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句子大全 2024-01-01 07:20:01


01 很多时候,当我们把自身变得更优秀时,那些困扰你的问题自然而然就解决了

Most of the time, when we make ourselves better, the problems that bother you will be solved naturally.

02 在疲倦的生活中总要有些温柔的梦想

There are always soft dreams in a tired life.

03 梦里能到达的地方,脚步也能到达

Where we can reach in our dreams, we can reach in our footsteps.

04 你要储蓄你的可爱,眷顾你的善良,变得勇敢,当这个世界越来越坏时,只希望你能越来越好。

You need to save your lovely, care for your kindness and be brave. When the world is getting worse, just hope you can get better and better.

05 不要忘记当初想要摘星星的心情

Don"t forget the feeling of picking stars.

06 未曾谋面的也终将会相遇,慢慢来吧慢慢约会吧

Those who have never met will meet in the end. Take your time and date slowly.

07 你若想得到这世界上最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你

If you want the best in the world, you have to let the world see the best of you.

08 请再努力一下,为了你想见的人,想做的事,想成为的自己

Please try again, for the people you want to see, for the things you want to do, for yourself.

09 我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降

I"m not afraid of tens of millions of people blocking me, I"m afraid of surrender.

10 有些压力总是得自己扛过去,说出来就成了充满负能量的抱怨。寻求安慰也无济于事,还徒增了别人的烦恼。而当你独自走过艰难险阻,一定会感激当初一声不吭咬牙坚持着的自己。

Some of the pressure has to be carried over by ourselves, and it becomes a complaint full of negative energy. It"s no use seeking comfort. It"s just adding to other people"s troubles. And when you go through the difficulties alone, you will be grateful for yourself when you are at first silent.

11 其实每一条都通往阳光的大道,都充满坎坷。

In fact, every road leading to the sun is full of frustrations.

12 有多大的思想,才有多大的能量。

How much thought, how much energy.




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