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句子大全 2007-01-05 06:40:17


Q&As for “Shared debt of human beings”


Paris Climate Talk is coming soon. We noticed the idea of “shared but not equaled liability” you proposed in the interpretation of topic “shared debt of human beings” and “concern in high-energy-consumption people beyond high emission countries”. Here, we want to listen to your explanation for your ideas.


There are two types of responsibility: responsibility from the mistake made before and responsibility from moral aspect.


Pollution, deterioration of ecology and climate change have a negative impact on fetal malformations, child development and adult fertility. Increased life expenses and defect of life quality are also causes of environmental issues.


By traditional environmental protection regulations, people who produce pollutants take the responsibility of environment remediation. However, in a lot of cases, it is actually a hard task to identify the pollutant sources and companies who should take care of it. For this reason, the pollution issue should be treated more as a public concern rather than responsibility from a limited number of industries. Only by gathering ideas and techniques from public, financial support from relevant sources, and effective policies and law enforcement from the authority, the environmental issue could be solved. Words and debates rather than conducts could never prompt the environment remediation process.


What’s more, liability of pollution remediation should be evaluated differently based on specific conditions. Countries should be classified by the statistics of total emission quantity; groups of people should be classified by level of energy and luxury goods consumption. A good classification for people’s liability in pollution remediation will be beneficial in environmental, ecological and climate improvement.


Last but not least, from the aspect of developed countries, well-developing countries, transnational corporations and influential people, they should also undertake moral responsibility in protecting environmental justice and equality.


What your expectation for Paris Climate Talks?


Climate Talk is not only a conference among countries, but also a talk for Non-Government Organizations (NGO). While countries are still the major entities in dealing with climate issues, boundaries among countries have been weakened a lot in past years. International community and cosmopolite are playing a more significant role in environmental issues than ever before. Multi-collaboration among different communities should be encouraged in solving environment related issues.


Issues like pollution and ecology deterioration are not only cards of international politics, but also key concerns in survival and development of human beings. Obviously, the latter part is more important.


It is hard to say whether or not a strong and effective international covenant could be reached in Paris Climate Talk. I hope that international community should treat people as the priority in making regulations and consensus. Environmental policy should be changed based on the protection of people’s environmental rights.


You mentioned that human beings should be the priority in concerning environmental protection. What does it mean?


Human beings should not be treated like assets for investment in growth of economy or investment by influential people in making a better career. Countries should treat people as the final output of an economy or a success in some people’s career. Living with dignity and safety is the most basic and essential right for every person. All politicians should aim in improving people’s living conditions including ample food supply and good places to live, and thus improving the life quality and personality of each person.

至于环境权,则是指:每个人都享有安全的、能够满足合理需求的环境,并负有不污染环境、破坏生态的义务;国家对公民的环境权负有积极的责任。自 1972年《斯德哥尔摩宣言》起,为争取有一个有约束力的国际法中的关于环境权的规定,人们已经为之奋斗了 40 余年,我希望我们能够越来越接近这个愿望的实现。

Environmental right could be explained in this way: every person has the right to live in a safe and proper environment, and is responsible for not damaging environment or ecology. The country is responsible in protecting the environmental right for all citizens. Since Stockholm Declaration in 1972, people all over the world has been strived to reach a consensus in an international law of environment protection for more than 40 years. Now, we are getting closer to fulfill this dream.


What does it mean by your words “change the strategy of dealing with environmental problems”?


The pollution remediation plan should be more focused on the source of pollutants, rather than places where pollutants are found.


In order to deal with environmental issue, two methods are proposed. One method is to charge people and companies that discharge pollutants in a quantity higher than the standard. Managing pollutants from the source is an alternative way to deal with pollution related issues. In order to reduce pollutants from the source, government’s goal of development and consumption’s pattern should be changed. New technology should be applied in order to reduce the environmental cost for growth in economy.

Since some consumption and economic growth are based on people’s private interest, these conditions should be eradicated in the future.


Human development is another focus in dealing with environmental issues. Environmental pollution and ecological damage are “secondary problems” induced by the “fundamental issue”. For this reason, solving the “fundamental issue” directly is more meaningful than focusing on environmental issue itself. In other words, the relationship between environment and human beings is more or less a projection of relationship between humans. Contradiction in benefits results in poverty and inequality, and thus induces violence, military competition and even local war. Only if a non-contradictory, non-confronted and collaborative relationship exists between major countries in the world, a good international order could be built and human beings will be benefitted from it. This is the way to solve the “fundamental issue” mentioned earlier in the paragraph.


You mentioned the “new regulation” for environmental issues. What does it mean by “new regulation”?


Environment and ecology should be treated as public treasure owned by people, not private asset nor national asset.


People have the right to drink clean water, breath clean air, eat clean food. Their safety and basic life quality should be protected. On the other hand, people have the responsibility not to pollute the environment and get involved in environment remediation process, including pollutants and ecology remediation. From the aspect of countries, global organizations and transnational corporations, they should take the responsibility of making more efforts in pollutants and ecology remediation.


Possession of money and power is not an excuse to waste resources, especially unrenewable resources. Poverty and “developing (countries)” are also not a reason to keep polluting the environment. Those who discharged less pollutants in the past do not have the right to pollute in the future as well. People should be liable to pollution and ecological damage no matter if the pollution is caused by them or not, and this is called “shared debt of all human beings”.


One standard should be applied in restriction and prohibition of pollution as well as ecology protection. Corporations and countries, who own core techniques in environmental and ecological remediation, should undertake the liability to share their techniques and provide support for people and countries needed.


Banks have the liability to stop serving loans to environmental-unfriendly projects and companies; corporations should exclude companies with bad record in pollution from their supply chains.


Do you have some last words to say for the interview?


To some extent, pollution and ecological damage could not be remediated.



Theoretically, People who polluted the environment should undertake the responsibility in protecting other people and even the next generation from consequences caused by pollution. However, in many cases, it is unrealistic to identify all the related people on duty; it is also impossible for those people to undertake the liability they are supposed to take, especially for people who already passed away. On the other hand, it makes no sense to let unborn babies protect their right of having a healthy living ambience. Also, pollution and ecological damage are not limited to the place where the initial pollutants had been placed. Sophisticated hydrosphere enables the likelihood for pollutants at one site to travel to different places and transfer to different phases such as gas or solid. While pollution could spread to different countries, consequences of pollution vary a lot because of a huge difference among countries in economical capacity, international prestige, national natural resources, etc.

The idea of environmental rights, environmental equality and environmental justice should be induced in the action of environmental and ecological improvement. Governments should be responsible for protecting not only their citizens but also human beings all everywhere in our planet. Environmental issues should never be treated as political cards. Since the foundation of the National Union, protection of human rights has become the main stream in the international society. Only if we put human right at a more prestigious position compared with the consciousness of countries, nationalities and religions, some “deadlocks” and contradictions could be defused.


Environmental issues should be treated carefully. Political parties, governments, corporations, NGOs, communities should collaborate closely to solve those issues. Also, international communities are encouraged to get involved in environment related actions.


(注: 文章成稿于2016年。值此COP26举办之际,回看过去五年的各国气候谈判和全球环境治理进程,这篇文章给人们提供了颇有意义的视角。绿会融媒获作者授权发布。)


