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电影《倾城佳话(1994)》Part1 中英文对照台词剧本

句子大全 2023-12-29 04:08:01


Once upon a time in New York, there was a cop named Charlie.

从前在纽约 有个叫查里的警察

He was a very decent guy, as was his partner, Bo.

他是个很正直的人 他搭档鲍伯也是

He was a good listener.


He loved kids.


He had patience and common sense.

他有耐心 明辨事理

He was resourceful.


Okay, people, let"s go. Let"s go. Come on, let me get through.

好 大家慢慢过去 好好好

He was just a good cop.


Charlie lived happily in Queens,


where he was born and had lived all of his life.


Yo, Charlie. Jesu. How are you?

嘿 查里! 嘿 苏 你还好吧?

Kill anybody today?


Didn"t even wound anybody. Been really slow.

- 今天连人都没伤到 动作太慢

You"re not gonna see your wife?


No, she doesn"t like me to surprise her at work.


Charlie was married to Muriel. She hated Queens.

查里和茉莉结了婚 她讨厌皇后大街

I don"t know. If he was a detective or an undercover cop...


...at least he"d have decent clothes.


You know? But that"s not for him. He"s gotta wear the uniform.

不过就算有了他也不会穿 他就爱穿制服

I feel for you, honey. Because you got driving ambition.

我能理解你 你也不能对他有什么要求

I know. I never pushed him enough.

我知道 我从来不给他太大压力

If he was on the take, at least I"d say, "Okay. He has initiative."

假设他哪天受贿了 我倒会说:"有进步!"

My sister was married to a cop for 10 years. It"s a no-win situation.

我妹妹嫁了一警察 看起来没什么好结果了

Either they"re honest and you"re broke,


or they"re crooks and they never come home.


So your sister, what did she do?


She left the cop and married an electrician.

她和他离了婚 嫁给一电气工程师

That"s your real money.


I"m running out of patience. I tell you, I"m a person who needs money.

我都快没信心了 告诉你我就是那种爱钱的女人

And then there was


Yvonne, a waitress, who"s about to get some terrible news.

依枫 女招待 正焦头烂额的可怜人

Miss Biasi, according to your records here, you owe $12,000 on your MasterCard.

比亚西小姐 万事达卡的记录显示你已经欠了$12000

Your Honor, those charges were incurred by my ex-husband...


...Eddie Biasi, the actor, after I threw him out.


The bank is not aware of your divorce.


Because we"re not divorced yet. But I told him,


"You have to tear up the credit cards."And he promised--


If you"re not divorced yet,


you"re still liable for any and all debts your husband has incurred.


But I am divorced in my heart. You know? I mean, and that"s what counts.

我主观上已经离婚了 这应该得到认可

Legally, that"s not what counts.


But do you know how much it costs to get divorced?


Have you ever been divorced?


Probably not. Probably not. Probably you haven"t.

大概没有 大概没有 大概你有

Probably you"ve had good luck your entire life.


Which is great. Which is the opposite of me.


Miss Biasi, if the MasterCard is in your name,

比亚西小姐 假设万事达卡是用你名义开的

it"s still your responsibility.


Listen, please.

拜托 拜托

I came to New York from Pittsburgh five years ago, to be an actress.

我五年前从匹兹堡来到纽约 来当演员

I had done "Our Town" in college.


Let me tell you something. Played Emily. People were crying buckets.


I"m sure they were. Will there be anything else?

我知道我知道 您还需要别的么?

So I come to New York, and I meet Eddie.

然后我来了纽约 认识了艾迪

Talk about the worst luck of all. Your Honor,


he swept me off my feet.


He bought me flowers, he took me on taxi rides, and real restaurants.

他送我花 带我兜风 请我去高档餐馆吃饭

With linen and wine and good lighting, you know?

有亚麻桌布、美酒和亮丽的灯光 知道?

Everything was so perfect, except he turned out to be this pathological liar.

一切都很完美 直到他变成一个病态的骗子

And I believed every word he said...


...because I used to have all this faith in people. You know?

甚至开始任何人都不信 懂?

So.... So, like, in short...

那么 简而言之

...what are my options here?

现在我能有什么选择? (破产)

Charlie, Muriel and Yvonne all lived in a city...

查里 茉莉 依枫 生活在同一个城市里

...where people prayed for miracles every day.


Like winning the $64 million lottery.

比方说 中个$6400万的彩票

My name is Angel.The story you"re about to see, well, it"s pretty much all true

我叫天使 下面你将要看到的故事 是真实的

I had a dream last night.


I was playing a slot machine, and I got three cherries, but they wasn"t cherries.

转到三个樱桃 然后它们又不是樱桃了

They were my father"s face, the face of my dead father. It"s a sign.

它们变成了我死去的爸爸的笑脸 这是个暗示

But you hated your father.


Makes no difference I hated him. A sign is a sign.

不相干 暗示就是暗示.

I know you think I"m nuts, but I tell you, we"re gonna win.

我知道你认为我扯淡 但我告诉你我们会赢.

I didn"t say you were nuts.

- 我没说你在扯淡

I just said the odds of us winning the lottery are not overwhelming.


One bedroom in Queens


is not my idea of living.

只有一个卧室的小房子 不是我想要的生活

One bedroom in Queens is fine.


If we had kids.... If we had kids, it would be another story.

如果我们有孩子 孩子 那就是另一个故事了

We don"t have the money to have kids.


Of course we have the money to have kids.

- 我们当然有钱要孩子

Cops have kids. Firemen have kids.

警察能有孩子 消防员也能有孩子

If only rich people had kids, there wouldn"t be public schools.

如果只许有钱人生孩子 就不要公立学校了

Charlie, just get the ticket this morning, please.

- 甜心 你把彩票给我买了就行了 拜托

She gotta get real. You gotta tell her:

她没数咯 你去告诉她

"I"m the man. I"m out here every day, getting it done...


...getting paid, bringing it home." She gotta listen to you.

挣钱 然后带回家."她该听你的.

You can"t be serious. It takes two minutes.

你不会吧 就两分钟

I"m starving, man.

我饿扁了 哥们

Hey, people, this is police business, step aside. Bo, Bo.

执行公务!大家靠边站 就两分钟

It"ll take two minutes. Sorry. Sorry.

- 住手 住手!对不起 对不起

This is gonna take forever. Then the Burger King"s another five blocks.

你就是这样 要吃巨无霸汉堡还得走五个街区

So we"ll eat across the street. We never went there.

那就过个马路算了 我们买没去过那

- What, that place? Oh, no.

- 什么?那地方?噢 不

Where the hell were you?


I told you yesterday, Sal.Five times. A personal matter, Hi, Carol.

我说过五次了 一点私事.嗨 凯尔.

You are two hours late. It comes off your paycheck.What?

好 你迟到两小时 从工资里扣.

Do you know how many sick days I have coming?


You want a sick day,


get sick. If you"re healthy, you work.

就生病去.如果你健康的话 工作去!

Get me some coffee.


On your head, sweetie pie. Thanks.

在你头上 小可爱 谢谢

That guy sets a nice tone here, huh?


Yeah, like a drill sergeant.

是啊 像训练有素的警官

Here we go.


You guys want some coffee? Please.Please.

你们都要咖啡吗 请 请

You guys know what you want? Cheeseburger deluxe, medium.

想要什么 奶酪汉堡 越橘汁松饼

All right.


And you, officer?

你呢 警官

You recommend the lobster thermidor?


That"s really funny. I mean, I think I"m just gonna die laughing.

很搞笑 我都快笑死了

The kind of day I"ve had so far. I can"t even tell you what a treat this is.


You"ve had a bad day?


Call me when you"re ready. A meatball sandwich.Really. That"s what I want.

你想好了就叫我 肉圆三明治 好了

Meatball? Meatball.

肉圆? 肉圆

You are very brave, officer.

你很有勇气 警官

She likes you. Yeah, she really likes you.I was trying to cheer her up.

她喜欢你 真的 我只是想让她高兴起来

We got a store alarm on Spring Street and a naked man in traffic...

刚收到报告 有一裸男从商店跑到了街上

Well, I"m full. ...on Sullivan.

- 好 我饱了.

Shit, I"m gonna starve to death.

日 这下我要饿死了

Your turn for the check. Okay.

轮到你付了 好

Miss, we gotta run, so we"ll just take a check.

小姐 我们得出去检查一下

After that whole routine?


When those radios go off....


Where, where? Where did I?

哪儿 哪儿 哪儿 哪儿

All right, so that"s two coffees plus taxes. Two even.

两杯含税的咖啡 一样一样的

Oh, jeez. I"m short.

噢 上帝.没了.

Fine, officer. No charge.

算了 警官 别记帐

No, I have the check.I just don"t have enough for a tip.

不 我只是不够付小费

I"ll live.

