
日记大全 > 句子大全

科普版 五年级英语下册单词列表(例句汇总)

句子大全 2023-12-19 06:33:01



Lesson 1(0个单词)


·speak英 /spik/ / v.讲,说She is speaking into her cell phone.(她正对着手机说话。)·afternoon英 /,ɑftnun/ / n.下午I have to go back to work in the afternoon.(下午我不得不回去工作。)·put英 /pt/ / v.放Who put my little cat there?(是谁把我的小猫咪放那儿的?)·question英 /kwestn/ / n.问题Ask me if you have any question.(如果你有问题就问我。)·number英 /nmb/ / n.数字What is this number?(这个数字是什么?)·certainly英 /stnli/ / adv.当然We can certainly have the job finished on time.(我们肯定能按时完成任务。)·learn英 /ln/ / v.学习I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·into英 /ntu:/ / prep.到……里Yellow corn goes into the pot.(黄色的玉米进入锅中。)·meat英 /mit/ / n.肉I want some meat and potatoes.(我想要一些肉和土豆。)·job英 /db/ / n.工作I hate my job.(我讨厌我的工作。)Lesson 2(0个单词)


·must英 /mst/ / aux.必须I have to go, I really must, at once.(我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。)·street英 /strit/ / n.街道There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)·light英 /lat/ / n.灯,光线What""s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)·cousin英 /kzn/ / n.堂表兄弟姐妹I always play with my little cousin.(我总是跟我的小表妹玩。)·answer英 /ɑns/ / v.回答This is a tricky one to answer.(这是个难以回答的问题。)·cross英 /krs/ / v.穿过Always use a crosswalk when you cross the road.(过马路的时候请走人行道。)·line英 /lan/ / n.线I had been standing in line for three hours.(我已经排了3个小时的队。)·all right英 / ‘’All right, no need to say any more.(好了,不要再说了。)Lesson 3(0个单词)


·blackboard英 /blkbd/ / n.黑板He chalked the message on the blackboard.(他用粉笔将消息写在黑板上。)·pupil英 /pjupl/ / n.小学生I am a pupil.(我是小学生。)·forty英 /ft/ / num.四十Congratulations on turning forty years old!(祝贺你满四十岁!)·paper英 /pep/ / n.纸Do you have paper?(你有纸吗?)·dirty英 /dt/ / v.脏的My hands are dirty.I must wash them.(我的手很脏,必须得洗了。)·drop英 /drp/ / v.掉落There is not a drop left.(一滴都不剩了。)·useful英 /jusfl/ / adj.有用的I need a useful dictionary.(我需要一本有用的词典。)·should英 /d/ / aux.应该When you are working,you should sit up straight.(工作时,你应该挺身坐直。)·throw英 /θr/ / v.投掷He threw three sixes in a row.(他一连掷出三个六点。)·pick英 /pk/ / v.摘,拾Pick all the apples off the tree.(把树上的苹果都摘下来。)·throw away英 / 扔掉I never throw anything away.(我什么东西都不舍得扔。)·pick up英 / 捡起Look. Kate is picking up an egg.(瞧。Kate 正捡起一枚蛋。)Lesson 4(0个单词)


·live英 /lv/ / v.&n.居住,生活Fish live in the water.(鱼生活在水里。)·Ms英 /mz/ / abbr.女士Ms Highsmith has made Switzerland her home.(海史密斯女士已经在瑞士安了家。)·town英 /tan/ / n.城镇I grew up in a seaside town.(我在一个海滨小镇长大。)·ready英 /red/ / adj.准备好的The man in front of the line is ready to run.(在起跑线前的人准备起跑。)·office英 /fs/ / n.办公室He dropped by my office this morning.(今天早晨他到我办公室串门来了。)·wife英 /waf/ / n.妻子His wife gave birth to twin girls.(她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。)·sick英 /sk/ / adj.病的The sick girl has to stay in bed and rest.(这个生病的女孩不得不躺在床上休息。)·medicine英 /medsn/ / n.药This medicine tastes very bitter.(这药苦极了。)·out英 /at/ / adv.在外He went on staring out of the window.(他继续凝视着窗外。)·come from英 / 来自Where did you come from?(你打哪儿来?)·be ready to英 / 愿意做某事He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.(他现在可能打算批准使用武力。)·at once英 / 立刻I must be going back at once.(我得马上回去。)·take out英 / 取出Could you please take out trash?(你能把垃圾带出去吗?)Lesson 5(0个单词)


·farm英 /fɑm/ / n.农场I""m going to the farm.(我要去农场。)·easy英 /iz/ / adj.容易的This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事。)·interesting英 /ntrst/ / adj.有趣的The show is interesting.We all laugh.(这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。)·kind英 /kand/ / adj.&n.和善的;种类What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)·policeman英 /plismn/ / n.警察The policeman has caught the murderer alive.(警察已捉拿到凶手。)·manager英 /mnd/ / n.经理Can you recommend him to the manager?(你能把他举荐给经理吗?)·choose英 /tuz/ / v.选择Go or stay where you are, as you choose.(去留任你选择。)·cleaner英 /klin/ / n.清洁工He was a window cleaner.(他是个洗窗工。)·which英 /wt/ / adj.哪个Which way should I go?(我该走哪条路?)·on a farm英 / 在农场He lives on a farm.(他在农场里住。)Lesson 6(0个单词)


·hospital英 /hsptl/ / n.医院I""m going to the hospital.(我要去医院。)·thirty英 /θt/ / num.三十The chef was thirty years old.(主厨三十岁了。)Lesson 7(0个单词)


·breakfast英 /brekfst/ / n.早餐What""s for breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)·Monday英 / mndi/ / n.星期一It""s Monday.(今天星期一。)·fifty英 /fft/ / num.五十My parents are over fifty years old.(我的父母过五十岁了。)·way英 /we/ / n.路It was very difficult to see our way because of the fog.(由于有雾,我们很难看清道路。)·try英 /tra/ / v.尝试Try these shoes for size ─they should fit you.(试试这双鞋的大小,你穿应该合脚。)·Tuesday英 /tjuzd/ / n.星期二It""s Tuesday.(今天星期二。)·Thursday英 /θzd/ / n.星期四It""s Thursday.(今天星期四。)·Wednesday英 /wenzde/ / n.星期三It""s Wednesday.(今天星期三。)·hole英 /hl/ / n.洞,孔The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.(啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。)·deep英 /dip/ / adj.深的There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him.(在他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。)·fill英 /fl/ / v.填满The pillow is stuffed with cotton.(这个枕头里塞满了棉花。)·smile英 /smal/ / v.微笑She had a big smile on her face.(她笑容满面。)·on the way英 / 在……路上The bus broke down on the way.(公共汽车在路上抛锚了。)Lesson 8(0个单词)


·maths英 /mθs/ / n.数学(类math)How did you do in the maths test?(你的数学考的怎么样?)·art英 /ɑt/ / n.艺术Mona Lisa is a piece of art.(蒙娜丽莎的画像是一个艺术品。)·lesson英 /lesn/ / n.课,功课The teacher taught us an interesting lesson.(老师给我们上了一堂有趣的课。)·when英 /wen/ / adv.什么时候When do you get up, Sally?(你什么时候起床,Sally?)·PE英 /pi:i:/ / abbr.体育We have maths,PE and computer class.(我们有数学、体育和计算机课。)·song英 /s/ / n.歌曲This is a famous song, I appreciate it.(这是一首很有名的歌曲,欣赏了!)·science英 /sans/ / n.科学Science has greatly improved human life.(科学已经极大的改善了人类的生活。)·subject英 /sbdkt/ / n.学科,主题These are my new subjects.(这些是我的新科目。)·American英 /merkn/ / n.&adj.美国人(的)These things are all American stuff.(这些都是美国的东西。)·hope英 /hp/ / v.希望I hope I""m not disturbing you.(我希望没有打扰到你。)·soon英 /sun/ / adv.不久She was soon disillusioned.(她的梦想不久就幻灭了。)Lesson 9(0个单词)


·rice英 /ras/ / n.米饭I want rice and vegetables.(我想要米饭和蔬菜。)·soup英 /sup/ / n.汤Seafood soup is a good appetizer.(海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。)·exercise英 /ekssaz/ / n.练习,体操Exercise is conducive to good health.(体育锻炼有助于增强体质。)·kitchen英 /ktn/ / n.厨房She started cleaning the kitchen.(她开始打扫厨房。)·toilet英 /tlt/ / n.厕所The boy is cleaning the toilet.(那个男孩正在打扫厕所。)·early英 /l/ / adj.早的It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·usually英 /jul/ / adv.通常He usually works all through the night.(他经常通宵工作。)·bedroom英 /bedrm/ / n.卧室I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)·have lunch英 / 吃午饭It""s time to have lunch!(午饭的时间到了!)·get up英 / 起床When do you get up every day?(你每天什么时候起床?)·do morning exercises英 / 做早操To do morning exercises is good for our health.(做早操对我们的身体好。)Lesson 10(0个单词)


·before英 /bf/ / prep.在……以前There""s only one person before me in line.(在队伍里我前面就只有一个人。)·afraid英 /fred/ / adj.害怕的The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.(这小女孩非常害怕打雷。)·stand英 /stnd/ / v.站My dog can stand on his feet!(我的狗能站起来!)·suddenly英 /sdnl/ / adv.突然I woke suddenly with a start.(我突然一下子惊醒了。)·someone英 /smwn/ / pron.某人I need someone to help me.(我需要有人帮忙。)·get out英 / 出去Get out and enjoy yourself, make new friends.(出去走走,好好玩玩,交些新朋友。)·each other英 / 互相We are very familiar with each other.(我们相互之间很熟。)Lesson 11(0个单词)


·far英 /fɑ/ / adj.远的Volunteers came from far and wide.(志愿者来自四面八方。)·minute英 /mnt/ / n.分钟,一会儿She can type 70 words a minute.(她一分钟能打70个字。)·by英 /ba/ / prep.乘(车等)We went to school by bus.(我们坐公交车上学。)·slow英 /sl/ / adj.慢的The traffic is heavy and slow.(交通拥挤,车流缓慢。)·daughter英 /dt/ / n.女儿Don""t pamper your little daughter.(别把你的小女儿娇坏了!)·telephone英 /telfn/ / n.电话The telephone rang.(电话铃响了。)·ring英 /r/ / v.(铃)响He heard the school bell ring.(他听见学校的铃声响了。)·by bike英 / 骑自行车I usually go to school by bike.(我通常骑自行车上学。)·on foot英 / 步行I usually go to school on foot.(我通常步行上学。)·have breakfast英 / 吃早餐They are going to have breakfast.(他们要吃早饭了。)·for a minute英 / 一会儿Can you hang on for a minute?(你能不能稍等一会儿?)Lesson 12(0个单词)


·cinema英 /snm/ / n.电影院The cinema is always filled to capacity.(电影院经常客满。)·after英 /ɑft/ / prep.在……之后This is me before and after exercising.(这是锻炼前和锻炼后的我。)·fan英 /fn/ / n.风扇,爱好者I""m a sports fan.(我是个体育迷。)·thin英 /θn/ / adj.瘦的,薄的He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.(他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。)·wonderful英 /wndfl/ / adj.极好的Wow!What a wonderful test score!(哇,你的成绩真好!)·machine英 /min/ / n.机器What""s the trouble with the machine?(这机器出了什么故障?)·wall英 /wl/ / n.墙This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成。)·send英 /send/ / v.送,寄,派遣I am going to send this letter out.(我要把这封信寄出去。)·mobile英 /mbal/ / n.手机Please call her mobile phone.(请打她的手机。)《科普版_五年级英语下册》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
