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很现实的人生语录 句句透彻心扉(总有一句打动你)

句子大全 2023-12-19 06:37:01


time is changing, and people are also changing. Life is an out-of-print movie that can"t be played back. No matter how hard you try, you can"t go back. The furthest distance in the world is not love, not hate, but familiar people, gradually becoming unfamiliar.


there is no need for too much in life, but love is happiness; if there is too much in life, you will be satisfied. Time will bring the right person to you. Before that, all you have to do is take good care of yourself.


Friendship between women stems from hating a woman together and from liking a man together. Make great efforts to manage every bit of beauty in your life, and by virtue of these beauty, tell yourself not to bow, even if life is difficult, things are changeable.

四、 不要去害怕做一件事,不要害怕触景伤情,不要害怕说错话,不要害怕想起过去,不要害怕面对未来。

don"t be afraid to do something, don"t be afraid to touch the scene, don"t be afraid to say the wrong thing, don"t be afraid to think about the past, don"t be afraid to face the future.


the old people said that they would walk away, their backs were smart, for fear that they would turn into pillars of salt once they looked back, so they would never look back even if they were nostalgic; and these old things witnessed so many good times in the whole process, they did not have the ability to act, and I decided to leave them.


Memories are viruses, attached to these clothes, if I don"t give them up hard and carelessly, those viruses will penetrate into the skin, into the blood and play a song of triumph all the way to the brain. If the brain can"t react, it will make the heart burden together, so my whole person will fall into the dead state of self-pity and self-esteem again.


How can you see a rainbow without going through the storm? When you encounter difficulties, show that the front is where the truth lies. Don"t give up lightly, or you"ll regret it all your life. The most delicious food is always in the bowl of others, and the best people are always what you can"t get.


Truth is the highest realm of life. What is true? It"s not acting, it"s not against conscience, it"s purely conscientious. No cheating, no conceit and no inferiority. If you don"t think too much, you"ll be happy. No breach of conscience, no mind, good day by day. This work should not stop, no delusions and worries, be true to yourself.


Life always gives us a slap, but we can not fight back, can only endure pain and continue to move forward. Perhaps, you came out of my sight, but did not come out of my missing.


When life encounters ups and downs and goes through hardships, we should constantly applaud, encourage and encourage ourselves. Do not yield to hardship, bow to hardship, or be frightened by hardship. The ideal of life is to live an ideal life. Only by applauding for oneself, the road of life will be wider and wider, and the road of life will be more open.



十三、厚道的人心存正能量,是一个有福,有底气的人。人活着,善良些,真实些,踏实些,拥有厚道的人,就拥有一种无形财富。 你不会了解那种孤独到嗓子眼,想哭又怕没人安慰,咽下眼泪继续微笑的感觉。

A generous person has positive energy in his heart. He is a blessed man with bottom spirit. People who are alive, kind, real, down-to-earth and have kindness possess an intangible wealth. You don"t know the feeling of loneliness to your voice, wanting to cry and fearing no one to comfort you, swallowing your tears and continuing to smile.



The greatest advantage of maturity is that you don"t want what you didn"t get before. Like, is light love. Love is deep love. I hope we can go back to our home together instead of seeing you home later.


十七、靠的越近越觉得自己渺小 。时间那么现实那一秒都会错过 。有时候,我们就像仙人掌,防备了别人,孤单了自己。

The closer you get, the smaller you feel. Time is so realistic that the second will be missed. Sometimes, we are like cactus, guarding against others, lonely themselves.


Some beautiful things can be remembered only when they are dusty and tasted carefully; some thoughts can only be treasured and smelled like flowers in silence; some feelings can only be more clear when they are silent and banished for years.




I can be strong enough without tears, but I can"t really be indifferent. Every person who doesn"t want to fall in love has a person in his heart that he can"t have. If the distance does not belong to you, do not take the distance too seriously, after all, the future is still long.



Never blame others for not helping you, and never blame others for not caring about you. Living in the world, we are all independent individuals, suffering has to bear their own.

Nobody really understands you. The stone didn"t hit his foot. He never realized how much pain it was. On the road of life, we are all lonely travelers, such as people who drink cold and warm water, know that you can really help, always only you.

