
日记大全 > 句子大全

经典名人金句 收藏起来(时刻激励自己)

句子大全 2010-01-20 10:22:42

1.人活在世上有两大义务,一是好好做人,无愧于人生一世。这一条我还差得很远。另外一条是不能惯着别人的臭毛病,这一条我差得更远。—— 王小波

There are two obligations for people to live in the world. One is to be a good person, worthy of life. I"m far from this one. The other one is not to be used to other people"s bad habits. I"m even worse at this one. ——Wang Xiaobo


No matter how unhappy you are now, you should believe that tomorrow will be better than today. ——Keigo Higashino


If you hope that every step in your life can become a poem, you can take every step in your life. ——Wang Han

4.人生四然:来是偶然,去是必然,尽其当然,顺其自然。—— 莫言

Four natures of life: to come is accidental, to go is inevitable, do its course, let it be. ——Mo Yan

5.从尘埃里来的人,能理解开怀大笑背后的酸楚,也知道幽默是面对不完美人生的最好办法。—— 柴静

People who come from the dust can understand the bitterness behind laughing, and also know that humor is the best way to face an imperfect life. ——Chai Jing


Now that I have chosen to be far away, I only care about wind and rain. ——Love life by Wang Guozhen


What you want to do is to walk in the past. Life is like sailing against the tide. ——Dust song in the seventh year

8.世界上任何书籍都不能给你好运,但它们能让你悄悄地成为自己。—— 赫尔曼·黑塞

No book in the world can give you good luck, but they can make you become yourself quietly. ——Herman Hesse

9.你可能认为你可以用一些标签定义我,但你错了,因为我始终是一件正在加工的作品。我是我自己的自由。—— 莎拉·贝克韦尔

You might think you could define me with some labels,But you are wrong, because I am always a work in process. I am my own freedom. ——Sarah Beckwell

10.不用担心自己不完美,因为这个现实世界也很糟糕,但不妨碍你真心喜欢上它。有遗憾才懂珍惜,有远方才会前行,既然已经没心没肺活着了,就掏心掏肺对自己好。生死之外,再无大事。—— 张皓宸

Don"t worry about your imperfection, because the real world is also terrible, but it doesn"t prevent you from really falling in love with it. Only when there is regret can we know how to cherish, and only when there is a distance can we move forward. Since we are already heartless and alive, we should do our best to ourselves. Beyond life and death, there is no big deal. ——Zhang HaoChen


The pain of progress is better than the leisure of doing nothing.Today"s hardship is the result of muddling along. It"s a bit late to work hard now, but if you don"t work hard now, you will suffer and despair tomorrow. ——Shusheng


Always remember that the determination to succeed is better than anything else. ——Abraham Lincoln


