
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2020-12-15 05:03:48

1. 我的生命是从睁开眼睛爱上你的笑容开始的。

My life began when I opened my eyes and fell in love with your smile.

2. 在他们老去之前,真正的成为他们的骄傲吧。

Be truly proud of them before they grow old.

3. 我的妈妈把心铺成路,还怕我磕了脚。

My mother paved the way for my heart and was afraid that I would knock my feet.

4. 我从未让你骄傲,您却待我如宝。

I never made you proud, and you treated me like a treasure.

5. 妈妈,我想和您说声对不起,经常和您大吼大叫。

Mom, I wanted to say I"m sorry, and then I yelled at you.

6. 不知从什么时候开始,您的头发都慢慢的变白了,而我却不知道。

Since when has the hair slowly turned white, and I do not know.


Mom wants you to be feel cheerful, healthy, carefree, may all your wishes come true for the rest of your life.

8. 您一辈子都在围着我转,这次换我围着您。

You"ve been around me your whole life, and this time it"s my turn to be around you.

9. 和妈妈吵架的时候,摸摸自己的肚子,那是以前和妈妈心灵相通的地方。

When you quarrel with your mother, touch your stomach. It used to be the same place as your mother"s name.

10. 妈妈以前也是个不经事事的小女孩,可是却没有人记得。

Mother used to be a little girl who didn"t know the world, but no one remembered.

11. 她拉着你的手慢慢长大,你也要拉着她的手慢慢变老。

She takes your hand and grows up, and you take her hand and grow old.

12. 长大后我才明白,小时候去姥姥家,我嚷着要回去的时候,妈妈为什么总说在待一会,原来妈妈也想妈妈。

When I grew up, I realized that when I was a child, I went to my family. When I was clamoring to go back, why did my mother always say that I would stay for a while? My mother also wanted my mother.

13. 教妈妈用手机千万不要不耐烦,因为她教会我们勺子和筷子。

Ask mom to use her mobile phone, don"t be impatient, because he taught us to use spoons and chopsticks.

14. 妈妈经历了鬼门关才有了你,你却说人间不值得。

Mom went through hell to have you, and you said the world wasn"t worth it.
