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激励人生的励志句子 一句顶一万句(满满正能量)

句子大全 2023-12-30 06:11:01

一、不愿意努力,却说梦想遥不可及;抱怨环境太差,平台太低,却畏惧改变,止步不前。事实上,越嫌麻烦,越懒得学,越对付出多少斤斤计较的人,就越可能错过那些美好的人和事。unwilling to work hard, but saying that dreams are far from reach; complaining about the environment is too bad, the platform is too low, but afraid of change, stagnate. In fact, the more troublesome, the less lazy to learn, and the more anxious people are about how much they pay, the more likely they are to miss those wonderful people and things.


you think you can say goodbye without meeting, you think you can miss saying goodbye. But a sudden moment about him, even a similar sentence, is enough to make you cry. You never imagine that you have the courage to love someone, but not the courage to forget someone!

三、 若无其事,原来是最好的报复。何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己。就算你瘦了,变好看了,你什么都好了,不爱你的人还是不爱你。即使你再胖,再难看,再怎么不好,爱你的人永远不会嫌弃你。

If nothing happens, it is the best revenge. Why prove to the unworthy that life is better for oneself? Even if you are thin and good-looking, you are all right. People who don"t love you still don"t love you. Even if you are fat, ugly and bad, the people who love you will never abandon you.

四、到了一定年龄, 必须扔掉的四样东西: 没意义的酒局, 不爱你的人, 看不起你的亲戚,虚情假意的朋友。但是必须拥有四样东西: 扬在脸上的自信, 长在心里的善良, 融进血液的骨气, 刻在生命里的坚强…

things that must be thrown away at a certain age: meaningless bars, people who don"t love you, despising your relatives, and false friends. But we must have four things: self-confidence on the face, kindness in the heart, bone in the blood, and strength in life.


Success keeps you looking for the way ahead. Failure rekindles the flame of victory. Heart, like a train in spring. Always think that the most beautiful side of the mountain, on the other side of the river, in fact, the most beautiful on the road; always think that what you can get is the most real, in fact, everything is like the scenery out of the window, gradually fading away; always think that the most complaint in my heart, the most hated is the most unfair, in fact, you love deeply, can never give up. Time, let the heart simple, let the heart clean, let the heart clear.


don"t say that the new year is better, so as not to face the new year. Without passion, love will not burn; without pride, ambition will be difficult to achieve; without mood, things will be difficult to accomplish. What we lack is not opportunity, but grasp it; what we lack is not wealth, but the ability to create wealth.


a person"s taste is better mixed, better ear sounds, can understand several dialects. It doesn"t matter if the taste is monotonous and the ear sounds are poor. The most important thing is to have a wider interest in life.


there are worries everyday, not pick up nature. Be kind and do good deeds. You deserve it all your life. Have an ordinary mind, do ordinary things, day and night quiet. Don"t forget people"s kindness, don"t miss people"s mistakes, don"t miss people"s criticisms, don"t care about people"s complaints. Heart wide a cloud clears away mist, let a person step clear sky ten thousand miles. Fate to meet and laugh together, from now on regardless of the ancients. Meeting and laughing is the first good medicine to nourish one"s heart, and worrying about one"s eyebrows is the first steel knife to commit suicide. When greed crosses the sea without enough, who laughs when it crosses the clouds?

九、 有些人一旦错过了,就是一辈子不再主动联系,不愿打扰你的生活,连偶尔的寒暄都没有,成长就是这样的,不断的告别,不断的遇见。

some people once missed, is no longer active contact, do not want to disturb your life, even occasional greetings do not exist, growth is such, constantly farewell, constantly meet.

十、做人就要像花一样,不管有没有人欣赏,但是你一定要绽放,你不是为别人,而是为自己。不做别人的赏物,只做最炫丽的自己!这世上,有些人把你当童话,有些人把你当神话, 也有些人把你当笑话。沒关系,做最好的你自己!早安,努力遇见更好的自己!

Be like a flower. No matter whether someone appreciates it or not, you must blossom. You are not for others, but for yourself. Don"t do other people"s rewards, just do the most dazzling of their own! In this world, some people regard you as a fairy tale, some people regard you as a myth, and some people treat you as a joke. Never mind, be the best you can be! Good morning, try to meet a better self!

十一、无论是出于工作还是私交甚好的原因,都不免会落人口实,之后发文辟谣说是很好的朋友,但这种不懂避嫌的友谊我是看不出来有多么令人艳羡。 一个人生活虽然很难,但也必须学会一个人,不要轻易依赖别人。这是为了防止你身边的人都离开的时候,你还可以好好活下去。

Whether it"s for work or good personal relations, it"s unavoidable to fall into reality. Later, it"s said that it"s a good friend to dispel rumors. But I can"t see how enviable this kind of friendship is. It is difficult for a person to live, but he must learn to live alone and not rely on others easily. This is to prevent people around you from leaving when you can still live well.

十二、只要我清者自清,就不怕流言攻击。 只要我人品端正,就能够活得洒脱。 人生本就烦恼多,你又何必想太多, 这辈子无法重来, 要学着为自己活,怎么开心怎么活!

As long as I am clear, I will not be afraid of rumors. As long as I have good character, I can live freely. There are many troubles in life. Why do you think too much? You can"t come back in this life. You should learn to live for yourself and how to live happily and happily!


If you expect freedom, then you need to understand that women"s real freedom does not lie in how much money they have, but in how much time they have at their disposal, and that they also have food, clothing, housing, and creativity and dignity.


The so-called deep hatred of love, how much love you had before, at that time the hatred for you will never be less than the love for you before, I also have an impulse, since such pain can not forget you, I will seek a psychologist to hypnotize it. Heartbreaking voice, you can"t hear, ignorant I still waiting for what?


If you have something you want to accomplish or someone you love, you should not only work hard, but also work hard. Life is short. Maybe it"s worth killing time with all the good things. We always think that the future is long, but in fact the future is not long. Who is not quietly laughing, while the heart is mixed with feelings. While telling about the difficulty of life, while thriving life is extremely brilliant.
