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超详解 英语定语从句练习题(值得收藏)

句子大全 2011-12-27 12:48:47



This is the factory where we visited last week.This is the watch for which Tom is looking.The person to who you spoke is a student of Grade Two.The house in that we live is very small. The sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow. I’ve read all the books which I borrowed from the library.This is the best film which I have ever seen.My father and Mr. Smith talked about things and persons who theyremembered in the country.9. Everything which we saw was of great interest.10. His dog, that was now very old, became ill and died.答案与解析:

Where →that/which或去掉where。把for放在looking之后。英语中有些短语动词,介词或副词不可与动词相分离。又如:look after, run into等。who →whom。尽管在口语中who, whom都能作宾语,但在介词后只能用whom。 that →which。 that →which。that不可以引导非限制性定语从句。 which →that或去掉which。当先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little等修饰时,常用that引导定语从句。 which →that或去掉which。当先行词被序数词、形容词的最高级或the only, the very等所修饰时,常用that引导定语从句。 who →that。如果先行词既指人又指物时,常用that引导定语从句。which →that或去掉which。当先行词为something,anything, everything, nothing, all等时,常由that引导定语从句。10. that →which。单项选择:

1. Jack is the only one of the classmates who ______ invited. A. has B. have C. is D. are

2. Is this book ______ I bought for you the day before yesterday?

A. which B. that C. × D. the one

3. The health club ______ I am a number meets once a week.

A. which B. of which C. that D. in which

4. I"ll remember the time ______ we spent together in the country.

A. that B. when C. during which D. at which

5. The professor made his first speech ______ he talked about some subjects the students were interested.

A. that B. which C. in which D. of which

6. In the dark street, there wasn"t a single person ______ she could turn for help.

A. that B. who C. whom D. to whom

7. I don"t believe the reason ______ he has given for his being late.

A. why B. that C. how D.what

8. He arrived in New York in 1896, ______ , some time later, he became a writer.

A. when B. where C. that D. which

9. By using both ears one can tell the direction ______ a sound comes.

A. in which B. from which C. with which D. through which

10. She has fallen in love with silly Jack, ______ I find hard to imagine.

A. who B. whom C. that D. which


1-5 CDBAC 2-10 DBBAD


1. 1949 is the year ( )the People’s Republic of China was founded.

2. They work in a factory ( ) makes radio parts.

3. They work in a factory( )radio parts are made.

4. This is the vision phone through( )we can see and talk to our friends.

5. Here are players from Japan, some of( )are our old friends.

6. She lives in a small village, ( )is only three miles from here.

7. She is going to spend the summer holidays in Shanghai, ( )she has some friends.

8. We’ll put off the meeting till next week, ( )we won’t be so busy.

9. The sun gives the earth light and heat,( )is very important to the living things.

10. Those( )want to go to the computer room write your names here.

1when 2 which / that 3where

4. which 5 whom 6 which

7 where 8. when 9. which 10. who


