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句子大全 2024-01-04 05:45:01

17 Useful Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English 英语中有用的电话短语动词

Learn Common Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English with meaning and examples. 用英语学习常用电话短语动词及其含义和例子。

Break – up

Meaning: Become inaudible over the phone, usually because of a bad connection 通过电话听不到声音,通常是因为连接不良Example: “Sorry, could you repeat that, please? You’re breaking up“. “对不起,请你再说一遍,好吗? 你那边信号连接不良“。

Call back

Meaning: To telephone someone again or to return a call 再次打电话给某人或回电话Example: She said she’d call back. 她说她会回电话的。

Call up

Meaning: Call someone on the phone 打电话给某人Example: My dad called me up to tell me the bad news. 我爸爸打电话告诉我这个坏消息。

Cut off

Meaning: When a telephone call finishes because of a bad connection 当一个电话因为连接不良而结束时Example: We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 我们在谈话中被打断了。

Useful telephone phrasal verbs | Image 1 有用的电话短语动词

Get through

Meaning: To be connected to a place by telephone 通过电话连接到一个地方Example: I finally got through to Tom on his mobile. 我终于接通了汤姆的电话。

Hang on

Meaning: Wait for a short time (informal) 稍等(非正式)Example: Hang on – I’ll just see if he’s here. 等一下,我看看他在不在。

Hang up

Meaning: End a telephone call by putting the phone down 放下电话结束通话Example: After I hung up I remembered what I’d wanted to say. 挂断电话后,我想起了我想说的话。

Hold on

Meaning: Wait for a short time 等一会儿Example: Could you hold on a moment, please? 请等一下,好吗?

Pick up

Meaning: Answer the telephone call 接听电话Example: The phone rang and rang and nobody picked up. 电话响了,响了,没有人接听。

Put through

Meaning: Connect by phone 通过电话连接Example: Could you put me through to the manager, please? 你能帮我接通经理吗?

Speak up

Meaning: Speak louder 说得更响Example: Can you speak up a bit? It’s very noisy here. 你能说大声一点吗?这里很吵。

Useful telephone phrasal verbs | Image 2 有用的电话短语动词

Get back to someone

Meaning: Telephone someone later 稍后给某人打电话Example: I’ll find out and get back toyousoon. 我会尽快找到并回复您。

Get off

Meaning: Finish talking on the phone 说完电话Example: I just got off the phone with Dad. He is keeping well. 我刚和爸爸通完电话。他身体很好。

Turn off

Meaning: Disconnect using the power button 使用电源按钮断开连接Example: It’s good to turn off the phone while charging. 充电时关掉手机是很好的。

Turn on

Meaning: Connect using the power button 使用电源按钮连接Example: Your own greeting is displayed instead of an animation when you turn on the phone. 打开手机时会显示您自己的问候语而不是动画。

Pass on

Meaning: (A message) – To communicate (to convey) a message to someone else (消息) - 向其他人传达(传达)消息Example: Did you pass on my message to him? 您是否已将消息传递给他?

Phone in

Meaning: Call in by telephone to a central person or central point. 通过电话呼叫中心人员或中心点。Example: I have to phone in and report the changes. 我必须打电话汇报变化。
