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奶茶精女孩的专属奶茶句 可可爱爱(奇妙有趣)

句子大全 2023-12-19 07:39:01


There is a girl who has recently gained a little bit of weight, but she is very cute and kind, loves to help others, is smart, has extraordinary temperament, is not stained with mud, and the fragrance is not stained. The hibiscus flower is like jade. She wants to drink milk tea a little bit today. Excuse me, is that all right?


My name is cutie. When I grow up, my name is cutie. When I grow old, my name is cutie. When I die, my name is cutie


I am a mermaid, I am sick now, need the Pearl in the sea to cure, if you want to save me, buy me a cup of Pearl milk tea horn.


It"s cold, can you change drinking more hot water to drinking more milk tea, so I might like you a little more


It is very difficult to drink 8 cups of water a day, but drink 8 cups of milk tea, just need you to ask me to treat you


Love can be talked about slowly, milk tea must be drunk immediately


Those who order puree Bobo milk tea don"t want puree, don"t want milk tea, as long as the person who wants to lick can give me the puree and milk tea that I don"t want


Today, I passed by the tea shop and saw a couple kissing. I am so envious. I also want to drink milk tea

九,如果喝水都会长胖的话 为什么不喝奶茶呢

If drinking water will gain weight, why not drink milk tea

十,我喜欢你 这句话太轻浮 我爱你 这句话太沉重 你给我买一杯奶茶吧 这句话刚刚好

I like you this sentence is too frivolous, I love you this sentence is too heavy, you buy me a cup of milk tea, this sentence is just right


Please, buy me a Pearl milk tea

十二,看了很久终于买了 全款 感觉没必要分期一杯奶茶而已!

After reading it for a long time, I finally bought the full amount and felt that there was no need to stage a cup of milk tea!


My most basic request to my friends is to give me a cup of milk tea when I am sad in winter and a cup of iced milk tea when I am sad in summer


Winter is not a cup of milk tea, no one is chasing after a lifetime


Milk tea in hand, no one can match
