you are resting yourself there, the brownish color and mild light naturally calm you down, relaxed and refreshed.

At the back, huge shelves loaded with tons of books showing one the thrilling power of time and space. Fixing eyes on the heaviness of knowledge, you will not but nail your fingers on the section of your interest. The readiness and well-organized layout never lets you down.

Then, book in hand, you sit by the window. Looking at where the season breezes in, you see the whole vigorous picture of blossoming flower and shooting grass, the smiling faces and weeping sorrows. School days are passing in your eye and heart.

This is my library, a wonderland where I read, refresh and get ready for life, a dream that broadens my mind and my soul.


“上海是我长大成人的所在,带着我所有的情怀。”歌声里的城市有着所有的美好。作为上海的一分子,请向一位外国朋友介绍“The Must-Go in Shanghai”,描述该景点,完成习作,字数200左右。


你居住的小区(residential area)附近有一块颇具规模的空地,开发商目前正准备在此动工兴建辅助项目。作为小区居民,你被要求提出自己的意见。请根据此处的位置特征,或新设施的内容安排,说明这样建议的理由。就此完成习作,字数在200字左右。






As a resident in the community of Peak Centre, I strongly recommend a sports center be built within our walls.

The centre shall take the form of a comprehensive sports facility. With its location by the major road, it will not only attract fans in the neighborhood but also those travelling from other sections(19). Under the centre thus a parking lot shall be built both for the residents and visitors.

On the other hand, the main entrance shall be built on either side away from the road and the residential area(20). Such a layout can prevent the traffic jams and ensure the security of the neighborhood. But the aiding facilities of the stadium could be built near or even in the residential area, for that will serve as a hot spot for the community gathering and exercises.

Since I moved into the residential area, I have been dreaming of easing my tension and enriching my life. And this dreamed sports centre is surely part of that picture.



本文作者选择在描写sports centre的时候仅仅把握住其位置by the road and near the residential area的特点,设置其设施,从而合理地解释了自己诸多设想的理由。


As a member of the community in Rose Garden, I am thrilled that the spare block in our residential area finally gets a future. Considering the benefits of all, I strongly recommend a complex relaxation centre.

The layout goes that a garden is set between the road and main building block and the facilities goes at least 3 layers.

A garden with flowers and trees will add color to the community life. The increased greenery and charming glamour of the sunflower can purify not just the dusted air from the roadside but also the heart of all.

Meanwhile the building shall contain an underground parking lot, a whole layer of market and another for entertainment. The supermarket suits the basic needs of the residents and attracts the visitors, for both of whom the parking lot is a must. At the same time, husbands and kids can get refreshed on the entertainment layer while the wives are “fighting”.

All in one word, according to the 10 years" experience in the community, a complex center is a perfect solution to the trivial problems lingering our life and make the Rose Garden a real garden.


