
日记大全 > 句子大全

辽宁师大版 五年级英语下册(三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总)

句子大全 2023-12-31 06:45:01



Unit 1(10个单词)

·large/lɑd/ / adj.大的He is a bulky man.(他是个大胖子。)·there are/ 有(复数)There are no other ways.(别无他法。)·classroom/""klɑsrum/ / n.教室Maybe he is in the classroom.(他可能在教室里。)·playground/""plegrand/ / n.操场We also have a big playground.(我们还有一个大操场。)·there is / 有(单数)There is one word too many in this sentence.(这个句子多了一个字。)·gym/dm/ / n.体育馆We played basketball in the gym.(我们在体育馆里打篮球。)·behind/b""hand/ / prep.在……的后边Bad people should be standing behind here.(坏人应该站在这后面。)·library/labrr/ / n.图书馆The one student are looking for some books in the libray.(一个学生正在图书馆里找一些书。)·really/""r:l/ / adv.确实,的确He""s not really good at shooting arrows.(事实上他并不擅长射箭。)·in front of / prep.在……前面We dried our clothes in front of the fire.(我们在火前烘干了衣服。)Unit 2(7个单词)

·canteen/kn""tin/ / n.食堂,餐厅This is the canteen.(这是餐厅。)·art room/ n.美术室There""s an art room in my school.(在我的学校有一间美术教室。)·any/""en/ / adj.任何的(用于一般疑问句和否定句中)Ask me if you have any question.(如果你有问题就问我。)·computer room / n.电脑室We have a new computer room.(我们有一个新的计算机室。)·between/b""twin/ / prep.在……之间The balloon is between the two girls.(气球在两个女孩中间。)·teachers"" office / 教师办公室Teachers"" offices are on the second floor.(教师办公室在二楼。)·beside/b""sad/ / prep.在……旁边The loyal dog is lying beside her master.(这只忠诚的狗狗正趴在主人旁边。)Unit 3(6个单词)

·community/kmju:nt/ / n.社区He""s well liked by people in the community.(社区的人都非常喜欢他。)·restaurant/restrnt/ / n.餐馆,餐厅This restaurant is famous for being built on the sea.(这家餐厅因建在海上而闻名。)·shop/p/ / n.商店This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago.(这家商店前几天刚进了一批货。)·supermarket/ ""sjupmɑkt/ / n.超市We""re going to the supermarket!(我们要去超市!)·cinema/snm/ / n.电影院The cinema is always filled to capacity.(电影院经常客满。)·toilet/tlt/ / n.厕所,洗手间The boy is cleaning the toilet.(那个男孩正在打扫厕所。)Unit 4(12个单词)


·stop/stp/ / v.停下The road worker held up his hand to stop the car.(修路工人举手让车停下来。)·field/fild/ / n.田地,牧场People were working in the fields.(人们在田间劳动。)·right/rat/ / n.右边You can use green marks under right answers.(你可以在正确答案下面用绿色标记。)·near/n/ / prep.在……附近The ball rolled so near the hole,it almost fell in.(这个球滚到离洞很近的地方,差一点就进了。)·river/""rv/ / n.河;江This is a long river.(这条河很长。)·how many/ (提问数量)多少How many books?(有多少本书?)·goat/gt/ / n.山羊A goat is difficult from a sheep.(山羊和绵羊不同。)·dear/d/ / adj.亲爱的"I love you so much",the father said to his dear son.(“我非常爱你,”父亲对他亲爱的儿子说。)·count/kant/ / v.数数,计算总数The children are learning how to count.(孩子们在学数数儿。)·last/lɑst/ / adj.最后的,最末的This is the last step of the game.(这是这个游戏的最后一步。)·hill/hl/ / n.小山This hill is hard to climb.(这山很难爬。)·lake/lek/ / n.湖The lake is hidden among the mountains.(胡泊四周群山环绕。)Unit 5(15个单词)


·China/tan/ / n.中国I""m from the China.(我来自中国。)·at/t/ / prep.在……(钟点或地点)We are at school.(我们在学校。)·every/""evr/ / adj.每,每隔;每个We were made to attend meetings every day.(我们每天都得参加会议。)·begin/b""gn/ / v.开始The talks are to begin tomorrow.(谈判将于明天开始。)·do homework/ 做作业I can""t stand to do homework any longer.(我不能忍受再做家庭作业了。)·after/""ɑft/ / prep.在……之后This is me before and after exercising.(这是锻炼前和锻炼后的我。)·watch cartoons / 看动画片I watch cartoons with my friends.(我和朋友一起看动画片。)·evening/""ivn/ / n.晚上;傍晚In the evening we watched the sunset by the beach.(傍晚我们在沙滩边上看挡日落。)·before/b""f/ / prep.在……以前There""s only one person before me in line.(在队伍里我前面就只有一个人。)·quite/kwat/ / adv.相当,十分,非常Their heights are quite different.(她们的身高不一样。)·different/dfrnt/ / adj.不同的,有区别的The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.(这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状。)·life/laf/ / n.生活;生命We have a very active sex life.(我们的性生活非常活跃。)·do housework / 做家务I often do housework.(我常做家务。)·have class / 上课We don""t have class on Sunday.(我们星期天不上课。)·do morning exercises / 做早操To do morning exercises is good for our health.(做早操对我们的身体好。)Unit 6(16个单词)


·Mrs/msz/ / n.太太,夫人Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.(卡文迪什夫人是我的一位亲密朋友。)·early/""l/ / adj.早;早的It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·on duty/ 值日It""s my turn to be on duty.(轮到我值班了。)·week/wik/ / n.周,星期I reckon we""ll go next week.(我想我们将在下星期去。)·usually/jul/ / adv.通常He usually works all through the night.(他经常通宵工作。)·open/""pn/ / v.开;打开He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)·door/d/ / n.门What""s behind the door?(门后面是什么?)·sweep the floor / 扫地It""s my turn to sweep the floor.(该轮到我打扫地板了。)·help/help/ / v.帮助,协助She helped me to walk.(她帮助我走路。)·helper/""help/ / n.帮手,助手I believe he will be a good helper.(我相信他会是一个好帮手。)·clean/klin/ / v.打扫She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。)·desk/desk/ / n.书桌,写字台On the desk.(在课桌上。)·chair/te/ / n.椅子Put your schoolbag on the chair.(把你的书包放在椅子上。)·blackboard/""blkbd/ / n.黑板He chalked the message on the blackboard.(他用粉笔将消息写在黑板上。)·window/""wnd/ / n.窗,窗户I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。)·take out the trash / 倒垃圾We may take turns taking out the trash.(我们可以轮流倒垃圾。)Unit 7(8个单词)


·over/""v/ / n.结束He jumped over the barrier easily.(他轻松地跳过了障碍物。)·often/""fn/ / adv.时常,常常I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.(早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。)·play the piano/ 弹钢琴She""s learned to play the piano.(她学会了弹钢琴。)·play sports / 做运动I like to play sports in the summer.(我喜欢在夏天做运动。)·go swimming / 去游泳Do you like to go swimming?(你喜欢去游泳吗?)·visit friends / 访友I""m going to visit friends.(我要去拜访朋友。)·go shopping / 去购物I live just by the market, and it""s very convenient to go shopping.(我家就住在商场旁边,买东西很方便。)·watch TV / 看电视Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)Unit 8(13个单词)


·weekend/wikend/ / n.周末I went home at the weekend.(我周末回家了。)·with/w/ / prep.和……一起I""ll have a cola with my burger.(我要一杯可乐配我的汉堡。)·parent/""pernt/ / n.父亲;母亲I went to Taiwan with my parents.(我和我的父母去了台湾。)·also/""ls/ / adv.也,同样He""s also eating an apple.(他也正在吃苹果。)·lesson/""lesn/ / n.课,课程The teacher taught us an interesting lesson.(老师给我们上了一堂有趣的课。)·far/fɑ/ / n.远Volunteers came from far and wide.(志愿者来自四面八方。)·by bike/ 骑自行车I usually go to school by bike.(我通常骑自行车上学。)·study/""std/ / v.学习The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)·work/wk/ / v.工作,劳动I love my job,so I work very hard.(我热爱我的工作,所以我工作很努力。)·have a picnic / 野餐We are also going to have a picnic together.(我们也一起去野餐。)·by car / 乘坐轿车I usually go to school by car.(我通常坐小汽车去上学。)·by taxi / 乘出租车I usually go to school by taxi.(我通常乘出租车上学。)·on foot / 步行I usually go to school on foot.(我通常步行上学。)Unit 9(6个单词)


·busy/""bz/ / adj.忙碌的What a busy day.(多么忙碌的一天啊。)·cleaning the windows/ (进行时)擦玻璃She""s cleaning the windows.(她正在擦窗户。)·sweeping the floor / (进行时)扫地She""s sweeping the floor.(她正在扫地板。)·doing the dishes / (进行时)洗餐具I hate doing the dishes.(我讨厌洗碗。)·free/fri/ / adj.空闲的Do you have any free tables?(请问有空的位置吗?)·washing clothes / (进行时)洗衣服I""m washing clothes.(我正在洗衣服。)Unit 10(7个单词)


·cleaning the room/ (进行时)打扫房间I""m cleaning the room. (我正在正在打扫房间。)·never/""nev/ / adv.从不,从未Elephants,cows,and pigs will never fly.(大象,奶牛和猪永远不会飞。)·need/nid/ / v.需要It""s obvious that you need more time to think.(显然你需要更多时间来思考。)·clean/klin/ / adj.干净的She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。)·cooking dinner / (进行时)做饭I""m cooking dinner.(我正在做饭。)·reading a book / (进行时)看书I like listening to music while reading a book.(我喜欢边看书边听音乐。)·setting the table / (进行时)摆餐具,摆餐桌She is setting the table.(她正在摆餐桌。)Unit 11(10个单词)


·get/get/ / v.变得(更好,更坏等)What grade are you hoping to get?(你希望得到什么样的成绩?)·reading a newspaper/ (进行时)看报纸He is reading a newspaper.(他正在读一张报纸。)·for/f:/ / prep.给,对,为了Here""s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)·us/s/ / pron.(we的宾格)我们It""s time for us to go.(我们该走了。)·sleep/slip/ / v.睡觉Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一会儿。)·answer/""ɑns/ / v.回答This is a tricky one to answer.(这是个难以回答的问题。)·answering the phone / (进行时)接电话Who is answering the phone?(谁来接电话?)·watering the flowers / (进行时)浇花She is watering the flowers.(她正在浇花。)·climbing the hill / (进行时)爬山We watched the children climbing the hill.(我们看着孩子正往山上爬。)·taking pictures / (进行时)拍照I like taking pictures.(我喜欢照相。)Unit 12(11个单词)


·amazing/""mez/ / adj.惊人的,令人惊叹的The Northern Lights are so amazing!(北极光真是太神奇了!)·children/""tldrn/ / n.(复数)儿童,小孩The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩耍。)·grass/grɑs/ / n.草,草地Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花。)·eat/it/ / v.吃She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·eating/""it/ / v.eat的进行时She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·drink/drk/ / v.喝,饮用;饮料Children should not drink fruit juices straight.(儿童不应该喝纯果汁。)·drinking/""drk/ / v.drink的进行时Excessive drinking is harmful to the health.(饮酒过多会伤害身体。)·planting a tree/ (进行时)植树I""m planting a tree.(最后还是我的了!)·sleeping/""slip/ / v.sleep的进行时I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.(我像往常一样铺开我的睡袋。)·dancing/dɑns/ / v.dance的进行时The children dance round him in delight.(孩子们开心地围着他跳舞。)·singing/""s/ / v.sing的进行时She singing often gets out of tune.(她唱歌爱走调儿。)《辽宁师大版_五年级英语下册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
