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句子大全 2016-07-09 03:56:12

一、一直想说,无论走到哪里,最想去的是你身边。愿我们彼此相爱,一直到时间的尽头。我希望我的爱情是这样的,相濡以沫,举案齐眉,平淡如水。我在岁月中找到他,依靠他,将一生交付给他。Always want to say, wherever you go, the most want to go is your side. May we love each other until the end of time. I hope my love is like this, mutually reinforcing, bringing cases together, plain as water. I found him in the years, depended on him, and gave him my life.

二、怀念不一定就要相见,喜欢不一定就要在一起,你要相信,每一种距离都有它存在的意义。你的好运气藏在你的实力里,也藏在你不为人知的努力里,你越努力,就越幸运。Memories don"t necessarily have to meet, likes don"t necessarily have to be together, you have to believe that every distance has its meaning. Your good fortune lies in your strength and in your unknown efforts. The harder you work, the luckier you will be.

三、 人生最美妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容。心存真诚,平安就会跟随你;心存善念,阳光就会照耀你;心存美丽,温暖就会围绕你;心存大爱,崇高就会追随你;心存他人,真情就会回报你;心存感恩,贵人就会青睐你。The most beautiful scenery in life is calm and calm in heart. With sincerity, peace will follow you; with kindness, sunshine will shine on you; with beauty, warmth will surround you; with love, nobility will follow you; with others, true feelings will repay you; with gratitude, noble people will love you.

四、人生之光荣,不在永不失败,而在能屡败屡战。慢慢的,我也学着放下了。不是我变了,是我真的无能为力了,我认输了,我折腾不动了。像风的鱼渴望带雨的林,阳光倾洒,我却独恋那一野绿,飘游晃荡,只居一身,悠懒无觉,心揽世景。The glory of life lies not in never failing, but in fighting and defeating. Slowly, I learned to put it down. Not that I have changed, but that I really can"t do anything. I admit defeat, I can"t move. The fish longing for the rain forest, sunshine pouring, but I love the wild green, wandering, living alone, lazy and unconscious, the world view. & lt; br/>

五、最好的医生是自己,最好的心情是宁静,最好的保健是笑容,最好的运动是步行。我相信,无论今后的道路多么坎坷,只要抓住今天,迟早会在奋斗中尝到人生的甘甜。抓住人生中的一分一秒,胜过虚度中的一月一年!The best doctor is himself, the best mood is quiet, the best health care is smile, the best exercise is walking. I believe that no matter how rough the road ahead is, as long as we seize today, sooner or later we will experience the sweetness of life in the struggle. Seize every minute of your life, better than spend every month in vain.

六、纵使现实的绳索捆绑了梦想的翅膀,也依然要挣脱枷锁飞翔。而一个懂你的人能够理解你的情绪,他不会认为你在无理取闹,更不会在你需要他的时候转身离去。Even though the ropes of reality tie the wings of dreams, they still have to break free from the shackles and fly. And a person who understands you can understand your emotions. He won"t think you"re making trouble for nothing, let alone turn around and leave when you need him.

七、 我承认我过得一点也不好,很多时候我真的都熬不下去,快要崩溃了;我不知道哪儿有这么多压力,我改变的失去的都太多了,好多事情我真的接受不了,但我也无力抗拒,只能哭完了再爬起来老老实实继续走下去,因为我除了坚强别无选择。I admit that I"m not doing well at all. I really can"t stand it and I"m going to collapse in many cases. I don"t know where there"s so much pressure. I"ve changed so much and lost so many things. I really can"t accept many things, but I can"t resist it. I can only cry and get up and go on honestly, because I have no choice but to be strong.

八、人生所有走过的路,都不会白走。如果在这条路上选对了方向,收获的成长一定是巨大的,修炼自身,投资自己,是最好的方向,是最划算的投资!All the paths of life will not go in vain. If you choose the right direction on this road, the growth of harvest must be huge, self-cultivation, investment, is the best direction, is the most cost-effective investment!

九、 当撕开一个伤疤的时候,那种疼痛只有自己能体会。当你画了一张没有眼睛的画像的时候,那种失落只有自己体会,当你迷失在人群中的时候,只有自己站在原地,不知道去哪里,当站在一个广场的时候,也只有自己明白自己的影子是孤独的,一切的一切,只有自己能体会。When a scar is torn open, the pain can only be felt by oneself. When you draw a picture without eyes, that kind of loss is only your own experience, when you are lost in the crowd, only you stand in place, do not know where to go, when standing in a square, only you understand that your shadow is lonely, all things, only you can experience.

十、或许这可能就是命!虽然我不信命,虽然我执着的认为命掌握在自己的手中!可是现实一次次打垮了我这颗漂泊且又脆弱的心!虽然在我的日子里你们只能看到我的笑!但是它却是我心痛的伪装、人生的面具!Maybe it"s fate! Although I do not believe in fate, although I firmly believe that fate is in my own hands! But reality has broken my wandering and fragile heart time and again! Although in my days you can only see my laughter! But it is my sad disguise, the mask of life!

十一、邂逅总是突如其来,而分离多是酝酿已久。突然闯入的,要学会接纳;突然离开的,要学会接受。是你的,坦然处之;不是你的,淡然忘之。你羡慕我的自由,我羡慕你的约束;你羡慕我的车,我羡慕你的房;你羡慕我的工作,我羡慕你每天总有休息时间。Encounters are always unexpected, and separation has been brewing for a long time. If you break in suddenly, you should learn to accept; if you leave suddenly, you should learn to accept. It"s yours, take it easy; it"s not yours, forget it. You envy my freedom, I envy your restraint; you envy my car, I envy your house; you envy my work, I envy you always have a rest time every day.
