
日记大全 > 句子大全

川教版 五年级英语下册(三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总)

句子大全 2023-12-25 07:56:01



Unit 1 Lesson 1(11个单词)


·sweep the floor[swi:p fl:] / 扫地It""s my turn to sweep the floor.(该轮到我打扫地板了。)·make the bed[meik bed] / v.整理床铺I had her make the bed.(我让她把床铺整理好了。)·clean the windows/ 擦窗户We clean the windows every day.(我们每天都擦窗户。)·wash vegetables / 洗菜Wash the vegetables in the water.(用水清洗蔬菜。)·do some washing[du: sm w] / 洗衣服We should do some washing by ourselves.(我们得自己洗衣服。)·put away the clothes / 收拾衣服Can you put away the clothes?(你会收拾衣服吗?)·look at this picture / 看这幅图let""s look at this picture.(我们来看看这张照片吧。)·plant trees / 种树We can plant trees in spring.(春天我们可以植树。)·now[na] / n.现在What time is it now?(现在几点了?)·*earth[:θ] / n.泥土We only have one earth,so we should do all we can to protect her.(我们只有一个地球,所以我们应该竭尽所能去保护她。)·*stamp[stmp] / vt.用力踩Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.(集邮是一种普遍的业余爱好。)Unit 1 Lesson 2(8个单词)


·garden[gɑ:dn] / n.花园Let""s go to the garden.(我们去花园吧。)·table[tebl] / n.桌子Your book is on the table.(你的书在桌子上。)·people[pi:pl] / n.人;人们(单复数同形)There are many different people in the world.(世界上有许多不同的人。)·watermelons/ n.西瓜(复数)Watermelons in summer are very sweet.(夏天的西瓜很甜。)·grass[grɑ:s] / n.草Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花。)·them[m] / pron.他们Great! I like them.(太棒了!我喜欢它们。)·*squirrel[skwrl] / n.松鼠The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.(松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。)·any[eni] / adj.任何的Ask me if you have any question.(如果你有问题就问我。)Unit 1 Lesson 3(11个单词)


·sea[si:] / n.海;海洋The sea calmed down.(海上风浪平息了。)·shark[ɑ:k] / n.鲨鱼I like sharks.(我喜欢鲨鱼。)·mountain[mantn] / n.大山There is much snow on the mountain.(山上有很多雪。)·forest[frst] / n.森林The forest looked beautiful in the sun.(在阳光的照射下,森林看上去十分漂亮。)·desert[dezt] / n.沙漠The climate is very dry in the desert area.(沙漠地区气候很干燥。)·grassland[grɑ:slnd] / n.草地The grassland smelt fresh and sweet after rain.(雨后的草原一片清香。)·earth[:θ] / n.地球We only have one earth,so we should do all we can to protect her.(我们只有一个地球,所以我们应该竭尽所能去保护她。)·have a look[hv luk] / 看一眼You should go along and have a look.(你应该去瞧瞧。)·live[lv] / vi.居住Fish live in the water.(鱼生活在水里。)·*hey[he] / int.(引起注意)嘿Hey, where are you going?(喂,你去哪儿?)·*swallow[swl] / n.燕子A swallow flew past.(一只燕子飞过去了。)Unit 2 Lesson 1(9个单词)


·clothes[klz] / n.服装,衣服I have already started knitting baby clothes.(我已经开始给宝宝织衣服了。)·jeans[di:nz] / n.牛仔裤Your jeans are in the wash.(你的牛仔裤还在洗着呢。)·shirt[:t] / n.(男士)衬衣Put on your shirt.(穿上你的衬衫。)·T-shirt[""ti:,:t] / n.T恤I like your T-shirt.(我喜欢你的T恤衫。)·sweater[swet(r)] / n.毛衣She wears a yellow sweater.(她穿了一件黄色的毛衣。)·shoes[""u:z] / n.鞋(复数)You should wear your sports shoes.(你应该穿运动鞋。)·coat[kt] / n.外套;上衣She wore a thick coat to keep warm in the winter.(大冬天她穿了一件厚外套来保暖。)·get warm[ɡet w:m] / 变得暖和They all moved towards the fire to get warm.(大家就拢来烤火取暖。)·wear[we(r)] / n.穿;戴What size do you wear?(你穿什么号码的(衣服)?)Unit 2 Lesson 2(11个单词)

·plants grow/ 植物生长In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions.(在热带,植物会长得非常高大。)·wind blows / 风起The wind blows hard.(风刮得很紧。)·turn yellow[t:n jelu] / 变黄The leaves are beginning to turn yellow.(树叶逐渐枯黄了。)·leaves fall / 叶落Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn.(秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。)·snow[sn] / vt.下雪After the snow it is really cold.(下过这场雪,就觉出冷来了。)·from...to / 从……到Where are you from?(你是什么地方人?)·It""s time to... / 该(做)……It""s time to knock off.(该收工了。)·come out[km aut] / 出现;(花)开Oh, look. The sun""s come out.(喂,瞧,太阳出来了。)·go for an outing[ɡu f: n at] / 去郊游We like to go for an outing in spring.(我们喜欢在春天外出游玩。)·*last[lɑ:st] / vi.持续This is the last step of the game.(这是这个游戏的最后一步。)·*harvest[hɑ:vst] / n.收割It rained during the harvest.(收获期间下雨了。)Unit 2 Lesson 3(12个单词)

·Easter egg[i:st eɡ] / n.复活节彩蛋The gifts of Easter include Easter egg and Easter bunny.(复活节的礼物有复活节彩蛋和复活节兔子。)·boat[bt] / n.小船Would you like to go for a boat ride?(你想去乘船吗?)·give a card to/ 给……卡片You should give a birthday card to your friend.(你应该向朋友赠送生日贺卡。)·be made of chocolate / 由巧克力制成Swiss person amounts to Niaier Peter to be made chocolate of the first milk,(世界上第一块牛奶巧克力是瑞士人达尼埃尔·彼得制作出来的。)·a piece of paper / n.一张纸Just slip in a piece of paper.(只要塞进一张纸就行。)·think[θk] / vt.认为I think so.(我想是如此。)·used to[ju:st t] / n.过去时常I used to run into him from time to time.(我过去时常碰上他。)·holiday[hlde] / n.节日,假日We had a wonderful holiday.(我们过了一个很棒的假日。)·bank[bk] / n.银行I have placed money on deposit in a bank.(我已把钱存入一家银行。)·*symbol[smbl] / n.象征The moon is a symbol of wealth and luck.(这月亮象征着财富和运气。)·*celebrate[selbret] / v.庆祝It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate.(这是个值得举家庆祝的时刻。)·*national[nnl] / adj.全国的China has a lot of national symbols.(中国是个有许多民族符号的国家。)Unit 3 Lesson 1(23个单词)


·first[f:st] / num.第一He is the first one to cross the finish line.(他是第一个越过终点线的人。)·second[seknd] / num.第二Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league.(英国在联赛中的排名从第二位降到了第三位。)·third[θ:d] / num.第三We felt we might finish third.(我们感觉我们可能会获得第三名)·fourth[f:θ] / num.第四I was going well and was lying fourth.(我当时发挥不错,排在第四。)·fifth[ffθ] / num.第五Today is my daughter""s fifth birthday.(今天是我女儿的五岁生日。)·sixth[sksθ] / num.第六This is his sixth venture.(这是他第六次冒险。)·seventh[sevnθ] / num.第七July is the seventh month of the year.(七月是一年中的第七个月。)·eighth[etθ] / num.第八It is Tom""s eighth birthday this year.(今年是汤姆的第八个生日。)·ninth[nanθ] / num.第九September is the ninth month of a year.(九月是一年中的第九个月。)·tenth[tenθ] / num.第十I felt good after winning the tenth time.(第十次也赢了让我感觉爽爆了。)·eleventh[""levnθ] / num.第十一We were working on the eleventh floor.(我们在11层办公。)·twelfth[twelfθ] / num.第十二The twelfth day of the month is when my vacation begins.(这个月12号我的假期就开始了。)·thirteenth[θ:""ti:nθ] / num.第十三Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday.(祝你十三岁生日快乐。)·fourteenth[f:""ti:nθ] / num.第十四The fourteenth century cathedral was reduced to a mass of rubble.(这座14世纪的大教堂变成了一堆瓦砾。)·fifteenth[ff""ti:nθ] / num.第十五He""s ranked fifteenth in the world.(他在世界排名第十五。)·sixteenth[sks""ti:nθ] / num.第十六He has entered on his sixteenth year.(他现在十六岁了。)·seventeenth[sevn""ti:nθ] / num.第十七The ornately carved doors were made in the seventeenth century.(那些雕饰精美的门制于17世纪。)·eighteenth[e""ti:nθ] / num.第十八I like the architecture of the eighteenth century.(我喜欢十八世纪的建筑风格。)·nineteenth[nan""ti:nθ] / num.第十九In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.(19世纪时海盗猖獗。)·This is...speaking./ (电话用语)我是……This is Tony speaking.(我是托尼。)·be free[bi: fri:] / 有空I am not sure if I will be free tomorrow.(我不确定我明天是否有空。)·birthday party[b:θdei pɑ:ti] / n.生日聚会We threw a huge birthday party.(我们举办了盛大的生日聚会。)·on time[n taim] / 准时We can certainly have the job finished on time.(我们肯定能按时完成任务。)Unit 3 Lesson 2(9个单词)


·socks[sɑks] / n.袜子Put on your socks.(穿上你的袜子。)·blouse[blaz] / n.(女士)衬衣She wears a white blouse today.(今天她穿了一件白色衬衫。)·piano[pin] / n.钢琴He is learning to play the piano.(他在学钢琴。)·money[mni] / n.钱Heaven knows they have enough money.(他们的钱够多了。)·tape[tep] / n.磁带He sealed the parcel with adhesive tape.(他用胶带封好包裹。)·phone[fn] / n.电话Can I use your phone?(我能用一下你的电话吗?)·mobile phone[mubail fun] / n.手机My mobile phone is extremely useful.(我的手机非常有用。)·look like[luk laik] / 看起来像You look like a nice upstanding young man.(你看起来像是一个正直的好青年。)·*expensive[kspensv] / adj.贵的The are so expensive! I can""t buy them!(天哪,这么贵啊!我可买不起!)Unit 3 Lesson 3(8个单词)


·light the candles/ 点蜡烛Let""s light the candles.(让我们点燃蜡烛。)·sing a song / 唱歌Will you sing a song for us?(你给我们唱个歌好吗?)·blow out the candles / 吹蜡烛I made a wish and blow out the candles.(我许了愿,吹了蜡烛。)·make a wish[meik wi] / 许愿I must make a wish first.(我一定要先许个愿。)·late[let] / adj.晚的We went to bed very late.(我们很晚才睡。)·early[:li] / adj.早的It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·be worried about / 为……担心Your family must be worried about you.(你的家人会担心你吧。)·must[mst] / aux.必须I have to go, I really must, at once.(我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。)《川教版_五年级英语下册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
