
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-12-25 05:36:01


文 | 艾迪博士

图 | 毛巾

校对 | 毛巾



The pancreas is unusually sensitive to mechanical injury. It has long been recognized that manipulation of the pancreas at the time of surgery can induce acute pancreatitis complicating postoperative recovery. P对机械损伤非常敏感。长久以来,一直认为在操作的时候接触P会导致术后病人的并发症。

The condition is so well-known among surgeons that they avoid manipulating the pancreas whenever possible. In addition, blunt trauma to the abdomen that occurs following blows to the abdomen or in motor vehicle accidents is an all too common cause of pancreatitis 外科医生对此情况十分清楚从而尽可能地避开接触P。此外,撞击腹部或机动车事故导致的钝挫伤也是AP十分常见的病因。

well-known 知晓

解析:the condition 结合语境,是指上文的“敏感”的情况。following/followed 也是很高级的词汇,后面直接连接短语,表示先后发生,或因果关系的两个短语。句子变得美观简洁。说明文必学的单词。

For nearly 100 years it was believed that gallstone impaction at the junction of the bile and pancreatic ducts produced pancreatitis by promoting the reflux of bile into the pancreas. However, later studies indicated that backpressure induced by occlusion of the pancreatic duct could cause pancreatitis. 将近100年来,通常认为是胆石嵌入了两管的汇合处,引起了胆汁的反流导致了AP。然而,近来的研究表明,P管的闭塞诱导的压力可以导致AP。

impaction/occlusion /obstruction n 堵塞

relux n 反流


Thus, increased pressure within the gland could be responsible for gallstone pancreatitis. This concept has been reinforced by the clinical observation that overfilling the pancreatic duct during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), a diagnostic radiographic tool to visualize the pancreas, can trigger acute pancreatitis. 因此,腺体内增加的压力可能是GP的原因。这种观念在临床观察中得以巩固,即在ERCP时对P管灌注过多,可以引发AP。

be responsible for 是什么的原因

visualize v.可视化

trigger v. 引发

解析:妈妈再也不担心我只会用because了,be responsible for 就是高级用法。学生通常条件反射,就是为……负责。其实表示原因也是常见的。


Although the mechanism responsible for initiating the injury during ERCP is not completely understood, it is believed that increased intraductal pressure could be responsible.尽管ERCP中导致损伤的机制还没完全明白,人们相信管内压力的增加是原因。


It appears, therefore, that conditions that produce pressure on the gland can cause pancreatitis suggesting that the pancreas itself can perceive mechanical force. 因此,似乎产生腺体压力可以引起AP这一情况提示了P本身能感知机械压力。

perceive adj 感受

解析:这是表语从句,suggesting that 是补语。

The recent discovery of a novel class of pressure-activated ion channels, Piezo1 and Piezo2, led us to consider whether mechanically activated ion channels exist in the pancreas. 最近对新类型的压力激活试离子通道Piezo1 和 Piezo2 的发现,让我们考虑压力激活离子通道是不是也存在在P上。

解析: led us to,也是很好的介词短语,可以加句子。实用性高。

Piezo1 and Piezo2 are the two members of a distinct nonselective cationic mechanosensitive channel family expressed in mammalian cells . Piezo1和 Piezo2 是表达在哺乳类动物细胞上的特有的非选择阳离子机械敏感通道家族的成员之一。

mammalian adj 哺乳动物的,考试经常考这个词

Piezo1 was first identified in a neuronal cell line using mechanical stimulation.The Piezo2 protein was found subsequently through sequence homology. The Piezo proteins are present in numerous mammalian tissues with particularly high expression in lung, bladder, and skin. 前者最先在神经细胞上使用机械刺激是发现的。随后通过同源测序发现了Piezo2蛋白。许多哺乳类动物的组织上表达了机械敏感蛋白,特别是肺、膀胱、皮肤上有着高表达。


(运营人 摇摆浴巾)
